Use "dolphins" in a sentence

1. Miami Dolphins Cheerleaders: Official home of the Dolphins Cheerleaders

2. Dolphins —sonar

3. Oh, dolphins!

4. Miami Dolphins Cheerleaders: Official home of the Dolphins Cheerleaders

5. Dolphins maybe.

6. See dolphins, manatees and Bioluminescence.

7. The marine works include four mooring dolphins, two Breasting dolphins and a loading platform

8. Now, dolphins are natural acousticians.

9. Alveol - Dolphins (Rob Belleville Remix) 9

10. Adaptions: _ Dolphins adapted to their environment

11. The dolphins disappeared beneath the waves.

12. Dolphins were happy, gregarious surface dwellers.

13. Humans have a special affinity for dolphins.

14. Dolphins are incredibly graceful and efficient swimmers.

15. Dolphins were on the podium with Shula.

16. The gratuitous killing of dolphins must be stopped.

17. Dolphins use sound to communicate with each other.

18. 7 Humans have a special affinity for dolphins.

19. Tuna can be successfully caught without killing any dolphins.

20. Campaigners were demonstrating against the slaughter of dolphins.

21. Well, bottlenose dolphins can be aggressive – and combative!

22. Dolphins are perfectly streamlined for movement in the water.

23. Starting from birth, dolphins squawk, whistle, click, and squeak.

24. 1 Dolphins use sound to communicate with each other.

25. Dolphins sometimes play in the wake of the boats.

26. 15 Dolphins use sound to communicate with each other.

27. More than 400 dead dolphins had been washed ashore.

28. Dolphins are vulnerable to drift nets and towed pelagic gears.

29. Next user group are the dolphins at the National Aquarium.

30. Scientists studied the reproduction, diet, and health of the dolphins.

31. 21 Dolphins sometimes play in the wake of the boats.

32. In fact, dolphins actually help sharks feed more effectively.

33. Sonar in dolphins is superior to the human imitation

34. I study fish, also the bigger things, whales and dolphins.

35. Joining me are three of our eight Atlantic bottlenose dolphins:

36. 19 Dolphins have sometimes been known to save drowning swimmers.

37. The bodies of dolphins are more streamlined than those of porpoises.

38. Cetacean definition: Cetaceans are animals such as whales, dolphins, and porpoises

39. Wild vs Captivity for cetaceans like dolphins, belugas, whales, and sharks

40. Then we showed it in dolphins, and then later in elephants.

41. Fifty feet ahead, dolphins cut a stealthy path through oily waters.

42. 4 Many dolphins are accidentally killed through entanglement with fishing equipment.

43. Off, near the stream, are king-fish, dolphins, bonetoes, Albicores"

44. Here's a diagram of the PCB load of dolphins in Sarasota Bay.

45. So dolphins can buzz and tickle each other at a distance.

46. 3 Many dolphins die each year from entanglement in fishing nets.

47. What I wanted to do was give the dolphins choice and control.

48. A large proportion of the dolphins in that area will eventually die.

49. U.S. Navy plans to recruit 16 members of dolphins as undersea surveillance.

50. No dolphins have been found within 5O nautical miles of Green Gulf.

51. Cetacean is a word used to describe all whales, dolphins, and porpoises

52. So dolphins are also political animals, so they have to resolve conflicts.

53. Humans and dolphins are the only species that have sex for pleasure.

54. The dolphins are pretty intrigued as to what's going on here tonight.

55. I mean, " Save the dolphins, " " Give peace a chance, " and so forth?

56. Robots don't replace people or dogs, or hummingbirds or hawks or dolphins.

57. Both newcomers attended the Dolphins minicamp earlier this month on tryout basis.

58. Most other whales and dolphins produce sounds of varying degrees of complexity.

59. There are several accounts of dolphins living in close proximity to humans .

60. The severest human impact on the dolphins has been the loss of habitat.

61. Soung Ma earns money taking tourists for a rare glimpse of the dolphins .

62. Furthermore, the public is told that ail similarities to dolphins are purely coincidental.

63. New-born right whale dolphins are about half the length of their parents.

64. Diesel tanks, slops tanks, dolphins and Breastings and a wastewater diffuser outfall structure

65. Some animals, like bats, dolphins and dogs can hear within the ultrasonic frequency.

66. Tens of thousands of dolphins and small whales are brutally massacred every year.

67. Buffalo Bills at Miami Dolphins: Television broadcast map, Announcers John Boccacino 12/31/2020

68. Dolphins use sound to find their way through the flooded forest by making clicks.

69. Others, sipping coffee, were assembling giant puppets of bears, dolphins and other endangered species.

70. The first thing that got me interested in the sounds of these underwater animals, whose world was so foreign to me, was evidence from captive dolphins that captive dolphins could imitate human sounds.

71. Pembrokeshire and Ceredigion, in particular, are recognised as an area of international importance for bottlenose dolphins, and New Quay has the only summer residence of bottlenose dolphins in the whole of the UK.

72. Waterproof microphones allow the crew to eavesdrop on the dolphins, and so follow them.

73. Dolphins emit rapid trains of high-pitched clicks, some audible to us, some ultrasonic.

74. People may have taken advantage of this situation to feed and befriend the dolphins.

75. These dolphins are some of the fastest swimmers (in excess of 40 km/h).

76. Chinese white dolphins are sociable creatures and live in groups of three to four.

77. A side effect of tuna fishing was the death of over 000 dolphins annually.

78. For unspoilt Bahamian islands, head to the Abaco Cays, home to thousands of bottlenose dolphins

79. Japanese whalers have hunted striped dolphins in the western Pacific since at least the 1940s.

80. It features a drawing of Barbel on a blue sea beneath the submariners' dolphins