Use "diminishes" in a sentence

1. This, too, diminishes the hearing acuity.

2. The Agreement diminishes neither piece of legislation.

3. 13 But it cheapens liberty and diminishes the nation.

4. In parallel circuits resistance diminishes but the Conductance adds.

5. Second , this denial severely diminishes the prospect of a diplomatic resolution .

6. The amplitude of the pulses within a threatening-sound diminishes rapidly.

7. Who says the headiness diminishes ones the bottle is empty?

8. " I give up everything that diminishes the value of my offering.

9. Results indicate that amino-acid free parenteral nutrition diminishes the tumor growth.

10. Colds, flu or any Ailment that diminishes vocal stamina and l

11. Storing in greenhouses with a high humidity very quickly diminishes their viability.

12. The first is that the risk of insolvency diminishes with increased size.

13. The acidity diminishes with age, unlike the saltiness and flavour which grow stronger.

14. The shape of the plurality of apertures diminishes focal aberrations of the lens.

15. Age diminishes the heart's ability to pump harder and faster under exertion.

16. The cicada is stilled. The chorus of the cricket and katydid diminishes.

17. The problem with Burrowing in is that it diminishes trust in the merit system

18. Your resentment diminishes your progress and damages your ability to have healthy relationships.

19. Top synonyms for Belittles (other words for Belittles) are diminishes, demeans and demeaning.

20. Instead of growing, rail infrastructure density in most Cohesion Fund receiver countries actually diminishes.

21. The capability of blanching post mortem hypostasis diminishes in way of an exponential function.

22. Colds, flu or any ailment that diminishes vocal stamina and luster are potentially disastrous.

23. Naturally, Automats have some appeal during a pandemic because it greatly diminishes human contact exposure

24. The spray device (10) diminishes the tendency of water to emanate therefrom when not activated.

25. Synonyms for Abates include decreases, declines, diminishes, subsides, dwindles, eases, lessens, ebbs, wanes and fades

26. Synonyms for Alleviates include soothes, allays, assuages, diminishes, dulls, eases, mitigates, moderates, mollifies and reduces

27. The incorporation of3H-Uridine is high in the basophilic cells and decrease as the plasmabasophilia diminishes.

28. Crazing diminishes the value of most pieces depending on the severity and rarity of pieces

29. Sadly, such wonder based on curiosity or novelty often diminishes with the passage of years.

30. Introduction of a p-nitro group (which is a σ− and π−acceptor) further diminishes Basicity

31. A software Craftsperson is a thought worker, and without charged batteries, the quality of their work diminishes

32. Barbituric acid actually diminishes strongly the hyperglycemic action of alloxan, but has no protecting effect on pancreas.

33. Violence diminishes the ability to gain an education, earn a living and participate in public life.

34. One point of aid was used, which in no way diminishes what is a major achievement.

35. A high percentage of grain Chalkiness is a major problem because it diminishes grain quality in rice

36. Violence diminishes women’s and girls’ ability to gain an education, earn a living and participate in public life.

37. At the top of a flowering plant, this number again diminishes to a single leaflet per leaf.

38. 26 But it also diminishes individual responsibilities and all but guarantees that organizational performance will remain consistently low.

39. Bisecting GlcNAc modification diminishes the pro-metastatic functions of small extracellular vesicles from breast cancer cells J Extracell Vesicles

40. Still, Canon does drop a stitch when it comes to chromatic aberration, which diminishes the generally high image quality.

41. The history of economic development has shown that the erection of trade barriers diminishes economic growth and creates instability.

42. As federal and state support for the cities diminishes, poor urban dwellers will become even more destitute and marginalized.

43. This is not helpful, but the worse is how a bad re-Cementing job diminishes the look of the windows.

44. Angering Diminishes Fear and Shame Angering is the grieving technique of aggressively complaining about current or past losses and injustices

45. The lungs become smaller, lighter, and the elastic tissue degenerates; this is Atrophous emphysema, and the chest capacity diminishes

46. This causes a narrowing of the channel and diminishes the amount of blood that the coronary arteries can carry.

47. Thus the importance of coinage for our understanding of the past diminishes, generally speaking, the more up to date we come.

48. This prejudice, as we will see[], in no way disappears or even diminishes in Feuerbach's later theory of religion.

49. Furthermore, statistics clearly show that taking reasonable precautions —such as wearing a seat belt— greatly diminishes the likelihood of a fatal accident.

50. Belle's health is represented by a stack of blue books, which diminishes when she touches bats, rats, and other hazards in the game.

51. Curing weed improves the effects you feel and diminishes the likelihood that you’ll experience anxiety, paranoia, and racing thoughts after smoking a bowl or blunt.

