Use "disintegrated" in a sentence

1. Disintegrated phosphates exclusively.

2. The situation disintegrated into chaos.

3. Corroded: as in deteriorated, disintegrated

4. The older strata gradually disintegrated.

5. The rocks are disintegrated by frost and rain.

6. The particles disintegrated during the nuclear fission process.

7. 9 The plane completely disintegrated on the impact.

8. The Ottoman Empire disintegrated into lots of small states.

9. Old Great Bulgaria disintegrated under Khazars pressure in 668.

10. The spacecraft disintegrated as it entered the Earth's atmosphere.

11. The Swaraj Party disintegrated steadily after Deshbandhu ' s death .

12. 1 The spacecraft disintegrated as it entered the Earth's atmosphere.

13. The Labour Party, he said, had disintegrated into warring factions.

14. It's interesting that almost everything in the ship burial has disintegrated.

15. They probably disintegrated long ago, most of them in ancient Israel.

16. 30 The plane flew into a mountain and disintegrated on impact.

17. Children's sandcastles and hearts in love have disintegrated at its edge.

18. Under extreme government pressure, opposition party structures and organized political activity largely disintegrated.

19. Antonyms for Climbed include declined, dropped, fell, collapsed, crashed, degenerated, depreciated, deteriorated, diminished and disintegrated

20. When they Blipped back, they returned as the same age they were when they disintegrated

21. Synonyms for Atomized include beat, beaten, brayed, comminuted, crushed, disintegrated, ground, grinded, milled and pounded

22. He asks (in confusion): "Who will give life to the bones when they are disintegrated?"

23. That lint you see is from your clothes slowly being disintegrated by all the tumbling.

24. 21 It became increasingly difficult to switch off, without my crumbling into a disintegrated heap.

25. The mummified man's clothes had disintegrated almost completely, but appeared to be mainly of leather and fur.

26. History is full of Blobbing, but pretty much every blob has eventually disintegrated or fallen into decline

27. THE ARCHITECT OF the Ballsiest experiment in American sports would greatly appreciate it if this article disintegrated

28. Five Aiel clans remain (including the Taardad, Goshien, and Miagoma), and one of those has nearly disintegrated

29. During maturation aeciospores underwent a two- to three-fold increase in diameter and the intercalary cells disintegrated.

30. The party, with some 200 guests, disintegrated into a melee that ultimately involved more than 100 people.

31. When the Allies disintegrated IG Farben due to several war crimes , the company reappeared as an individual business.

32. Piper Alpha's design made no allowances for the destruction of the control room, and the platform's organisation disintegrated.

33. Their only child, Princes Shahnaz, was born in but from then on the marriage appears to have disintegrated.

34. Her 10-and 12-minute miles have disintegrated to this: a mile logged at a woeful 25 minutes.

35. This transponder actually codes each separate molecule of the disintegrated object so they can be decoded upon reintegration.

36. "Consolation" is only marred by a denouement that promised much but sadly disintegrated into a muddy mess

37. Purified, mechanically disintegrated cellulose prepared by processing alpha-cellulose obtained as a pulp from strains of fibrous plant materials

38. A horizon definition is - the uppermost dark-colored layer of a soil consisting largely of partly disintegrated organic debris.

39. Purified, mechanically disintegrated celluslose prepared by processing alpha-cellulose obtained as a pulp from natural strains of fibrous plant materials

40. (Isaiah 9:6) In the Battle of White Mountain, the League inflicted a crushing defeat on the Union, which disintegrated.

41. 19 The vistas of fir forests, islands and lakes disintegrated into an outer London suburb and a mundane wife called Letitia.

42. But the system of fixed exchange rates established after the war and based on the dollar had already disintegrated by that time.

43. After the latter empire disintegrated, the Greco-Bactrian kingdom arose on the territory of Bactria and several neighboring regions (circa 250 B

44. How tragic it would have been if after having survived for so long, the boat had disintegrated during the recovery process!

45. This is the second ceasefire in the past couple of weeks but appears to have disintegrated no sooner than it was announced.

46. This Cogitation sometimes gave rise to slightly off the wall machines of course, like Guy Delage's revolutionary proa, which disintegrated on the start line

47. Soon Moorish Spain disintegrated into 23 city-states or taifas, which over the following centuries were gradually absorbed by the feudal kingdoms of Spanish Christendom from the north.


49. No one tried to argue that the fact that newspapers disintegrated if you looked at them cross-eyed was a feature that had to be preserved as their content moved from medium to medium.

50. ‘This self should be free from mental and physical stigmata (suggestibility, amnesia, Aboulia, anesthesia, etc.), which commonly characterize the disintegrated states making up multiple personality.’ ‘Among the animal tests Skinner reported upon were some that induced abulia.’

51. ‘This Abulia is really getting to me, I can't figure it out.’ ‘This self should be free from mental and physical stigmata (suggestibility, amnesia, aboulia, anesthesia, etc.), which commonly characterize the disintegrated states making up multiple personality.’

52. Saginaw Bay suffered minor damage to her exterior from the force of the blast and helped to care for men of various ships in the fleet base area who had been struck by debris from the disintegrated ship.

53. ‘This Abulia is really getting to me, I can't figure it out.’ ‘This self should be free from mental and physical stigmata (suggestibility, amnesia, aboulia, anesthesia, etc.), which commonly characterize the disintegrated states making up multiple personality.’ ‘Among the animal tests Skinner reported upon were some that induced

54. As the raw material modified animal tissues are used whose homogenate is separated from non-disintegrated tissue elements by means of filtration and/or centrifuging at the acceleration of 150-250 g during 10-15 min. and a sediment is separated which contains CM and which is subjected to hydrolysis.

55. It can be safely stated that the original Buddhism has virtually disintegrated under this concerted Brahmanistic campaign over the nearly 2600 years following parinibbana — with the notable exception of the Theravada Buddhism preserved in Sri Lanka and a limited number of other countries — in to an admixture of sects, cults, belief systems

56. ‘Figures 13-15 show representative SEM images of the top and bottom surface, respectively, of a laser-generated Coagulum.’ ‘Although the samples were frozen during transport between laser irradiation and the MRI spectrometer, the setup time was sufficiently long that the samples thawed, the Coagulum disintegrated and mixed with the native blood.’

57. Disintegrated bodies, men cut in pieces, ripped off limbs, disfigured faces, soldiers bleeding to death by huge open wounds or internal hemorragies whose only external visible sign was the small hole created by a tiny shrapnell, organs destroyed by the explosion shock , bodies projected in the air and broken, intoxicated men, blinded, Asphyxied

58. ‘A confusing dynamics of humanization of animals and Animalization of humans follows, framing such a decadent process with paroxysmal contours.’ ‘A second incestuous couple, that of Zazia and her younger brother, is disintegrated by the animalisation of the latter, which is the result, once again, of his drinking from the forbidden stream.’

59. ‘A confusing dynamics of humanization of animals and Animalization of humans follows, framing such a decadent process with paroxysmal contours.’ ‘A second incestuous couple, that of Zazia and her younger brother, is disintegrated by the animalisation of the latter, which is the result, once again, of his drinking from the forbidden stream.’

60. Brenda Raby ENG 201 Romania took Ascendency Romania took Ascendency of Bessarabia in April 1918 .The ottoman conglomerate disintegrated , with a lot of its Levant territory awarded to respective Allied major power as associated state .The Turkish heart in Anatolia was reorganised as the democracy of Meleagris gallopavo .The Ottoman Turk conglomerate was to constitute partitioned by the pact of