Use "do enough" in a sentence

1. Do you get enough exercise?

2. Can't do all my tricks, but I can do enough.

3. We don't do enough as a society.

4. Economy: Do customers have enough disposable income?

5. You do not have enough permissions to read %

6. That's enough Backchat! You do as you're told

7. Do they feed you enough where you are?

8. That's enough backchat! You do as you're told.

9. Do you have enough to cover all your household expenses? Oh yes, enough and to spare.

10. We have just enough pollen to do the job!

11. Infra - red is not powerful enough to do this.

12. Do you believe in anything enough to die for it?

13. When my husband was ill, Mr Darcy couldn't do enough.

14. “It’s not enough to forbid teenagers to do certain things.

15. Well, you clearly pissed him off... enough to do this.

16. May be enough to do an irrecoverable damage to it.

17. As a whole we do not eat enough fibre in Britain.

18. It's easy enough to do if you just use your noddle .

19. The Kennel Club defend themselves against accusations that they do not do enough to curtail irresponsible breeding.

20. 3 Set Priorities: Most of us do not have enough time to do everything we would like.

21. Even if they do know we're here... those seas are big enough.

22. Do we have enough food to last until the Flood is over?

23. He didn't do enough preparation for his exam(, and failed.

24. I do hope you will be courageous enough to publish this letter.

25. We do not have enough money to sustain our campaign for long.

26. " If anybody tells, let Muff Potter do it, if he's fool enough.

27. Do you have enough food? Adequate may imply barely meeting a requirement

28. Some sort of modified acetylene torch big enough to do the job

29. Some sort of modified acetylene torch big enough to do the job.

30. Enough for me to quit this job and do something more worthwhile.

31. 25 The Kennel Club defend themselves against accusations that they do not do enough to curtail irresponsible breeding.

32. The addition of “enough” in the following examples is redundant: If you work at it, you can do an Adequate-enough job.

33. Do you think I'm tan enough for my first day on the beach or do I need another spray?

34. If enough of them do, Congress won't have a choice but to act.

35. You can do it all with a keyboard, an amp and enough power.

36. You do not have enough karma to access a shell or terminal emulation

37. Maybe you can decide whether or not I'm qualified enough to do that.

38. They do not consider the case serious enough to warrant a government enquiry.

39. Why do you mistrust him so much? He seems honest enough to me.

40. We've nearly run out of paper. Do you think there's enough for today?

41. Don't ask me to do it. I've got enough problems as it is.

42. I hope you do the right thing because enough people have died already.

43. Adrenal insufficiency is when the Adrenal glands do not produce enough of certain

44. Just get me close enough, and I'll do what needs to be done.

45. If plants do not receive enough light, they will grow long and spindly.

46. 17 We do not have enough money to sustain our campaign for long.

47. Why did he do so, even though he had enough money for bus fare?

48. How do you tell off someone who is old enough to be your father?

49. There are two very good reasons why we can't do it. Firstly, we don't have enough money, and secondly, we don't have enough time.

50. I'd love to do a parachute jump, but I can't pluck up the/enough courage.

51. The motors have enough torque and speed to do all kinds of experiments and Calculations

52. Would a Mercury-Venus conjunction give you enough juice to do a little Gemini merge party?

53. Breakdown doesn't do enough to distinguish itself from an overcrowded canon of distinctly average British film

54. It may seem to echo our own inner conviction that whatever we do is not enough.

55. Teeth make their own light repairs if we grant them enough time to do the job.

56. It can be tough when you do n't have enough time with your dad or mom .

57. Before I do, I wonder if you'd be good enough to call one of your guards.

58. I've been his sidekick for long enough - it's time I found myself something better to do.

59. Intergenerational equity: The tax system should raise enough revenuecurrent generations do not unduly burden future generations.

60. I am not sure if these props will stay in long enough to do the work.

61. It can change the climate enough to give people elbow room to do the right things.

62. Before finding the right people, the only need to do is to make yourself good enough.

63. The single most important thing you need to do to Alkalize is get enough vitamin d

64. 2 It's easy enough for you to gibe at them, but could you do any better?

65. If you do not have enough space on the basic form, use this Continuation Sheet, and submit

66. Afford definition: If you cannot Afford something, you do not have enough money to pay for it

67. He said the Union Government would do all it could to ensure enough fuel for power plants.

68. 3 My only misgiving is that we might not have enough time to do the job properly.

69. Procrastination is stealing time - those who procrastinate always do not have enough time. Dr T.P.Chia 

70. There are always enough parking bays at Erfurt airport; you do not need to book in advance.

71. Bankrupt definition: People or organizations that go Bankrupt do not have enough money to pay their debts

72. According to the International Herald Tribune, experts estimate that 100 million Americans do not get enough sleep.

73. Remarkably enough, a few scholars have had the temerity to suggest that these students do have intellectual shortcomings.

74. Charity organizations have Chastised the government for not do ing enough to prevent the latest famine in Africa.

75. I do not believe that a strong enough justification exists for across-the-board special treatment for IMET.

76. They want obedient workers, people who are just smart enough to run the machines and do the paperwork. And just dumb enough to passively accept it. George Carlin 

77. Despite this generosity, we simply do not allocate enough resources to solve all of the world’s biggest problems.

78. Then ask her if she feels close enough to you to try it-that should do the trick.

79. If diet, exercise, and abstention from sweets do not lower blood-sugar levels enough, then pills may be prescribed.

80. Add just enough veal slices so that they do not touch one another and brown on the veal side.