Use "distilled water" in a sentence

1. Wash the Coverslips extensively in distilled water (two times), then double distilled water (two times)

2. Distilled water, acidulated water for recharging accumulators

3. Distilled water and introduced into Barbitone buffer prepared,

4. Water level should be regularly monitored, and filled with distilled water only.

5. Set the zero on the absorbence scale with doubly distilled water

6. Set the zero on the absorbence scale with doubly distilled water.

7. The Condenser is a machine that condenses Steam into Distilled Water

8. The aggregates could be readily removed by washing with distilled water.

9. Set the zero on the absorbence scale with double distilled water.

10. 17 Sodium nitrite is dissolved in distilled water and diluted to volume.

11. Alkaline Peptone Water (APW) Basal Medium Peptone Sodium chloride (NaCl) Distilled water pH 8.5 ± 0.2 Complete Medium:

12. All the reagents must be of analytical purity; distilled water or water of equivalent quality must be used.

13. Dry and extra-dry Anisettes are made by adding water to the distilled product

14. Inorganic compounds n.e.c., including distilled water; amalgams other than amalgams of precious metals

15. Refractometer values for undiluted fentanyl and sufentanil were identical with those for distilled water.

16. B1 and B carbon-free, no foliation, saturated with electrolyte and distilled water respectively.

17. Diluting leachate samples with distilled water had a negative effect on the adsorption capacity.

18. Suspend basal medium ingredients and 15.0 g of agar in 1.0 L of distilled water.

19. Keep the cup full, using distilled water or rain water, as Bromeliads can be sensitive to the minerals and chemicals in tap water

20. 5 B1 and B carbon-free, no foliation, saturated with electrolyte and distilled water respectively.

21. Prepare Acriflavin and nalidixic acid supplements as 0.5% (w/v) stock solutions in distilled water

22. CPA 20.13.52: Inorganic compounds n.e.c., including distilled water; amalgams other than amalgams of precious metals

23. 1 Molar sulphuric acid: 26,6 ml of acid added to 473,4 ml of distilled water.

24. Liqueurs, distilled beverages, alcoholic beverages containing fruit, distilled liquors

25. After washing, transfer quantitatively the precipitate to the filter paper retained from 6.3.4 using distilled water.

26. Colonists adhered to the traditional belief that distilled spirits were aqua vitae, or water of life.

27. Dissolve # g of anhydrous sodium acetate (CH#COONa) in distilled water and make up to # ml

28. (5)‘Addition of water’ means addition of water which may be distilled, demineralised, permuted or softened in the preparation of spirit drinks.

29. You can use diluted Coolant by itself, or a 50/50 mixture of concentrated Coolant and distilled water

30. In 11 cats anesthesized with chloralose an acute brain edema was produced by intravenous injection of distilled water.

31. It is also a popular ingredient in homemade vinyl record cleaning fluids together with distilled water and isopropyl alcohol.

32. Place # ml of # % sulphuric acid in a # ml volumetric flask and fill to the mark with distilled water

33. The refractometer must be set to show a refractive index of 1,3330 for distilled water at 20 °C.

34. All the reagents should be of recognized analytical quality and the water used either distilled or of equivalent purity.

35. They distilled it themselves

36. Reagant Alcohol (Distilled-in-Glass).

37. Arrack is made from only two ingredients: water and the distilled sap of unopened coconut flowers from the Sri Lankan coconut palm

38. A distilled Absinthe from Great Britain.

39. I distilled a highly fermented, potent suspension.

40. Distilled water has been the most common form of purified water, but, in recent years, water is more frequently purified by other processes including capacitive deionization, reverse osmosis, carbon filtering, microfiltration, ultrafiltration, ultraviolet oxidation, or electrodeionization.

41. Calvados definition: [sometimesc-] a French brandy distilled from apple ciderOrigin of Calvadosafter Calvados, department in northwestern France, where chiefly distilled

42. Chemicals used in industry, namely acidulated water for recharging batteries, ethyl alcohol, brake fluids, distilled water, transmission fluid, antifreeze, glycol, hydraulic liquids, coolants for vehicle engines, vulcanisation accelerators, vulcanising preparations

43. 3 . Take 1 part of almond oil , 1 part of pure sulphur powder , 2 parts of 'surgical spirit ' and 4 parts of distilled water or rose water and mix well .

