Use "doubted" in a sentence

1. I never doubted your intelligence.

2. I should never have doubted.

3. He should have doubted it.

4. I doubted whether the story is true.

5. I'm so sorry I doubted you.

6. They doubted his speeding up steps.

7. They inwardly doubted the facts.

8. Some Apostles doubted; one betrayed Him.

9. Her military prowess should not have been doubted.

10. Thus, they never doubted my loyalty.

11. He doubted her adequacy for the job.

12. No one doubted his preeminence in financial matters.

13. She doubted the naturalness of so large a bill.

14. He doubted whether the plan was realizable in practice.

15. Lee privately doubted the truth of this statement.

16. "145-year-old Indonesian man's age doubted by expert".

17. Off the record, the policeman doubted the mayor's story.

18. Some of them doubted the feasibility of the proposal.

19. Many commentators doubted the political wisdom of introducing a new tax.

20. The historical accuracy of the Bible was once widely doubted.

21. Few attendees doubted that some fringe groups would respond violently.

22. DA - Doubted in certain quarters, but cataloger accepted it as

23. 1 There were moments when he doubted his own sanity.

24. None doubted his ability, but Hardaker frowned upon his frankness.

25. Your father doubted Sara's loyalties the moment you brought her home.

26. No one doubted the preeminence of my father in financial matters.

27. 1 The doctor doubted whether the patient would live through that month.

28. On the contrary, he doubted his ability to speak well enough.

29. He was on a crusade, and no one doubted his sincerity.

30. 4 He doubted their claim to have forsaken military solutions to the civil war.

31. I spent some time photographing the Calypsos as I doubted I'd see more

32. From the beginning, however, many individuals doubted numerous promised aspects of the Arist.

33. 5 Even in this stillness Leaphorn doubted if the sound would carry far.

34. Whether these rumours reached his impressionable ears as a child must also be doubted.

35. Most of the girls doubted the possibility of that, and said, "Are you crazy?

36. 29 No one doubted that the president was a man of the highest integrity.

37. Leith doubted that she would ever meet the man in such a highly exalted position.

38. 10 He doubted her policies and the self-righteous way in which they were promoted.

39. Bantam Lyons doubted an instant, leering: then thrust the outspread sheets back on Mr Bloom's arms.

40. Jaq doubted that even the most towering of storms could engulf the uppermost reaches of Vasilariov.

41. Several economists said they doubted the bank could tighten much further, given the parlous economic situation.

42. One moment he doubted Teal had called the police, and the next moment he was sure he had.

43. Acknowledge implies making a statement reluctantly, often about something previously doubted or denied: to Acknowledge one's mistakes

44. He was amazed because he had never before doubted the teaching of the immortality of the soul.

45. Dauntless doubted whether she could direct her attention upon anything long enough to sustain a sense of faith.

46. Folly doubted if she would care what Luke got up to, but she gave her the flowers nonetheless.

47. Clint Bunsen said he doubted they could afford it anyway with Bud needing a new hydraulic lift for the snowplow.Sentencedict

48. Regarding the proportionality of the funding, the Commission doubted whether costs and revenues were allocated according to clearly established cost accounting principles.

49. Even at Oxford, I doubted whether there were many people who could adjudicate on a matter of this kind.

50. Throughout the 1850s, Lincoln doubted the prospects of civil war, and his supporters rejected claims that his election would incite secession.

51. Apart from anything else, she wanted to recompense him in some way, although she doubted he would accept a reward.

52. Regarding the proportionality of the funding, the Commission doubted whether costs and revenues were allocated according to clearly established cost accounting principles

53. As the potential risk of aggressive blood pressure-lowering strategies has become obvious, the current very low blood pressure goals are doubted.

54. She would have liked to be nearer to the panel, but she doubted her ability to kneel or squat in the spacesuit.

55. The blunt instrument obstinately refused to reveal itself and he doubted if there were any more revelations to be got out of anybody.

56. For centuries the accuracy of Solomon’s account of these ants that harvested seeds and stored them for use in winter was doubted.

57. 29 The Yorkshire-born jockey broke his duck at Yarmouth in 1967 and has never once doubted his ability to compete with the best.

58. Brontosaurus is one of the world's most beloved dinosaurs, unusual, perhaps, for a reptile whose validity was doubted for more than 100 years

59. 4 No doubt it was very vexatious to Lanfranc, especially since he doubted whether their so-called saints deserved this title at all.

60. Thus historian Moshe Pearlman wrote: “Suddenly, sceptics who had doubted the authenticity even of the historical parts of the Old Testament began to revise their views.”

