Use "disability" in a sentence

1. "Disability in Bali".

2. Is cancer Classed as a disability? Disability is a protected characteristic, after all

3. Disability increases with age .

4. Should be collecting disability.

5. These health benefits included drugs, other medical/hospital, disability, dental, and accidental death and disability.

6. Amentia definition is - intellectual disability

7. He eventually overcame his disability.

8. Ableism, defined as discrimination or oppression based on one's disability or perceived disability, pervades our culture

9. Ableism is anything that devalues someone based on their disability — whether that disability is visible or not.

10. In the meantime, I live with my disability, but I don’t let my disability become my life.”

11. Two cases Alleging disability-based discrimination

12. National Aging and Disability Transportation Center

13. This is a disability, Dr. Cuddy.

14. 17 He eventually overcame his disability.

15. Other old-age and disability benefits

16. We all fear disability or infirmity.

17. Resources for Older Adults and Caregivers Adsd Aging and Disability Resource Center Overview of Aging and Disability Services


19. Disability insurance and life insurance: Disability insurance provides some income if a person is injured and cannot work.

20. In the event of disability due to an accident, the insured person is entitled to a disability pension

21. This disability is more pronounced in men.

22. They made no concessions to his disability.

23. Having a disability or impairment: physically Challenged

24. Having a disability or impairment: physically Challenged.

25. Anosmia is an invisible and underappreciated disability

26. Ailment: See: disability , disease , disorder , pain , trouble

27. His disability caused this thing to fail.

28. Low Copers don’t have a disability or …

29. He fought hard to overcome his disability.

30. • T ax exem pt and degree of disability affects am ount if disability >20% is attributed to m ilitary service

31. Her lack of experience is a severe disability.

32. For SSI payments based on disability and Blindness,

33. Averting Maternal Death and Disability (AMDD) She's pregnant

34. As a child, I struggled with my disability.

35. Second, the ways in which disability is experienced subjectively throughout the disability career will be mediated by both race and gender.

36. Synonyms: credentials, goods, qualification… Antonyms: disability, inability, inCapability…

37. For Victoria, her son's disability was a disgrace.

38. Unquestionably, sin is the worst disability afflicting humankind.

39. Yeah, won a lot of money and disability.

40. Tip four: point out the disability in others.

41. Disability can make extra demands on financial resources.

42. Some states mandate shortterm disability benefits as well .

43. The Australian Foundation for Disability (Afford) is a not-for-profit organisation dedicated to providing excellent services to help people with disability.

44. Under PMSBY, the risk coverage will be Rs. 2 lakh for accidental death and full disability and Rs. 1 lakh for partial disability.

45. I was born with epilepsy and an intellectual disability.

46. I promised to anyone regardless of age disability unconditionally.

47. For example, when someone is granted disability benefits they'll receive a lump sum to cover the entire time since they first applied for disability

48. — disability cash benefits paid after the standard retirement age,

49. 12 Take reading disability, or many other developmental disorders.

50. This public acknowledgment of Ted's disability pained my mother.

51. Table 7 Disability and dependency Future trends are uncertain.

52. By some reports, he may have suffered from intellectual disability or learning disability, but this may have been a misinterpretation of his nature and behavior.

53. Aned established and maintains a pan-European academic network in the disability field to support policy development in collaboration with the European Commission’s Disability Unit.

54. The absolute prohibition of detention on the basis of disability.

55. This gentleman does not have any leg condition, any disability.

56. Stigma related to their sexuality and disability compounds these challenges.

57. Of course, his mental disability cannot be improved with medicine.

58. I believe in the precept of 'Person first, disability second'.

59. What does Ament mean? A person with severe intellectual disability

60. Autism is the fastest-growing developmental disability in the U.S

61. Abilities ambassadors hale from all corners of the disability community

62. Many states in the US have their own disability laws.

63. When you see them play, you see competition, not disability.

64. The Australian Network on Disability (And) is a national, membership based, for-purpose organisation that supports organisations to advance the inclusion of people with disability in …

65. Social Security Disability Insurance exclusions are Bankrupting and killing us

66. Perhaps you too suffer from a chronic illness or disability.

67. Many youths are afflicted with a chronic illness or disability.

68. My disability is called "quadriplegia, " I use an electric wheelchair.

69. Challenged definition is - presented with difficulties (as by a disability)

70. Meet Breeze, the easy way to buy disability insurance online

71. Trying to change attitudes to disability is an uphill struggle.

72. It is possible, within limits, to assess a physical disability.

73. the illness or disability absence rate (Haggar-Guénette, 1988 and 1992).

74. Noting that disability income is not a need-based 1 benefit, the court nonetheless cautioned that disability proceeds were still not Attachable due to § 407(a)

75. Do you and your sister have some form of intellectual disability?

76. benefits including - health care; dental care; disability, life and accident insurance.

77. Republic Act 10754 or the VAT Exemption for Persons with Disability.

78. Francis Mays is an unemployed telemarketer living off her disability checks.

79. I've never considered my disability a hindrance, but other people have.

80. Aim serves people of all ages, with any type of disability