Use "disputed right" in a sentence

1. We disputed what to do.

2. Disputed loud and long,

3. These figures have been disputed.

4. The results were hotly disputed.

5. Its authorship has been disputed.

6. What happened next is hotly disputed .

7. The issue remains hotly disputed.

8. 67 acres : Includes the disputed site .

9. Your bravery has never been disputed.

10. They warred over disputed territory.

11. The election result was disputed.

12. I disputed with her about the problem.

13. The ownership of the restaurant is disputed.

14. The ownership of the land is disputed.

15. The origin of the fez is disputed.

16. I disputed with him about it.

17. 20 The issue remains hotly disputed.

18. How Anthelions are formed is disputed

19. Except that nowadays, it's heavily disputed.

20. 5 The results were hotly disputed.

21. 13 What happened next is hotly disputed .

22. The lawyers disputed the case before the judge.

23. What does Contradicted mean? Disputed; questioned

24. Your Bravery has never been disputed

25. How Anthelions are formed is disputed

26. How Anthelions are formed is disputed

27. Ownership of the castle is disputed.

28. Dashed gray lines show disputed boundaries.

29. Nobody disputed that Davey was clever.

30. Its exact nature and authenticity is disputed.

31. The election of Valens was soon disputed.

32. Soviet forces disputed every inch of ground.

33. Other observers disputed the notion of canals.

34. Our soldiers disputed every inch of ground.

35. They disputed how to get the best results.

36. Ownership of the land is currently being disputed.

37. Contestable: That may be disputed or debated; disputable; controvertible

38. The effectiveness of this treatment is still hotly disputed.

39. The circumstances of her death have been hotly disputed.

40. In simple terms, Chargebacks are disputed transactions

41. Talks have broken down over the disputed territory.

42. The issue was hotly disputed in the committee.

43. The solidity of the earth's interior is disputed.

44. Counterclaimed, alleging adverse possession of the disputed property

45. We disputed an advance of the enemy troops.

46. We disputed with each other on various issues.

47. Contradicted (comparative more Contradicted, superlative most Contradicted) Disputed; questioned

48. The lawyer disputed the truth of the witness's statement.

49. 13 Soviet forces disputed every inch of ground.

50. They disputed over the need for new taxes.

51. The land near the border is disputed ground.

52. 10 The issue was hotly disputed in the committee.

53. Fighting erupts between Azeris and Armenians over disputed land

54. They disputed over how to get the best results.

55. Squirrels and wild mice disputed for my store of nuts.

56. It often isn’t enough to release a single disputed claim.

57. The benefit of skinning in user interfaces is disputed.

58. Disputed boundaries are displayed as a dashed gray line.

59. 4 We disputed with each other on various issues.

60. They disputed at great length what they should do.

61. There was a disputed call in the second set.

62. 6 This sage conclave disputed high and drank deep.

63. 18 Fishermen from Bristol disputed fishing rights with the Danes.

64. From inorganic materials, the much-disputed problem of abiogenesis ( Archigony)

65. The Hala'ib Triangle is disputed region between Sudan and Egypt.

66. 15 The circumstances of her death have been hotly disputed.

67. 18 The effectiveness of this treatment is still hotly disputed.

68. Historically, the Senate has disputed the interpretation advocated by the House.

69. Whether the name Beth is actually a Biblical name is disputed

70. It has long been disputed at what time the Diocese of Cracow …

71. You can take the following actions with regards to Disputed Claims:

72. Trump disputed this valuation, saying his brand was worth about $3 billion.

73. Notary behavior and the nature of notary organ are the disputed questions.

74. The definition of underclass has been disputed over the past two decades.

75. Borrowed from French Brouhaha, but disputed as to where from before that

76. This is disputed by reporting from multiple news agencies with multiple sources.

77. At an average cost of $70.00 per disputed invoice, the savings are substantial.

78. Then, whether mammalia animal cochlea hair cells possess regenerative ability after being destroyed is disputed.

79. By 1986, Qatar declared several disputed areas, including Qit'at Jaradah, as military zones.

80. Our lighting will be so subtle, the disputed area will be barely visible.