Use "down the road" in a sentence

1. There's a boozer down the road.

2. There's a bank down the road.

3. The hospital is further down the road.

4. Down a Dark, Deserted Road...

5. The car scorched off down the road.

6. Yeah, there's a station down the road.

7. He trudged wearily on down the road.

8. She walked down the road, whistling cheerfully.

9. They Ambled down/up/along the road

10. You'll just mosey on down the road?

11. The road pinched down to a trail.

12. The road dipped steeply down into the town.

13. Down the road you'll see a park.Plop down there if you like.

14. Down the road you'll see a Plop down there if you like.

15. We drove down the road at full tilt.

16. His old car bumped down the gravel road.

17. Somewhere down the road, they're going to clash.

18. Along the long road and on down the causeway.

19. That Guy was driving down the center of the road hog; he hogged the whole road.

20. You've seen someone stagger down that road?

21. Continue down field to stile and road.

22. Mangled remains were hurled 500 yards down the road.

23. He drove in an erratic course down the road.

24. 13 He whizzed down the road on his motorbike.

25. A neighbour's horse came galloping down the road, riderless.

26. 27 His old car bumped down the gravel road.

27. She walked slowly down the road, evidently in pain.

28. 8 Hazel looked down at the road in astonishment.

29. They started strolling down the dusty road in the moonlight.

30. A twisting road led down into the bushes, and the Doctor set off down it.

31. The front garden slopes down to the road (steps provided!).

32. The cinema was farther down the road than I thought.

33. She stood and watched them walk off down the road.

34. You march down the road banging drums and waving banners?

35. 3 She was wandering aimlessly up and down the road.

36. Somewhere down the road we opened a media management center.

37. There's a motel a mile or so down the road .

38. You are walking down a road you do not want to walk down.

39. Because if you go down this road, this road... You can't go back, you understand?

40. The bus came off the road and plunged down an embankment.

41. It's about ten minutes down the road, fifteen at the most.

42. The nearest bank is about half a mile down the road.

43. A few hundred feet down is a tarred road.

44. 21 He walked down the road,( casually swinging his bag.

45. A road map of his travels up and down the West.

46. Football was invented 20 miles down the road in Canton, Ohio.

47. A banana skin walked on the road, suddenly she fell down.

48. It all boils down to whose facility the road is accommodating

49. There was a long queue of traffic stretching down the road.

50. It depends which road you want to go down.

51. The automobile slowed down to go around the curves in the road.

52. Did I ever see a Zulu walk down the City Road?

53. I bent down and picked up the coins lying on the road.

54. Go straight down the road until you come to the Post Office.

55. He reversed his car and prepared to drive back down the road.

56. Several houses were pulled down to make way for the new road.

57. Jack tore down the road like the wind, with the ogre after him.

58. Then Vernage noticed Sergeant King staggering down the road in a desperate bid to flag down a car.

59. Weary totin' such a load, goin' down that lonesome road.

60. Happily, not too far down the road, I found an empty cabin.

61. A priest going down that road went by on the opposite side.

62. But I'll be a bag of bones, Driving down the road along.

63. He is down the road at the orphanage where I was just going.

64. We have to turn down/into/up the next road on the right.

65. The police were chasing him so he ran full pelt down the road.

66. Others cut down branches from the trees and put these on the road.

67. No one in the cars had seen the tottering figure further down the road.

68. 4 Several houses were pulled down to make way for the new road.

69. All of us seemed to wander down the road, but we wandered purposefully.

70. But if you continue down this road, you will regret it.

71. Tiger, you're free to go down that road, but without meditation...

72. I used to live two doors down... number 13 Beckett Road.

73. Marpa walked down the road a ways and kept Busy at the plowing until he spied Milarepa coming up the road towards him.

74. The car skidded off the road and rolled over and over down the slope.

75. But Brewd was 1/4 mile down the road from my condo rental

76. They drove down a narrow track that branched off from the main road.

77. He told us to follow him down a dirt road into the jungle.

78. You can always upgrade a bit further down the road if you want.

79. We branched off from the main road and turned down a country lane.

80. We drove down a narrow track that branched off from the main road.