Use "done for" in a sentence

1. Everything I have done, I have done for my country.

2. Their team is done for.

3. He got done for speeding.

4. He got done for kidnapping.

5. Thanks for all you've done.

6. She got done for speeding.

7. My palace is done for.

8. After all we've done for you?

9. "I'm done for!" he shouted aloud.

10. Without that contract, we're done for.

11. The old man has done for himself for years.

12. Thank you for all you have done for us.

13. I haven't done any sewing for ages.

14. This is done for neatness of presentation.

15. If we get caught, we're done for.

16. Be thankful for everything God has done for you.

17. I got done for speeding last night.

18. You've done enough for them, Mistress Yuna.

19. These investigations are not done for nothing.

20. Assassinations are usually done for political reasons or for payment

21. Well done Liora, Well done Become.

22. It's simply done that way for tax purposes.

23. Just as Chitza's people had done... for generations.

24. Once he is unemployed, he is done for.

25. Hooray for the fun! Is the pudding done?

26. I really appreciate everything you've done for me.

27. And what about all he's done for you?

28. How is the writing done for our publications?

29. This needs to be done for every take.

30. I'm really done for - I'm going to bed.

31. Convenience For Getting Around and Getting It Done

32. Just as Chitza's people had done for generations.

33. What can be done to compensate for it?

34. The news has done wonders for our morale.

35. You be sorry for what you have done.

36. Dinner has been done for half an hour.

37. He implored forgiveness for what he had done.

38. He begged forgiveness for what he had done.

39. He is regretful for what he has done.

40. This boy has done something tremendous for us.

41. I would gladly have done it for him.

42. Thoreau had done it, for a short stint.

43. I am sorry for what I have done.

44. Something that happens or is done Briefly happens or is done for a very short period of time.

45. Old Mrs Green has done for us for over 20 years.

46. The Ast test is done for red blood cells

47. These things are not done for praise or accolades.

48. And in short order, the cooperators are done for.

49. You're discounting what scouts have done for 150 years?

50. He seemed genuinely remorseful for what he had done.

51. I got done for speeding on my way back.

52. Unless we start making some sales, we're done for.

53. He evinced great sorrow for what he had done.

54. She was roundly rebuked for what she had done.

55. Much upbuilding reading can be done for pleasurable relaxation.

56. How much I hate you for what you've done.

57. Temple ordinances can be done vicariously for them.31

58. Mrs. Smith has done for her by a neighbor.

59. She was genuinely sorry for what she had done.

60. He expressed suitable penitence for what he had done.

61. H is for Hector, done in by a thug. "

62. You deserve a commendation for having done something good.

63. You've done wrong. Nobody will stick up for you.

64. He was so grateful for what Jesus had done.

65. He had also done homage for his ecclesiastical lands.

66. He asked forgiveness for what he had done wrong.

67. How can we repay him for everything he's done?

68. Act definition, anything done, being done, or to be done; deed; performance: a heroic Act

69. Weiler Abrasives is the industry's source for durable bonded abrasive products that get the job done fast and done right

70. I owe him a lot for everything he has done for me.

71. Something done Assiduously is done with care and dedication

72. A work ill done must be twice done. 

73. I'll work every angle I can for Naz, and I won't rest until everything that can be done is done.

74. We feel really Beholden to them for what they've done.

75. Treatment for Asphyxiating thoracic dystrophy can be done through the

76. Antiphons The research for Antiphons was done by Sister M

77. The artwork for the LP was done by Bill Hofstadter.

78. For many things are done with a view to rapine.

79. I have done what is supposed to be done.

80. ADV Something that is done Comprehensively is done thoroughly.