Use "dispersal system" in a sentence

1. Infectiveness, dispersal and colonisation ability

2. police trained in crowd dispersal.

3. The chief virtue of a private property system is that it achieves this dispersal and is therefore structurally antagonistic to coercion.

4. Wastewater treatment systems and wastewater effluent dispersal systems

5. Fog dispersal research has since followed the line.

6. Germination requirements of the achenes also changed after dispersal.

7. Besides, the stainless-steel construction made the flux dispersal...

8. The dispersal of pupils militates against the neighbourhood school.

9. Plants have different mechanisms of dispersal for their spores.

10. They called for the peaceful dispersal of the demonstrators.

11. The anti-personnel system, which was based on the dispersal of wide-area Gravel mines (the explosions of which would activate acoustic sensors) failed completely.

12. That could be a dispersal device for a chemical weapon.

13. Other auxiliary airfields had also been prepared to aid in dispersal.

14. No doubt, as they are established, the pressures for dispersal are fewer.

15. The police ordered the dispersal of the crowds gathered round the building.

16. Basidiospores are served as the main dispersal unit of basidiomycetes fungi

17. Arens International specialises in Window Automation, Natural Ventilation and Smoke Dispersal Systems.

18. This linguistic confusion brought about the dispersal of humankind over the earth.

19. They follow plans to review the policy on dispersal of asylum seekers.

20. The Binturong is an important agent for seed dispersal in its native range

21. This was reflected in mechanisms of dispersal and aestivation, and in respiratory mechanisms.

22. No violence accompanied this dispersal; the police were ordered not to use force.

23. Anthracnose is spread by the dispersal of fungal spores that occurs by splashing rain

24. Of course, Aunt Rose had elaborate plans for her own death and dispersal.

25. American Barbets are thought to be vital agents in seed dispersal in tropical forests

26. Bracteoles could affect the dispersal of seeds by water since some fruiting structures of A

27. His main focus is what this dispersal tells us about human variation and evolution.

28. The fruits of rough Cocklebur cling to animal fur and human clothing for dispersal

29. Seed dispersal is the movement or transport of seeds away from the parent plant.

30. Dispersal begins when the fruit (and sometimes the enclosing calyx) Abscises from the mother plant

31. Arachnid This paper considers the role of air currents as dispersal vehicles of these flightless Arachnids

32. Monitoring air with moss plates indicates that dispersal of airborne metallic dust remains a problem.

33. By the late 1970s, however, some elements of this dispersal had in turn been reversed.

34. Antonyms for Conventicle include dispersal, disbandment, dispersion, division, scattering, separation, dissipation, parting, dissolution and segmentation

35. The effects of the chain dispersal can be compensated by programming the acousto-optic device.

36. All these give some idea of possible refugia, sometimes referred to as centres of dispersal.

37. To some animals, this moisture is their golden opportunity and perhaps their signal for dispersal.

38. Adapted local breeds in marginal production systems may contribute to seed dispersal and maintain rangeland ecosystems

39. Malone was acquired in a trade with the Portland Trail Blazers after the ABA dispersal draft.

40. First, dispersal of shareholdings has led to effective control over the company being ceded to management.

41. In addition, peduncle elongation and seed plume length were also studied to analyse variation in seed dispersal characters.

42. This may attract night-flying insects and aid in spore dispersal, but other functions may also be involved.

43. This sequence of events may represent a model for the dispersal of gene family members throughout the genome.

44. In the third and final phase the area of dispersal is larger and the distribution more dense.

45. Seed mass and pulp-to-seed ratios were positively correlated with dispersal success at one study site.

46. The dispersal of the authority of decision-making to the lower level management is termed as deCentralization

47. The dispersal unit of wild wheat bears two pronounced Awns that balance the unit as it falls

48. Some 30% of the trees whose dispersal agent is known in these forests are dispersed by elephants.

49. First, some of the sectors considered technology-based under the SIC system of classification were divided up into new categories in which at even the finest level of detail the SIC classification system was not Commensurable with the NAICS system (the dispersal of SIC 737 computer services into parts of the NAICS information industry, and into

50. The outward radiation of Asian Bulbuls includes the dispersal of Bulbuls to islands in the Indian Ocean

51. The sessions on dispersal and delivery reviewed aerosols and aerobiology; as well as nanocomposites as delivery systems.

