Use "do not speak evil of the dead" in a sentence

1. See no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil. 

2. Do not speak to me of risk.

3. Do not speak to me of loyalty.

4. 4 See no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil. 

5. They do not hesitate to speak the truth.

6. Knowledge is power. Power to do evil...or power to do good. Power itself is not evil. So knowledge itself is not evil. Veronica Roth 

7. Do not be upset by evil men (1)

8. Allah loves those that do good, not evil.

9. He learned that the dead do not suffer.

10. 'Do you know him?' 'Not to speak to.'

11. To speak evil of; defame: to Blacken a person's reputation

12. When we speak of unity, we do not mean unprincipled peace.

13. I will not say, " Do not weep for not all tears are an evil.

14. But do not write off all electronic media as evil.

15. Really angry, not cry not noisy, but a person silently do not speak.

16. The ancient proverb says: “Do not say: ‘I will pay back evil!’

17. We do not postulate that the sun is not there or is dead.

18. The Greek came up with Blasphemein, to speak evil of, which was adopted by the Latin blasphemia, speak ill, slander

19. Even those who do not speak will be thinking of spiritual experiences.

20. "Not to do any Evil, to do all Good, To Purify one's mind, This is the teaching of the Buddha."

21. The dead are asleep; they do not suffer. —John 11:11.

22. Anele Lundborg, Actress: The Coroner: I Speak for the Dead

23. The heedful do not die; the heedless are like unto the dead.

24. Do not speak of your happiness to one less fortunate than yourself. 

25. Do you believe in the existence of evil?

26. Not a day passes where I do not dream of honoring the dead in blood and victory.

27. Christians do not practice Asceticism because we see physical goods as evil.

28. Blasphemia a speaking ill, impious speech, slander, from Blasphemein to speak evil of

29. As we have seen, the dead do not suffer pain or heartache.

30. R: young man, do not exasperate a man who neglects the dead!

31. These words do not speak with the Laity, Laity listened to a monk.

32. To speak evil of no man: medena Blasphemein, to revile, or curse, or blaspheme none: or (as our translation more generally) to speak evil of none, unjustly and falsely, or unnecessarily, without call, and when it may do hurt but no good to the person himself or any other

33. Loco-foco Authorling, and speak coolly of, if they do not abuse, every other

34. 2 Do not speak of your happiness to one less fortunate than yourself. 

35. Do not speak rapidly right up to the finish and then stop abruptly.

36. Do abolish this kind of bad evil.

37. Likewise also these filthy dreamers defile the flesh , despise dominion, and speak evil of dignities.

38. (The House of the Living Dead) Evil lives and feeds in the attic of Brattling Manor

39. Speak clearly and at a moderate pace. Do not shout or mumble.

40. So what do you do with a dead mall, dead office park?

41. “The dead do not praise [God]; nor do any who go down into the silence of death,” says Psalm 115:17.

42. Do You Fear the Dead?

43. While many Londoners may speak what is referred to as "popular London" they do not necessarily speak Cockney.

44. Social scientists who study domestic violence and daily witness such evil do not seriously consider evil as a factor in family violence.

45. Do not raise your voice or frown, but speak in a calm manner.

46. Armour says: " Weather is so hot, do not open a window, of can frowsty dead! "

47. Oh, no! I do not think I can make delivery before the dead line.

48. Do all speak with tongues?

49. Blasphemein is a compound verb that originally meant "to speak evil"

50. 5 The evil wound is cured but not the evil name. 

51. How do we know this is not the guy shoving mojo bags into dead people?

52. That I do not dream, in the dead of night, of returning to your light and the promises of heaven?

53. Eschew evil, and do good ( Book of Common Prayer ).

54. Jesus asks: “How is it you do not discern that I did not speak to you about bread?”

55. ● Do not eat an animal that died of itself: “You must not eat any body already dead.” —Deuteronomy 14:21.

56. Do you accept stepping out of the battle of good and evil?

57. The Scriptures also speak of ‘people of the nations that do not have law doing by nature the things of the law.’

58. 14 Do not be abashed, either, by those who may assume to ridicule the idea of a near-at-hand great deliverance from this evil world; or at those who mock the prospect of Jehovah’s deliverance of dead ones from the tombs.

59. Do evil actions bring retribution after death?

60. Therefore, my brethren, desire earnestly to prophesy, and do not forbid to speak in tongues.

61. “I do not know how to speak,” he protested, “for I am just a boy.”

62. He healed the sick, raised the dead, exercised authority over the evil spirits and forgave sins.

63. I will not speak of unhappiness.


65. I could not speak because of the respirator.

66. What do we do with a dead man on the plane?

67. Financially speaking, family life Housing, if not laissez-faire handling of vacant, has always been "dead money" prices to reflect that many people do not do so.

68. An evil gargoyle, once thought dead and banished forever, has returned with a vengeance.

69. Alma's not dead.

70. I'm not dead!

71. 16 For their feet run to do evil;

72. She's not dead.

73. Why do ye speak against all the prophecies of the holy prophets?

74. In both, the inhibitory clause that forbids evil is off, but the dreamer is not bidden to do evil as the maniac is, or as the malefactor often seems to be.

75. He's not dead.

76. He or she may be clairvoyant , a medium, and able to speak to the dead.

77. They shout Hosannas to every loco-foco Authorling, and speak coolly of, if they do not abuse, every other

78. What language do you speak to them?

79. Do you yearn for an end to evil?

80. Not rendering evil for evil, nor railing for railing; but Contrariwise, blessing