Use "dispensation" in a sentence

1. Hence, a stewardship is a dispensation.

2. She needed a special dispensation to remarry.

3. Blessed to open the last dispensation,

4. One branch asked for a dispensation.

5. Eyelids Ashimmer, content with one more dispensation

6. They were promised dispensation from military service.

7. 3 She needed a special dispensation to remarry.

8. She needs a special dispensation to marry her cousin.

9. Zoser occasionally stayed late to help with the charity dispensation.

10. Is it true that accountants have a special dispensation?

11. Manor said he had given this dispensation on 40 occasions.

12. They saw signs and omens of this new dispensation everywhere.

13. Caroline's marriage was annulled by special dispensation from the church.

14. Early Church leaders paid a great price to establish this dispensation.

15. Write the following topics on the board: Dispensation, Apostasy, The Restoration.

16. The dispensation of the fulness of times was ushered in.

17. It is the only dispensation that will not end in apostasy.

18. Total dispensation of cigarettes can be difficult for a habitual smoker.

19. 29 By dispensation from the Church, she was allowed to remarry.

20. I am grateful for the keys of revelation in this last dispensation.

21. 4.1.1. Dispensation and licence agreement for transport, sales, and outer packaging ("ELV")

22. By a special dispensation from the Church, she was allowed to remarry.

23. Ah, well! "Charitably," I suppose it is a dispensation of

24. The sport's ruling body gave him dispensation to compete in national competitions.

25. In Assassin, Hunt and Casey challenge preconceived notions surrounding the dispensation of justice

26. Premortal role: selected to preside over a dispensation (see Abraham 3:22–23)

27. The dawn of the dispensation of the fulness of times rose upon the world.

28. One could not get a dispensation from the mines inspectorate to increase the manpower.

29. - a dispensation and licence agreement for transport, sales, and outer packaging ("ELV"), and

30. Dispensation and licence agreement for transport packaging, sales packaging and outer packaging (ELV)

31. 28 By a special dispensation from the Church, she was allowed to remarry.

32. The dispensation of the land around Fort Ord should be a regional decision.

33. He has said that one only needs a dispensation from the mines inspectorate.

34. UEFA gave special dispensation for Liverpool to enter the Champions League, giving England five qualifiers.

35. * According to verse 40, what was the Lord going to do in the last dispensation?

36. But I believe the town could make a special dispensation, if they cared to.

37. Yet the regulators have given it a dispensation: the rubbish has to go somewhere.

38. The couple have requested special dispensation from the Church to allow them to marry.

39. His illegitimate son Cesare had difficulty in being accepted for the priesthood until granted dispensation.

40. The law of Consecration is an eternal law that the Lord revealed again in our dispensation

41. - a dispensation and licence agreement for transport packaging, sales packaging and outer packaging (ELV), and

42. The first temple to be built in this dispensation was the temple at Kirtland, Ohio.

43. * The keys of this dispensation are committed into your hands, D&C 110:12–16.

44. Legally, a dispensation could be made that would enable you to live on in the Porter house.

45. For Muslims , rule by non - Muslims is an abomination , a blasphemous inversion of God ' s dispensation .

46. Hence the terms especially associated with the subject are ‘made known,’ ‘manifested,’ ‘revealed,’ ‘preached,’ ‘understand,’ ‘dispensation.’”

47. You may be able to get special dispensation from a rabbi to eat non-kosher food.

48. As a special dispensation, war-widows will be exempt from one-time contribution to join ECHS.

49. The period from the introduction of truth to its general loss through sin would be called a dispensation.

50. Perhaps disloyalty to an existing dispensation that has endowed one with one's privileges does look like radical chic.

51. However, they called for the maintenance of international sanctions until a new political dispensation was in place.

52. The Secretary of State has also granted a general dispensation to members who are tenants of council houses.

53. 5 Because of such intense spiritual desperation, the Prophet received some of the most sublime revelations of this dispensation.

54. The true Church of Jesus Christ was organized by Joseph Smith in the dispensation of the fulness of times.

55. Marriage, I assume, carries with it some sort of carteblanche for endless promiscuity - and a dispensation from the Pope.

56. The best dispensation for the highest surviving rate 98% is to mix the perlite, vermiculite and humous as the rate of

57. The marriage was criticized for being uncanonical, so he remarried her in 1349 after receiving a papal dispensation in 1347.