52. Origin and dispersal of the Alewife, Alosa pseudoharengus, and the gizzard shad, Dorosoma cepedianum, in the Great Lakes

53. When soil dries at the surface, dispersal of microbes by air (e.g., dust carried by wind) may occur.

54. Following dispersal and decimation of the Assyrian population, Assyrian identity has been under tremendous attack during this century.

55. Mechanical discharge equipment and mechanical dispersal, aeration and air-blast equipment for silos, bunkers, containers and pipeline systems

56. Awns and other appendages on the seed dispersal unit of plants aid in dispersing the seed to a germination site (1–3).Hairs, wings, and hooks influence the route of seeds from the mother plant to a surface by wind or animal dispersal [phase I dispersal ()].Hygroscopically active Awns propel seeds on the ground through coiling and uncoiling (5, 6) and, thus, mainly affect the movement of the

57. Dispersal around the globe was complete by 2006, when a variety developed in Canada was widely planted in China.

58. The women were on the whole surprised at the question, apparently assuming that a dispersal of concentration is intrinsic to housework.

59. Toucans and some Barbets are essentially fruit-eaters, with a pivotal role in the dispersal of tree seeds in forests

60. Similar patterns of dispersal could be seen on the terraces themselves, with S3 always standing further back than the rest.

61. Like other flowerpeckers, this tiny bird feeds on fruits and plays an important role in the dispersal of fruiting plants.

62. It favoured the second, advocating the establishment of garden cities surrounding London: dispersal and decentralization of both people and employment.

63. Shore challenged the regional and new towns policies of the post-war period which had encouraged economic and population dispersal.

64. They ensure a uniform dispersal of flavouring substances into the food product and function well in oil-in-water- systems.

65. Its distribution again emphasises that the dispersal of some rare imports may have been governed by social or political factors.

66. Finally, we discuss aspects of release, dispersal, and deposition of anemophilous pollen that are in need of further theoretical and empirical study.

67. Here, we explore the idea that variation in egg morphology may impact vector-mediated dispersal and colonisation success of large Branchiopods

68. The second phase would be carried out by the dispersal of nurses and psychologists into general practice surgeries and day hospitals.

69. Anemophilous plants generally have inconspicuous flowers. Entomophilous (literally insect-loving) plants produce pollen which is relatively heavy and sticky, for dispersal by insect pollinators.

70. In January 2010, the Sol ceased operations and the rights to Marta and her teammates were made available in the 2010 WPS Dispersal Draft.

71. The Achenes have a dandelion-like set of bristly hairs called a pappus which aids in dispersal of the seed by the wind

72. When these caterpillars die, their luminosity may attract predators to the dead insect thus assisting in the dispersal of both bacteria and nematodes.

73. Physiology of the Apple Snail Pomacea maculata: Aestivation and Overland Dispersal Appears to Aestivate sealed to limestone rocks or deep in tsingy slots.

74. Their other common characteristics include vascular plant apomorphies (e.g., vascular tissue) and land plant plesiomorphies (e.g., spore dispersal and the absence of seeds).

75. Results showed that mixed dispersal strategies as used by amphicarpic plants (those that produce two kinds of fruit) are adaptive whenever conditions are unpredictable.

76. 3) Biofilms can propagate through detachment of small or large clumps of cells, or by a type of “seeding dispersal” that releases individual cells

77. Mesoamerica witnessed one major linguistic dispersal in the late Holocene, that of the Uto-Aztecans over large areas of Mexico and the western USA

78. Early Acheulian sites in South Africa have also yielded an age of ~1.6 Ma , suggesting rapid and widespread dispersal of this technology across Africa

79. The mortality between dispersal of seeds and completion of establishment can be so high that many species have adapted to produce large numbers of seeds.

80. Because Lake Yoa has been in existence continuously since the Humid Period its waters have protected the sediments accumulated at the bottom from erosion and dispersal.