Use "dislodge from" in a sentence

1. Army commanders were preparing to dislodge the militia from the capital.

2. 7 Army commanders were preparing to dislodge the militia from the capital.

3. 10 Even so,[] these cautionary comments should not dislodge us from the main point.

4. 3 We need two wins to dislodge the French team from first place.

5. They needed a bulldozer to dislodge the rock.

6. 6 It was 30 minutes before rescuers could dislodge the food from his throat.

7. How did your son dislodge the tinder?

8. 11 Last December government troops stormed 20 prisons to dislodge prisoners from the dormitory wards.

9. 5 This is sufficient to dislodge any particles.

10. 1 They needed a bulldozer to dislodge the rock.

11. Pressure, a sharp blow, even a violent sneeze could dislodge it.

12. 2 The rebels have so far failed to dislodge the President.

13. He had managed to dislodge the noose from his neck and save himself by jumping into the freezing water below.

14. 16 Stick to big rocks that would be difficult to dislodge.

15. 4 There's something between my teeth and I can't dislodge it.

16. 20 The snake began to choke as it tried to swallow his arm and simultaneously dislodge the obstruction from its windpipe.

17. 9 He had managed to dislodge the noose from his neck and save himself by jumping into the freezing water below.

18. The feeling that this discipline is somehow undignified is difficult to dislodge in some minds.

19. 19 The feeling that this discipline is somehow undignified is difficult to dislodge in some minds.

20. 15 Her doubts about its truth do not, in equal measure, dislodge her belief.

21. He fights stubbornly, and has thus far resisted all our efforts to dislodge him.....

22. To prevent plugging, the system is backflushed at a high velocity to dislodge accumulated particles.

23. With the curette the surgeon scrapes the wall of the womb to dislodge the embryo.

24. 21 He fights stubbornly, and has thus far resisted all our efforts to dislodge him.....

25. And at the end I bang my hand against the pole to dislodge the bird.

26. 12 She became champion in 1982 and no one has been able to dislodge her.

27. If you are 60 or older, you are more prone to having your ear Crystals dislodge

28. 27 It stuck in my throat and I had to cough and cough to dislodge it.

29. 23 The question came sneaking into her mind and, once there, it proved difficult to dislodge.

30. It' s fantastic, but you better be careful.Pressure, sharp blow... even a violent sneeze could dislodge it

31. 22 However, don't move the design around too enthusiastically in case you dislodge any unattached flowers completely.

32. 14 He may challenge the Prime Minister even if he decides he cannot dislodge her this time.

33. 18 Her husband was always with us but as a couple they were difficult to dislodge without rudeness.

34. She looked sassy, she thought, as she swung her long jet hair, careful not to dislodge the jasmine.

35. 26 Walk gingerly over the rocks and sand. Stick to big rocks that would be difficult to dislodge.

36. 28 Once an explanation has been accepted by the scientific community as a whole, it is very hard to dislodge it.

37. In common with other Archerfishes, such as the Spotted Archerfish Toxotes chatareus, it is able to dislodge insects from overhanging vegetation by directing a stream of water from its mouth at its chosen prey

38. 8 The most difficult volatiles to dislodge will be those borne in compounds such as carbonates and hydroxy silicates.

39. 29 She looked sassy, she thought, as she swung her long jet hair, careful not to dislodge the jasmine.

40. Eventually divers provided first hand evidence that sea otters use rocks as hammers under water to dislodge the abalones.

41. 24 The position of the piece of gravel would have made it virtually impossible for the fish to dislodge it.

42. To a certain extent, this method is also used in Switzerland, where in an effort to prevent avalanches, explosives are shot or dropped from helicopters onto unstable slopes to dislodge snow.

43. 30 Eventually divers provided first hand evidence that sea otters use rocks as hammers under water to dislodge the abalones.

44. The giant Archerfish spends most of its time near the surface where it uses its water spray to dislodge potential prey from their land-based perch and knock them into the water

45. “Bumping” is a lock-picking technique that refers to the repeated striking motion used to dislodge the pins inside a lock

46. Antwerp, with its frustrating fragmentation and hallucinations, never manages fully to dislodge the impression that it is a cobbled assemblage of pages

47. The Dukes began advancing up the line of the original trenches to dislodge the remaining Chinese forces in the forward trenches.

48. 25 It was then time to call for the gunners and pilots to dislodge the defenders and exact vengeance for dead comrades.

