Use "door to door" in a sentence

1. He begged from door to door.

2. No. I'm a door-to-door kitchen salesman.

3. I sold license plate protectors door to door.

4. These products are generally peddled door to door.

5. He went from door to door, selling encyclopaedias.

6. The journey takes about an hour, door to door.

7. He is distributing the free samples from door to door.

8. The salesperson went from door to door selling the shampoo.

9. The poor old man was begging from door to door.

10. They are looking for the dog from door to door .

11. The children went from door to door begging for food.

12. With any luck, it'll be a door-to-door ketchup salesman.

13. You got Revolutionary Guards going door-to-door like Jehovah's Witnesses.

14. When we go from door to door, we are uninvited guests.

15. The old man went from door to door begging for food.

16. They are going from door to door collecting money from civilians.

17. Door-to-door and phone Canvassing are vital to our success

18. Boxful Door-to-door storage service starting from HK$29/month

19. 1 She has a healthy distrust of door-to-door salesmen.

20. The thought of going from door to door made me physically ill.”

21. They witnessed from door to door, in informal conversations, and by letter.

22. No more slumming it for me as a door to door salesman.

23. A trader goes round the village selling things from door to door.

24. The postman delivers mail from door to door at four every afternoon.

25. Use our online Autorouter tool to instantly route freight door to door

26. They went from door to door, questioning everyone, systematically searching for trapdoors.

27. 3 Does impaired mobility limit your participation in the door-to-door work?

28. Braving the biting wind, she went out to beg from door to door.

29. 9 Don't fall for the fair words of the door-to-door businessmen.

30. 15 He was a door-to-door salesman before he became an actor.

31. Have one or two youths demonstrate a simple door-to-door magazine presentation.

32. While preaching from door to door, he met a bearded middle-aged man.

33. 16 He worked as a door-to-door salesman peddling cloths and brushes.

34. Bottlo (plural Bottlos) (Australia, informal, obsolete) A door-to-door trader in used bottles

35. Team leaders called from door to door asking the residents if they needed help.

36. So during the fifteen days, we always visit our relatives from door to door.

37. View it the same as you would in your regular door- to- door ministry.

38. Thus, I cannot do a great deal in the door-to-door preaching work.

39. Canvassing Hawker (trade) Peddler Solicitation "Door-to-door solar sales is back—but why?".

40. ‘the foundation sent hundreds of Canvassers door-to-door in the weeks before the election’

41. Instead, between 2012-2013 door-to-door sales positions started growing 34% year-over-year.

42. The company was founded in 1928 in East London and sold brushes door-to-door.

43. The shop assistants sell goods from door to door for the convenience of the masses.

44. ‘the foundation sent hundreds of cAnvassers door-to-door in the weeks before the election’

45. Description of Services Provided Fully accessible, door-to-door service offered to all residents of Barrhead.

46. At age Farrah sold body lotion 3 door to door and made money off of it.

47. They went from door to door to advise the residents on how to store their vegetables.

48. It is defining the air transport system required for seamless mobility and door-to-door services.

49. We take advantage of every opportunity to witness informally as well as from door to door.

50. Beginning in 1933, publishers were encouraged to use testimony cards in their door-to-door ministry.

51. Using my computer voice, I can offer prepared presentations from door to door and conduct Bible studies.

52. 5 In either door-to-door work or informal witnessing, you might initiate a conversation by saying:

53. The angel, disguised as an old man, went from door to door begging for food and drink.

54. A religious group called the Legion of Mary went from door to door to collect these portions.

55. Woking Bustler Dial-a-Ride is a door to door transport service for residents of Woking Borough

56. Albee dressed professionally, according to the fashion of the time, when she did door-to-door sales.

57. Resident Manager Gladys Roy and her assistants began going door to door, serving 30-day eviction notices.

58. Boxful offers free door-to-door pickup and retrieval services within 24 hours, allowing you to declutter efficiently.

59. So the rest of us would sell them from door to door, and for good prices at that!

60. The children were formed into small groups, which went from door to door collecting money and old colthes.

61. Forget car rallies, public meetings, hoardings, banners, corner meetings, ‘padyatras’ (on-foot marches) and door-to-door campaigns.

62. When it is based on the Reasoning book, the setting should involve door-to-door or informal witnessing.

63. 4 In addition to offering the Revelation Climax book from door to door, utilize other opportunities as well.

64. So as we went from door to door, children followed us at a distance, throwing rocks and snowballs.

65. Those rag men going from door to door sometimes may also earn quite a handsome sum of money.

66. Welcome to The Advertiser paper, a weekly FREE shopper delivered door to door to 17.000 homes in six counties

67. 2 Your preaching from door to door, witnessing informally, and distributing literature is all part of a purposeful ministry.

68. For example, she was going from door to door and saw a group of workmen digging up the street.

69. At nine years old, I walked around in the city of Sudbury selling license-plate protectors door to door.

70. Basically, Canvassing is the act of going from door to door to promote or sell an idea or product

71. Mastronardo gathered 18,000 signatures in a petition drive, initially collecting them door to door and at a local food festival.

72. Carolers, groups of friends or church-goers, will go from door to door, entertaining neighbors with traditional songs and hymns.

73. 2 days ago · Scott Gudmundsen Likely Avoids Jail Sentence After Holding Door-To-Door Salesmen At Gunpoint

74. Even the advertising is door to door and by word of mouth in order to keep the project cost low.

75. 5 If there are areas in your territory not accessible by door-to-door witnessing, telephone territories should be prepared.

76. In the future, the Working Group may study the desirability and feasibility of dealing with door-to-door transport operations.

77. To support his family he took a series of menial jobs, at one point selling light bulbs door to door.

78. AirFreight airfreight service offers scheduled consolidation services, or direct air carrier, airport - to - airport and door - to - door delivery features.

79. A aggressive man who goes from door to door selling things has to be aggressive if he wants to succeed.

80. 4 Seniors are bombarded with advertisements, phone calls and door-to-door salespeople insisting that living trusts work best for everyone.