44. only distilled alcoholic beverages containing whole pears

45. Take of Acetated liquor of ammonia 3 oz., ipecacuanha 10 gr., tincture of oil of peppermint 15 drops, distilled water 5 oz.; mix

46. Aquavit is the original Scandinavian distilled spirit

47. What to see the the start of the home aluminium Anodising guide? Mix up 10 to 20% Sulphuric Acid solution with pure distilled water

48. Results show that crack growth in distilled water is controlled by a thermally activated process with apparent activation energies that depend on K.

49. An essential oil is distilled from the balsam.

50. Adrenalectomy associated to local cerebral trauma caused considerable neuronal edema, greater in rats that drank saline solution than in rats that drank distilled water.

51. Other inorganic compounds (including distilled or conductivity water and water of similar purity); liquid air (whether or not rare gases have been removed); compressed air; amalgams, other than amalgams of precious metals.

52. Alcoholic beverages (except beers), including distilled spirits

53. Alcoholic drinks and liquors, particularly distilled alcoholic drinks

54. The Acetous fermentation of dilute distilled alcohol

55. An artisanal blend of distilled vodka, sparkling water and natural flavour, Aquarelle has no added sugar, 100 calories and 0 carbs per 355 mL can

56. The distilled liquors have the greatest alcohol content.

57. Heat the flask until the ammonia has distilled over.

58. This isn't schnapps, it's aquavit, distilled from potato mash.

59. ‘Paunch was a chilled blend of Arrack, a distilled palm sap, with sugar, citrus, water and spices.’ ‘A unique Lebanese alcoholic creation is arak, a colorless, …

60. The steam, hot water, combustion gas and a bank of distilled solvent all act to drive oil in front of the fire toward production wells.

61. Cognac is Distilled in Special Charentais Pot Stills

62. Armagnac is apple brandy from Armagne in France (a distilled spirit from cider, just as Cognac brandy is distilled grape wine from Cognac)

63. Brandy, put simply, is a spirit distilled from fruit

64. Coal is destructively distilled leaving a solid residue, coke.

65. Norway- Aquavit or Akvavit translates to ""Water of Life"" The Spirit of the Nordics: A traditional - produced since the 15th century -Nordic alcoholic distilled …

66. In north India, oil is distilled from wild-growing vetiver.

67. Unlike 'whisky', Arrack is distilled at approx high strength

68. Korean ''Soju'' liquor distilled mainly from grains and alcoholic bitters

69. The Auricles were removed from the formalin solution, rinsed for 24 h in running tap water, submerged in distilled water and 4% hydrogen peroxide for 24 h, and then dehydrated in an ascending ethanol series for 5 days

70. If you have stained wood Baseboards, add distilled white vinegar

71. CareerExplorer Archetypes represent the distilled essence of our members’ personalities

72. Brandy is a distilled spirit produced from fermented fruit juice

73. Decant the fat and whey, homogenize the residue at # rpm in # ml distilled water adjusted to pH # with dil. acetic acid (#.#), add # ml dichloromethane (#.#), homogenize again and centrifuge (# minutes, # g

74. Reviews are distilled from articles previously published in the main column.

75. Brandy generally refers to a distilled spirit made from fermented fruit juice

76. With a sterile pipette (4.2.4) transfer 5 ml sterile distilled water to a tube with stock culture (5.4.2) and wash the spores off the agar slant using a sterile loop.

77. Mites were maintained in 0.5-L glass jars containing a rich organic medium: wheat bran, alfalfa flakes, yeast, double-distilled water, and a Bacteriophagic nematode, Rhitis inermiformis (Royce and Krantz 1991).

78. CeBr3 can be distilled at reduced pressure (~ 0.1 Pa) in a quartz ampoule at 875-880 °C. Like the related salt CeCl3, the bromide absorbs water on exposure to moist air.

79. Wine, alcoholic beverages (except beers), liqueurs, brandy, alcoholic cocktails, distilled beverages

80. Most whiskey is distilled twice and many Congeners are purposefully preserved in …