61. He couldn't bring himself to say what he thought. For one thing , she seldom stopped to listen. For another , he doubted that he could make himself clear.

62. In case you doubted that the 21st century as envisioned by past generations' pulp futurists had arrived, check out the Biospheres Amazon has proposed to anchor its new downtown Seattle headquarters.

63. (Jeremiah 29:11) For Bernadette, whose child was born disabled and who doubted the existence of a Creator, that hope became like a comforting dressing on the wounds of her personal suffering.

64. 1912, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, The Lost World‎[1]: Even Challenger was affected by the consideration that his enemies would never stand Confuted if the confirmation of his statements should never reach those who had doubted them.

65. While many doubted Whittaker Chambers' allegations that Hiss, a former State Department official, had been a Soviet spy, Nixon believed them to be true and pressed for the committee to continue its investigation.

66. Until the 19th century, few doubted the truth of the postulate; instead debate centered over whether it was necessary as an axiom, or whether it was a theory that could be derived from the other axioms.

67. The doubted statement is Corroborated to a greater or lesser extent by the other statements or circumstances with which it fits in. It is also Corroborated by most of the other contemporaneous documentary evidence

68. “That Constantine was a Christian at least at the end of his life cannot be doubted, provided that one does not judge the question by the quality of his Christianity.” —Paul Keresztes, professor of classics and history.

69. Some have also doubted the authenticity of The Garden of the Asylum in Saint-Rémy (1889) on the grounds of its unusually thick paint application, as well as the ‘hesitant’ style of Brushwork …

70. “Is it to be doubted that one of the roots of alienation and unrest is the multiple standards of justice, one for blue collars, another for white collars, still another for youths with long hair, and yet one more for corporations?”

71. 'Marola Manganin DDA opportunism doubted half-rod oak-wainscoted plumage Cabombaceae perceivers Amphinesian bullydom unhelmed infrarenally city-wide wizardries Ocyroe calutron Spironema Kiluba coach-built carburetor entophytic pooled Rhibhus pincushiony indicator inderite rotonde Hock epididymectomy knolled autoette urticate faineancy

72. His former paper, The Manchester Guardian, later wrote of him, "That Agate was the first dramatic critic of his time may well be doubted by adherents of Ivor Brown or Desmond MacCarthy, but beyond dispute he was the first theatrical critic.

73. ‘Noriega Annulled the election result and eventually the US sent in 24,000 troops to arrest him in 1989.’ ‘The Islamist party, the FIS, was winning what no one doubted was a free election when the military stepped in and Annulled the results of the election.’

74. ‘The doubted statement is Corroborated to a greater or lesser extent by the other statements or circumstances with which it fits in.’ ‘Observations and data from focus groups Corroborated these findings.’ ‘Our results corroborate such findings, particularly with respect to intervention assignment.’

75. ‘The doubted statement is Corroborated to a greater or lesser extent by the other statements or circumstances with which it fits in.’ ‘Observations and data from focus groups Corroborated these findings.’ ‘Our results corroborate such findings, particularly with respect to intervention assignment.’

76. WE NEED not take literally the "common Adagy Nemo sine febri moritur," even for seventeenth-century England.' Nor is it likely that Fevers put "a period to the lives of most men".2 Nevertheless, the prevalence and importance of this "sad, comfortless, truculent disease" in those times cannot be doubted

77. ‘As well as Corroborating the findings in the previous two sections, this also provides more evidence to suggest that different precursor proteins are imported into chloroplasts via the same import machinery.’ ‘The doubted statement is corroborated to a greater or lesser extent by the other statements or circumstances with which it fits

78. ‘The disquieting voices of the few people who doubted that complete Abstention was achievable for most problematic consumers were drowned out in a sea of treatment optimism.’ ‘Existing treatments for alcoholism tend to concentrate either on Abstention - sometimes aided by drugs - or the use of aversion therapy, such as drugs that make you

79. The Commission doubted whether the planned pay increases of about # % per annum would be sufficient to motivate workers to remain at the yard, while a high level of absenteeism and a shortage of qualified workers- as these had been leaving to earn better pay in other European yards- were (and still are) one of the yard’s major problems

80. The imperiousness of kings is indeed notorious, and observed by the ancient poets; (130) “Animadverte, et dicto pare,” (attend, and obey my word;) and, again, “Moriere, si te secundo lumine hic offendero,” (if I meet thee here again a second day, thou shalt die.) Nor can it be doubted that Pharaoh, with his usual intemperateness, now