Use "dry season" in a sentence

1. It's the dry season.

2. Dry season begins, mostly clear skies

3. For the dry season, they press

4. In the dry season, they farm.

5. Water is stored against the dry season.

6. The dry season covers the remaining six months.

7. The rainy season alternates with the dry season.

8. The savanna has a wet and dry season.

9. The region has headed into its traditionally dry season.

10. The road is only negotiable in the dry season.

11. During the dry season the land is rock hard.

12. African rivers turn to hard mud during the dry season.

13. During the dry season there is acute shortage of water .

14. This isn't normal dry season wandering, and you know that.

15. That pass the dry season Aestivating in the riverbed [9]

16. The border war followed a wet season / dry season rhythm.

17. Tree snails are Aestivating (similar to hibernating) through the dry season

18. We go through this every time there's a prolonged dry season.

19. Leaves can be used as fodder for livestock during dry season.

20. Soon the dry season will return and food supplies will disappear.

21. In Panama, it flowers during the dry season in February and March, whereas in Costa Rica, where there is no dry season it flowers later, between March and July.

22. Wildfire during the dry season is a recurring threat to the forest.

23. The enemy is going to deliver an attack during the dry season.

24. And watch the change as it goes into this long dry season.

25. The time spent grazing increased by about 100% during the dry season.

26. In the Kalahari, brief rains have given way to the dry season.

27. During the dry season, the heat is intense and the humidity high.”

28. They grow to 4 – 30m tall, and some are dry-season deciduous.

29. During the dry season, many of the swamps turn to hard-baked mud.

30. Even there, in the dry season, the aborigines often sleep out of doors.

31. They hibernate during the dry season by burrowing deep into the damp sand.

32. During the dry season, there is almost uninterrupted sunshine with very little rainfall.

33. African fish eagles breed during the dry season, when water levels are low.

34. Operation Amazon is timed to coincide with the start of the dry season.

35. Despite this, the Khmer Republic did not survive the 1975 dry season offensive.

36. It was May or June by modern reckoning; the dry season was well along.

37. 13 Operation Amazon is timed to coincide with the start of the dry season.

38. In the north of Australia, Bushfires usually happen during winter which is the dry season.

39. When the dry season comes, the Macina turns into a network of lakes and channels.

40. Most of these trees in the forested areas shed their leaves during the dry season.

41. In west Africa, Fulani herdmen prune the tree during the dry season to feed cattle.

42. I ordered our troops to retreat and disappear like burning grass in the dry season.

43. After the water subsides and the dry season begins, branches sprout buds and leaves grow quickly.

44. Most species are evergreen, but some are deciduous, either in the dry season or in winter.

45. In a dry season this prevents the soil surface drying out and enhances the germination rate.

46. In the dry season, the animals tend to concentrate in the areas where there is water.

47. 14 The dry season is the most recommended period for a visit to the Uyuni Salt Flat.

48. The species usually reproduces once a year between the months of January and July (the dry season).

49. During ancient Israel’s long dry season, such refreshing dew was the principal source of moisture for vegetation.

50. It's the dry season and thousands of elephants have started to travel in desperate search for water.

51. And after a long dry season of neutrals and minimalism, perhaps fantasy fashion is a good thing.

52. During the dry season (December to March), there is less water seen than in the other months.

53. During the dry season or in drought conditions, Capybaras will also eat grains, melons, reeds and squashes

54. As you can imagine, it's dangerous having an oven in an oak tree during the dry season.

55. In this climate there are no real changes of temperature, just a wet and a dry season.

56. The best time to visit Belize is from late November to mid-April, during the country’s dry season

57. During the dry season, the surface area of the lake is about 1,000 square miles [3,000 sq km].

58. Though it loses its flowers and leaves during the dry season, the tree stores a supply of water.

59. The Panel expects levels of mining once again to begin increasing with the advance of the dry season

60. African lungfish Protopterus dolloi is an obligatory air-breather, which Aestivates in a cocoon during the dry season

61. Sit at the bar in the dry season and you can watch elephants and giraffe at the waterhole.

62. Toward the end of the dry season, a shepherd might move his flock to the coastal plains and valleys.

63. Normally, tropical trees grow slowly, shedding leaves in the dry season and then sprouting new growth during the wet.

64. During the rainy season, masses of buried wood can absorb enough water to sustain crops through the dry season.

65. 24 In this climate there are no real changes of temperature,[] just a wet and a dry season.

66. Many species of terrestrial animals seek refuge in these Bromeliad terraria, especially in the dry season in neotropical countries

67. During the dry season, our tracks would just tear up the clay and create a cloud of red dust.

68. During the dry season, it is 80% covered by soda and is well known for its wading birds, including flamingos.

69. While they eat grass during the wet season, they have to switch to more abundant reeds during the dry season.

70. It was likely early in the autumn of the year, so light rains were possible as the dry season gradually ended.

71. At the end of the rainy season, they migrate to dry-season areas in response to a lack of drinking water.

72. Saltwater Crocodiles generally spend the tropical wet season in freshwater swamps and rivers, moving downstream to estuaries in the dry season

73. After breeding in the wet season, this bird moves to open grasslands, including airfields and golf courses, in the dry season.

74. In the dry season, the wonderfully cool river water is a stunning blue-green in the deep pools below the falls.

75. During the dry season, the water level in Laguna de Bay is low with the river's flow direction dependent on the tides.

76. In the north, east, and southeast, the rivers feed numerous artificial lakes or reservoirs (tanks) that store water during the dry season.

77. 22 In the dry season, the wonderfully cool river water is a stunning blue-green in the deep pools below the falls.

78. The lean period at the beginning of the dry season with few available fruit resources is tolerated as the marsupials store fat.

79. During the dry season winds from the Sahara Desert called the Harmattan create wild temperature fluctuations from December to the beginning of March.

80. Amaryllis plants in nature live in a habitat that alternates between nine months of moist wet weather, and a three-month dry season