52. In intact female rats, pretreatment with crystalline ACTH for at least 4 days reduces zoxazolamine paralysis and diminishes the toxicity of aniline, N-methylaniline, and acetanilide.

53. A yellow 'Bole' color, when used with Genuine or Imitation Gold, evens out the overall appearance and diminishes any cracks or 'holidays' on the gilded surface.

54. (3) God wants us to be saved because He knows how sin diminishes us, Beleaguers us, and hinders us from accomplishing God’s divine purpose for our lives

55. Blemish Any mark of deformity or injury, whether physical or moral; anything that diminishes beauty, or renders imperfect that which is otherwise well formed; that which impairs reputation

56. Selective pre-adaptation to 0° respectively 90° shifts the phase of the response by 45° to 90° resp. 0°, while pre-adaptation to 45° only diminishes the amplitudes.

57. "Because there is no myelin damage at birth, we assumed prions are needed to maintain the quality of the myelin sheath, which diminishes throughout life, " says Aguzzi.

58. USPS Chief DeJoy cuts post office hours, lengthens delivery times in new 10-year plan The postmaster general announces his long-awaited strategic initiative, one that diminishes delivery standards

59. Third, sin diminishes the presence of the Spirit in our lives, and without the Holy Ghost, we will lack the spiritual stamina to hold onto and exercise faith.

60. Commitments as tools of statecraft and for the protection and advancement of security interests diminishes significantly if participating States do not fully implement the obligations and Commitments they have undertaken

61. Acute artificial light diminishes central Texas Anuran calling behavior Though his ward won, Anuran believes that there is still room for improvement for the former boatman from famous tourist destination Puerto Galera.

62. If a poem strikes an attitude my attention diminishes (even if the attitude is one that wants to show a rejection of Attitudinising through the hall of mirrors of ironic distancing)

63. EXAMPLE SENTENCES FROM THE WEB That Bumbling win over the archrival Ravens included a season-ending injury to star linebacker Bud Dupree, which diminishes the Steelers’ dreams of the second undefeated season in NFL history.

64. Until one is clear about just what one means by Adaptationism, what evidence one needs to accuse someone of being an "adaptationist" will remain vague; this rather diminishes the force of the accusation

65. Short-time treatment with estrogen in the early secretory phase results in a great number of reaction units in all tubal segments; a similar treatment in the proliferative phase diminishes the reaction units in the ampulla.

66. ‘A Clodhopping version of Chase, the Moroder's theme from Midnight Express, only diminishes the enterprise.’ ‘Not because they're a bunch of Clodhopping yokels - well, not entirely - but because rabbits have the ability to destroy their precious island.’

67. Clearly adrenal insufficiency diminishes the ability of DOCA to induce high blood pressure, and therefore it appears unlikely that adrenal-regeneration hypertension in the rat can be ascribed to heightened sensitivity to mineralocorticoid activity during the state of adrenal insufficiency.

68. The vast majority of Afghan families were never exposed to this system, and many of these families were in opposition to these programs due to the belief that it diminishes the central role of the family and inculcates children with Soviet values.

69. The equipment of laminar air flow (in composition with bactericidal filters, blocks of ventilators and other) applied by us creates in the district of operating table absolutely sterile air and supports comforts heat and humidity parameters of air, that diminishes postoperative complications considerably.

70. Definition of Bastardized : altered from an original in a way that diminishes quality or legitimacy a movie presenting a Bastardized version of a classic novel … the Italian and Chinese restaurants finally rid themselves of their first- and second-generation parochialism and their Bastardized dishes tailored to supposed American tastes …

71. The average Air temperature diminishes at the rate of 0.6 o C for each 100 m vertical height "One Standard Atmosphere" is defined as the pressure equivalent to that exerted by a 760 mm column of mercury at 0 o C sea level and at standard gravity (32.174 ft/sec 2) Other components in Air

72. TAnzanite is a very rare gem, in fact it is one of the world’s rarest gemstones.It is found in only one location in the world – a place called Merelani in Tanzania.The mining area has been divided into 4 blocks by the Tanzanian government – A,B,C and D.It is also one of the worlds’ most popular and sought after gems and as the supply diminishes and becomes mined out, TAnzanite’s

73. This means, first, developing our understanding of the various mechanisms that may link the AIDS-affectedness of a household to a change in that household’s land tenure status, and in particular, how these relate to the legal, economic and cultural context; second, attempting to gauge the frequency with which these phenomena occur, in particular relative to the experience of land tenure change generally; and third, identifying practical measures that could be introduced to reduce the extent to which HIV/AIDS diminishes tenure security.