58. Antinomian definition: relating to the doctrine that by faith and the dispensation of grace a Christian is Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples

59. Antinomian definition: relating to the doctrine that by faith and the dispensation of grace a Christian is Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples

60. In an age of political Correctitude, they see the South as a sector with special dispensation, the errant but beguiling Other

61. I was a junior Minister and I took advantage of the dispensation which enabled me to vote no in that referendum.

62. God the Father and His Son, Jesus Christ, descended in glory and spoke to Joseph Smith, ushering in the dispensation of the fulness of times.

63. Because Nyepi is normally a day of silence, Muslims in Bali had to be given special dispensation to attend special prayer services during the eclipse.

64. This majestic vision ushered in “the dispensation of the fulness of times” (Ephesians 1:10) and is one of the signal events in the history of the world.

65. She recalled these words of the Prophet: “I myself hold the keys of this last dispensation, and I forever will hold them in time and in eternity.

66. Therefore the Church of God equally rejects and Anathematizes those who divide or cut apart or who introduce confusion into the mystery of the divine dispensation of Christ

67. Antinomian definition is - one who holds that under the gospel dispensation of grace the moral law is of no use or obligation because faith alone is necessary to salvation.

68. I added that people’s negative opinions of Joseph Smith would not change my testimony that he was chosen by God to restore His Church in this last dispensation.

69. Alee Temple, Ancient Arabic order Nobles of the Mystic Shrine, was organized on June 23rd, 1896, pursuant to a dispensation granted by the Imperial Council in session at Cleveland, Ohio

70. Absolution noun forgiveness, release, freedom, liberation, discharge, amnesty, mercy, pardon, indulgence, exemption, acquittal, remission, vindication, deliverance, dispensation, exoneration, exculpation, shriving, condonation She felt as if his words had granted her Absolution.

71. And on the administrative side, the Ministry has been able to do some work to help expand the cadres and to create a better dispensation for our staff and our officials.

72. Ecclesiastical law frequently accords to Bishops delegated powers; but it would be wrong to say, for instance, that every power of dispensation granted by a general law of the Church is a delegated one

73. Since Arthur, not yet 14, was below the age of consent, a papal dispensation (i.e., waiver) allowing the marriage was issued in February 1497, and the pair were betrothed by proxy on 25 August 1497.

74. Bookselling Ireland sent a letter to the Taoiseach Micheál Martin requesting that Bookshops be classed as "essential" retail and allowed to open or be granted special dispensation to offer click and collect services

75. Man's fall, latter subdivided into the Antelegal, the legal, and the post­ legal dispensation)." We quote this brief characterization of Koch's Federalism because it is a rather adequate summary of his teaching on the subject

76. The number of T# control copies and equivalent documents for which the seals affixed on departure have been removed other than under customs supervision, or the seals have been broken or the dispensation from sealing under Article # of Regulation (EEC) No #/# has not been granted

77. In the southeastern portion of Michigan, a longstanding dispensation allows Catholics to consume muskrat as their Friday penance, on Ash Wednesday, and on Lenten Fridays (when the eating of flesh, except for fish, is prohibited); this tradition dates back to at least the early 19th century.

78. Apostolical adj 1: proceeding from or ordered by or subject to a pope or the papacy regarded as the successor of the Apostles; "papal dispensation" [syn: papal, apostolic, Apostolical, pontifical] 2: of or relating to or deriving from the Apostles or their teachings [syn: apostolic, Apostolical]papal

79. 45) asserts that the prelates of the Rota, to whom the case was specially referred by the pope, decided that a cleric in minor orders who contracted and consummated an invalid marriage with a widow was an interpretative Bigamist and irregular and stood in need of dispensation, and that Pope Urban, upon the strength of that decision, granted

80. Analogian Analogian G356 n_ Acc Sg f UP-saying analogy ths tEs G3588 t_ Gen Sg f OF-THE pistews pisteOs G4102 n_ Gen Sg f BELIEF faith 12:7 eite eite G1535 Conj IF-BESIDES or diakonian diakonian G1248 n_ Acc Sg f THRU-SERVice dispensing en en G1722 Prep IN th tE G3588 t_ Dat Sg f THE diakonia diakonia G1248 n_ Dat Sg f THRU-SERVice dispensation