Use "disagreed" in a sentence

1. President Nixon disagreed with Kennedy.

2. The amendment was disagreed to.

3. We disagreed about the colors.

4. She violently disagreed with what we said.

5. The two men had disagreed about reincarnation.

6. Zero percent disagreed with the consensus.

7. She disagreed with the system of apartheid.

8. He disagreed fundamentally with the President's judgment.

9. They disagreed on how to define "liberal".

10. The two friends disagreed violently and parted company.

11. Two of the judges disagreed with the verdict.

12. 11 They disagreed on how to define "liberal".

13. He disagreed that we have a police state.

14. 25 He disagreed fundamentally with the President's judgment.

15. Jobs vociferously disagreed with him about the omission.

16. Many solicitor respondents disagreed vehemently with this view.

17. Even his most ardent supporters disagreed with this move.

18. Judge Beach disagreed and refused to grant an injunction.

19. Although she often disagreed with me, she was always courteous.

20. (3) He Arrogantly imputed stupidity to anyone who disagreed with him.

21. The only time we sharply disagreed was over the children's education.

22. He arrogantly imputed stupidity to anyone who disagreed with him.

23. She knew what fate befell those who disagreed with Urduuk.

24. Scholars and other commentators disagreed on its boundaries, which were fluid.

25. However, throughout the 1980s, Espinosa increasingly disagreed with national economic policy.

26. Everyone disagreed, depending on what they were looking for in a Bartender

27. They openly disagreed with the governing body, “teaching things they ought not.”

28. Marxists, for example, have sharply disagreed over how to interpret Kafka's works.

29. To add spice to the debate, they disagreed about method and ideology.

30. General Gerd von Rundstedt, the commander of Army Group A, also disagreed with it.

31. He quickly became the focal point for those who disagreed with government policy.

32. No more government favor to priestly hierarchies or persecution for those who disagreed!

33. A hospital official might even have disagreed, based on legal or financial interests.

34. Denmark’s minister of health also disagreed with the bad publicity Dan’s doctors received.

35. There are aspects of Mr Obama's new Afghanistan policy that can be legitimately disagreed with.

36. Unfortunately the two verbatim reports of what was said slightly disagreed with each other.

37. After having been partners for years, they disagreed over whether to take Mark on a trip.

38. Synonyms for Bickered include argued, disputed, fought, quarrelled, quarreled, rowed, squabbled, wrangled, scrapped and disagreed

39. Antonyms for Approbated include declined, denied, disallowed, disapproved, negatived, rejected, vetoed, contradicted, disagreed and invalidated

40. I was the only guy who disagreed with the facts and I had brain damage.

41. The point of this counsel concerned those associated with the congregation who disagreed on the resurrection doctrine.

42. He disagreed with Newton's corpuscular theory of light in the Opticks, which was then the prevailing theory.

43. 30 I disagreed with him about / over / as to how we ought to deal with the backward.

44. In the former Soviet Union, the KGB was used to intimidate those who disagreed with the Communist Party.

45. She disagreed with the calculation and appealed against this administrative decision before the Tribunal du travail de Mons.

46. A man of great personal charm, he was yet stubborn and pugnacious towards those with whom he disagreed.

47. But there were Christians who disagreed with the Adoptionists, believing instead that Jesus was God’s son before his baptism.

48. He disagreed with counsel, however, that the goods in issue are not suitable for actually drilling for oil and gas.

49. Strasser disagreed with Hitler on many parts of the party platform, and in November 1926 began working on a revision.

50. When we entered adolescence, they would be the first on the block to consider killing people who disagreed with them.

51. Originated and backed by the papacy, it was a murderous attempt to torture and stamp out all who disagreed with the church.

52. In the 17% in which they disagreed, a third reader agreed with one of the initial readers to set a rating.

53. The three parties had disagreed on major issues and the coalition had been undermined by national discontent over recent austerity measures.

54. 22 Economists yesterday disagreed on whether exports could maintain their strength at a time when many other industrial nations are in the doldrums.

55. When Khurshid came of age, Farrukhan prepared to hand over power, but his own sons disagreed and tried to usurp the throne.

56. Elected at the 1970 general election, he disagreed almost immediately with Prime Minister Edward Heath's course of joining the European Economic Community.

57. Definition of Couth (Entry 1 of 2) : sophisticated, polished Although they disagreed with the speaker, they were Couth enough to listen to him respectfully.

58. 19 Opposing forces in the dispute over the bill claimed victory, accused each other of capitulation and disagreed over what the compromise meant.

59. Despite the respect he had for his father, Aurangzeb vehemently disagreed with many of his father's actions, considering them to be wasteful and extravagant

60. Polite polite He was always such a polite child. Courteous Although she often disagreed with me, she was always Courteous. respectful He was respectful towards his elders.

61. Maynard disagreed with that statistic, saying that, in reality, 5 percent to 15 percent of workers use EAPs and that Chaplaincies include in their percentages “relationship building, such as a

62. The parents who were high Agreers were good parents who agreed with other good parents, while the low Agreers were ineffective parents who disagreed with other parents, good or bad.

63. Anarchists have disagreed amongst ourselves as to when, for example, state violence may be met with violence, or when it is permissible to attack fascists, white supremacists, and Nazis physically.

64. Hot-Bedders were generally satisfied with their rent – 23% disagreed with the statement, “I think the rent I pay is fair.” However, one in two (51%) strongly agreed or agreed they worried

65. A spokeswoman for prosecutors in the city of Bydgoszcz, Agnieszka Adamska-Okonska, told Polish media Friday the prosecutors disagreed with the court's decision to release Matthew Libatique without bail a day earlier

66. The Joint Chiefs, however, strenuously disagreed with this and believed that if the US got involved further in Vietnam, it should be with the clear intention of winning and through the use of overwhelming force.

67. The Supreme Court disagreed in Wyeth v. Levine on March 200 By a 6-to-3 vote, the Court ruled that federal approval of a drug does not "preempt," or override, a state's consumer protection

68. The testing is done back to back and after I took my child to two other places for a second & third opinion it was determined that the majority of the Chancy Bruce testing results were disagreed with."

69. 5-18, 2021 and included 1,000 American Protestant Churchgoers, found that 86 percent are pleased with how their church handled the pandemic.Fifty-eight percent strongly agreed that they were pleased with their church’s handling of the pandemic while 9 percent disagreed

70. ‘The primary difference between the two groups is that Sunni Muslims recognize a Caliph, who maintains military and political authority in Muslim societies.’ ‘Ali, who was the fourth Caliph of Sunni Islam and the first Shia imam, disagreed with Umar's decision at the time, as …

71. The statement of anathematization began with these words: “We excommunicate, anathematize, curse and damn him.” (This comes from Paul Johnson, “A History of Christianity,” page 199.) The Council of Trent hurled 125 Anathemas at anybody who disagreed with even one small point of the doctrines defined by it.

72. Some of us have disagreed with His Royal Highness in the past, but such differences in understanding of issues should never be a justification for the suppression of truth as we have seen with the brutal nature Muhammadu Sanusi II was dethroned from the Amirship of Kano emirate.

73. When the idea of a jingle was first pitched to him, it was conceptualized as slow with a big roll up of drums; Worthington disagreed and felt the song should be fast and wrote the lyrics and recorded the song himself (along with local friend country western singer songwriter Sammy Masters).