49. 17 More than four dozen employees have been working in shifts round the clock since then, figuring out how to dislodge it.

50. 7 c, the average flow velocity that caused the attached mussels to dislodge from a material (called “falling velocity”) shows a linear relationship with the product of the number and average diameter of the Byssuses

51. (3) Not only will he not go, but any attempt to dislodge him would certainly cause trouble to erupt in that Beleaguered state again

52. Merodach-baladan had the support of the Elamites in this action, and although Sargon soon endeavored to dislodge him from Babylon, the Chaldean was able to maintain his position there for a period of about 12 years, according to the Babylonian King List.

53. Egyptian authorities were working to dislodge a giant container ship that Blocked traffic on one of the world’s busiest shipping arteries and further threatened a global supply chain already

54. “Yet the festival rapidly gained acceptance and became at last so firmly established that even the Protestant revolution of the sixteenth century was not able to dislodge it,” the encyclopedia notes.

55. Over and over upon the grass rolled Sheeta, growling and screaming, Clawing and biting, in a mad effort to dislodge his antagonist or get some portion of his body within range of teeth or talons.

56. The SHE uses a “self cleaning” mechanism, whereby fouled surfaces cause a localized increase in fluid velocity, thus increasing the drag (or fluid friction) on the fouled surface, thus helping to dislodge the blockage and keep the heat exchanger clean.

57. Bougie: A thin cylinder of rubber, plastic, metal or another material that a physician inserts into or through a body passageway, such as the esophagus, to diagnose or treat a condition.A Bougie may be used to widen a passageway, guide another instrument into a passageway, or dislodge an object

58. Synonyms for Arose from include came from, derived from, originated from, sprang from, sprung from, developed from, stemned from, resulted from, developed out of and followed from

59. Synonyms for Arising from include coming from, deriving from, originating from, springing from, developing from, stemning from, resulting from, Arising out of, developing out of and following from

60. Etymology: From Amplifyen, from amplifier, from amplificare, from amplus + facere.

61. From thoughts, reflectings; from reflectings, Considerings; from Considerings, rationalities, from rationalities, wills, from wills, words

62. Absolved; Absolved; Absolved from; Absolved from guilt; Absolved her from; Absolved him from; Absolved me from; Absolved one from; Absolved them from; Absolved us from; Absolved you from; Absolvedly; Absolvent; Absolventen im Web

63. Representing Creoleness. Perspectives from history, from orthography, from literature and from sociology.

64. In the field, some examples of major increases are: Brazil, from multiplier # to # entral African Republic, from # to # had, from # to # abon, from # to # ndia, from # to # ndonesia, from # to # enya, from # to # ali, from # to # epal, from # to # iger, from # to # akistan, from # to # and Thailand, from # to

65. [From Spanish Carbonada, from …

66. Buddhism from India, Christianity from Palestine, Islam from Arabia.

67. From Middle English Caverne, from Old French Caverne, from Latin caverna, from cavus (“ hollow ”)

68. Apart from synonyms, Apart from pronunciation, Apart from translation, English dictionary definition of Apart from

69. In this context, the Commission received 12 projects emanating from ten national authorities (one from Belgium, two from Greece (Acropolis and Mount Athos), one from Spain, one from France, two from Ireland, one from Italy one from Finland, one from Sweden, one from the United Kingdom, and one from Norway).

70. Etymology: from Latin Bucolicus, from Greek boukolikos, 'rustic', from boukolos,

71. From Middle English Condigne, from Anglo French, from Latin condignus, from com- (completely) + dignus (worthy)

72. (C14: from Latin Apparens, from

73. Etymology: From Adumbrationem, from adumbrare.

74. [Middle English, from Old French Bourage, from Medieval Latin borāgō, probably from Arabic bū'araq, from 'abū

75. Compensation from noise from aerodromes

76. Word Origin mid 18th cent.: from Latin Administrativus, from administrat-‘managed’, from the verb administrare, from ad-‘to’ + ministrare ‘wait upon’, from minister ‘servant’, from minus ‘less’.

77. Borrowed from French Communal, from Late Latin commūnālis, from Latin commūnis

78. From Middle English, from Old French Contrarious, from Late Latin contrāriōsus.

79. [C15: from Old French Celerite, from Latin celeritās, from celer swift]

80. From Latin Consanguineus, from con- (with) + sanguineus (bloody), from sanguis (blood)