Use "double refraction" in a sentence

1. Birefringence definition, double refraction

2. Birefringence definition is - the refraction of light in an anisotropic material (such as calcite) in two slightly different directions to form two rays —called also double refraction

3. The structure and properties of the fiber during multistage drawing were measured by double refraction , DSC and mechanical test.

4. Light refraction?

5. Birefraction birefractive birefringence Birefringence birefringence (also known as double refraction) birefringences birefringent birefringent beamsplitter bireflection Definition in the dictionary English

6. Refraction — Snell's Law.

7. Investigations into birefringent crystals demonstrate that the two directions of vibration in conformity with the value of double refraction have different polarizing angles.

8. " Principles of Optical Refraction. "

9. That's the refraction angle.

10. Anomalous Birefringence refers to the double refraction property observed in phase-separated glasses even in the absence of any internal or external stress

11. Eye disorders Very rare-Refraction disorders Refraction anomalies may occur upon initiation of insulin therapy

12. Borish’s Clinical Refraction – E-Book

13. High index of refraction monomers

14. A contrast ratio and a luminance and the like are improved by utilizing various optical characteristics like natural refractive indexes or double refraction of the films.

15. Mark Smith recounts Alhazen's elaboration of Ptolemy's experiments in double vision, reflection, and refraction: Alhazen's Optics book influenced the Perspectivists in Europe, Roger Bacon, Witelo, and Peckham.

16. In this work d'Alembert theoretically explained refraction.

17. Dioptometer:an instrument used for measuring ocular refraction.

18. Device for measuring aberration refraction of the eye

19. And the angle of refraction is theta 2.

20. The answer lies in an optical phenomenon called refraction.

21. Birefringence is formally defined as the double refraction of light in a transparent, molecularly ordered material, which is a manifestation of the existence of orientation-dependent differences in refractive index.

22. Consequently remarkable refraction phenomena are observed in this layer.

23. Oedema and refraction abnormalities of the eye o tn

24. Turnable acoustic gradient index of refraction lens and system

25. 9 High thermal conductivity, High index of refraction glue.

26. Related issues of atmospheric refraction applied to all astronomical observations.

27. And we saw this index of refraction 1. 00029 or whatever

28. Probe into Dissecting Refraction Method Statics Processing under Complicated Surface Conditions.

29. Borish’s Clinical Refraction provides the reader with two varieties of information

30. Usually, the tests include one for hardness, specific gravity and refraction.

31. She also has light refraction abilities that are not fully explained.

32. In addition, all available refraction data obtained by foreign expeditions was utilized.

33. 3. High homogeneity (index of refraction variance) less than 5 × 10–6;

34. Borish’s Clinical Refraction provides the reader with two varieties of information

35. High homogeneity (index of refraction variance) less than 5 × 10-6;

36. Crystal to raise living atmosphere, refraction fantastic luster, it is warm.

37. Double-Blinded definition: → double-blind

38. The absolute value of the difference between the index of refraction of the sealing resin and the index of refraction of the optically diffusive organic particles is 0.020-0.135, inclusive.

39. 3. High homogeneity (index of refraction variance) less than 5 × 10-6;

40. Birefringence, or double refraction, is the splitting of a ray of light into two rays when it passes through certain types of material, such as calcite crystals.The two rays, called the ordinary ray and the extraordinary ray, travel at different speeds.Thus the material has two distinct indices of refraction, as measured from different directions.This effect can occur only if the structure of

41. The absolute value of the difference between the refraction index of the transparent resin (X) and the refraction index of the cross-linked resin microparticles (Y) is 0.095-0.115.

42. Optometry: Profession concerned with examining the eyes for defects or faults of refraction.

43. Explore Bending of light between two media with different indices of refraction

44. It was Snellius who noted that Ptolemy's equation for refraction was inexact.

45. Types – Bathymetrically controlled Wave refraction is a key process in focussing these rips

46. Geophysical techniques evaluated were ground probing, radar, acoustic seismic and refraction seismic methods.

47. So we know this is our incident angle This is our angle of refraction

48. Double?

49. Peter, they accidentally triple-tripled my double-double.

50. This determination of the refraction angle is independent of vibrations and other environmental disturbances.

51. Sir Isaac Newton’s 17th-century experiments with prisms led to an understanding of light refraction.

52. The refraction index values for the same samples were measured using a thermostated Abbe refractometer.

53. Presbyopia is a physiological phenomenon. Whatever its refraction is, everyone will have to face presbyopia.

54. One deals with the velocities, directly deals with the velocities, right over here, the ratio of the velocity to the sin of the incident or refraction angle and here it uses the index of refraction.

55. Let's think about what the incident angle is and what the angle of refraction

56. There are three types of real values, denoted by their specifiers: single precision (float), double precision (double), and double extended precision (long double).

57. Emily is drinking an Athol On Double Bass by Double-Barrelled Brewery at Double-Barrelled Brewery.

58. Its origin is required of refraction or reflection of the light by atmospheric ice crystals.

59. Birefringence is the “bending” or refraction of a light wave into two different polarized waves

60. As with ordinary light, laser range measurements to satellites are not troubled by ionospheric refraction.

61. Rooms are double glazed and have double security locks.

62. double joy

63. Double Clutching is a verb, as in to double clutch

64. // Example for the hyperbolic Math.Sinh( double ) // and Math.Cosh( double ) methods

65. Coastal Refraction alters the bearings, particularly when bearings are at an oblique angle to the coastline.

66. Double Double Bonus Poker The only thing better than poker is double the poker! In Double Double Poker Bonus, the same amazing prizes on offer are even better "“ they\'re doubled! Real Money

67. This chapter describes the network of seismic-refraction profiles observed in western Germany and adjacent areas.

68. It is translucent to transparent with indices of refraction of nα = 1.461 nβ = 1.478 nγ = 1.485.

69. Shallow Seismic Refraction Survey is one kind of celerity, effective and economic means in engineering exploration.

70. Double pleurisy.

71. The preop refraction (spherical equivalent) was between −1.0 and −5.0 D (astigmatism <1.0 D).

72. Objective: To describe the variation in ocular Biometry and its association with refraction in adult Mongolians

73. Atmospheric optics and acoustics embrace studies of transmission, reflection, refraction and diffraction of light or sound.

74. 2nd century) gave this account (in addition to refraction), and he credited it to Posidonius (c.

75. The wedge shaped layer can also have a variable index of refraction n (x, y, z).

76. Double - click My Computer, then double - click the floppy drive icon.

77. Public double Anchory { get; set; } member this.Anchory : double with get, set.

78. Double- sided adhesive?

79. Points are double.

80. A double bed!