Use "dialogues" in a sentence

1. It provides start-up dialogues, macro dialogues and exit dialogues to open and close applications.

2. You should use dialogues for multiple purposes.

3. Advanced - level dialogues feature more complex sentence types.

4. : One or more dialogues, each accompanied by a sound file.

5. 1 Students were asked to read simple dialogues out loud.

6. Aporia and the wisdom of emptiness Plato’s early dialogues, most probably the ones closer in time and spirit to Socrates, are sometimes called the “ aporetic dialogues” because of this theme

7. Counterstory Dialogues Concerning Alejandra’s “Fit” in the Academy Aja Y

8. The teacher asked the students to make up short dialogues by themselves.

9. He wanted only to please God: "soli Deo placere desiderans" (II Dialogues, Prol.

10. We put our guests in dialogues with professional Anchorpersons or hosts

11. The Analects record Confucius's teachings as dialogues, or conversations, with students

12. We encourage governments to investigate possible mechanisms for maintaining regional interfaith activity between Dialogues

13. He praised Sparta, archrival to Athens, directly and indirectly in various dialogues.

14. They sponsor policy dialogues on issues related to older persons and the ageing process.

15. Apologising Situational Dialogues were designed with variety of 44 everyday English usage situations

16. Emmanuel Levinas' Alterity & Transcendence is a collection of short essays and dialogues

17. ◦ Sessions should focus on dialogues, sharing and learning b) On-line dialogue and information resources

18. In all , government-to-government linkages between the two countries involve 60 bilateral dialogues .

19. Let's look to the plays of Shakespeare, the dialogues of Plato, the novels of Jane Austen.

20. with new free trade agreements with developing countries, dialogues on governance and human rights, and targeted assistance.

21. English and French interpretation will be provided for the interactive high-level dialogues and for press conferences.

22. He drew new conclusions about the authenticity of the dubious dialogues, and the chronology of the entire corpus.

23. Diogenes gives a full list of the titles of the dialogues: this is the first catalogue of Aristippus' work

24. The four dialogues are led by cabinet-level secretaries on our side and equivalents on the Chinese side.

25. Statements made in the plenary and the multi‐stakeholder partnership dialogues will be interpreted in the official languages.

26. The Analects or Lunyu (论语) is a Chinese classic text containing anecdotes concerning and dialogues including the philosopher Confucius.

27. 20 Episodes are based on dialogues, role play and cloze exercises, with the emphasis on building awareness of language appropriateness.

28. This implies a monistic interpretation of the two principles and fits with assertions in the dialogues that suggest a monistic philosophy.

29. Aristippus is also said to have written another work, containing twenty-five dialogues, some written in Attic and others in Doric

30. The two sides have important Homeland Security Dialogue that cooperates on counter-terrorism measures, Energy Dialogue, dialogues in health, education, etc.

31. They accomplished their goal after many further adventures (and two further amusingly erotic encounters between Bósi and two maidens with riddling dialogues).

32. The Roman script was phonetic and the book consisted of a series of dialogues, building up with phrases rather than individual words.

33. 22 In his work, Genette firstly reinterprets the aesthetics of Kant through the theme of Aspectual attention and dialogues with English-spoken theorists.

34. 240, […] no man is believ’d a jot the more for all the Asseverations, Damnings and Swearings he makes:1779, David Hume, Dialogues Concerning …

35. Bomb’s founders—New York City artists and writers—decided to publish dialogues that reflected the way practitioners spoke about their work among themselves

36. In such stories a certain amount of embellishment is expected and some elements, especially the dialogues, follow a familiar pattern.

37. Question (Ashish Kumar Singh, ABP News): Madam, a short while back you talked about the visits and dialogues, and you mentioned about Peshawar.

38. This is particularly so in energy, defence, education, and in the quality and range of the strategic dialogues that we undertake.

39. It was later alleged that her dialogues in Bengali were dubbed by TV actress Reeta Kayral and had not even been acknowledged .

40. GMES is addressed in bilateral space dialogues between the EU and major space nations, in order to identify ways of balanced cooperation.

41. A key outcome is that the project uniquely established stakeholder dialogues during both the planning of research and interpretation of its results.

42. The Analects are a collection of the teachings and thoughts of Confucius; they also contain fragments of dialogues between the great Chinese philosopher and his disciples

43. 27 The United States has active trade and investment dialogues with Indonesia, the Philippines and Brunei and is working with Laos to support its WTO accession.

44. Compere: A Compere originally used to be the person who probed the dialogues to those who played the lead roles in an act or a play

45. Courtliness Furthermore, musical dialogues participated in the discourse of civility at the very heart of contemporary concepts of Courtliness. From the Cambridge English Corpus Even his Courtliness …

46. Their fanciful dialogues are laced with rhythms and dynamics inspired by folklore, opera and jazz. Together, they create a unique sound that is intense and beautiful, adventuresome and absurd.

47. Comparison with the much - revered RJD chief Laloo Yadav has been inevitable : Prasad revels in delivering his comments in heavy Bhojpuri accent and a bombast that reminds one of Bollywood dialogues .

48. It is a social LitNet (Literature Network) for writing, reading, sharing and discovering Poejia (Poem), Jiyatale (Story), Article (Informative blogs), Boffola (One-Liners), 2U (Open letter) and Jiyatalk (Conversational Dialogues).

49. A major launch event which will herald active pilot/demonstrator programmes in up to five Member States which will implement national dialogues, each starting with a national event in 2014.

50. In this regard, the APEC Business Advisory Council (ABAC) and APEC's policy partnerships and industry dialogues can contribute significantly by providing private sector feedback or insight on market needs, trends and expectations.

51. Greek philosophy and rhetoric moved fully into Latin for the first time in the speeches, letters and dialogues of Cicero (106-43 B.C.), the greatest orator of the late Roman Republic.

52. 1 Past Timeline 2 Season 4 3 Trivia 4 Affinity 5 Dialogues Ante is a demon from the slums, she would often scavenge from place to place looking for hidden treasures

53. Our focus, including in our bilateral dialogues and cooperative activities with neighboring states in Southeast Asia and East Asia, has been on issues like border security, maritime security, counter terrorism and energy security.

54. In the context of economic globalisation and regional integration, we are committed to our efforts in advancing economic cooperation and engaging the emerging regional economic architecture, including organising multi-sectoral strategic economic dialogues.

55. These negotiations, together with enhanced policy dialogues, can also contribute to further promoting sustainable development in partner countries, to promoting common values and internationally agreed social and environmental standards, including decent work.

56. Although in none of Plato’s dialogues is Plato himself a conversational partner or even a witness to a conversation, in the Apology Socrates says that Plato is one of several friends in the audience

57. This book combines crystalline descriptions of Brilliancy with actual transcripts of dialogues from Hameed's work sessions with students which demonstrate how to move through layers of emotional accretions to a more spacious place

58. In free-to-play sometimes players have to go through the chat dialogues to reach their collection and trade with them. Collectors can be identified with a collector icon on the world map and minimap.

59. How Conversational German Dialogues works: Each new chapter will have a fresh, new story between two people who wish to solve a common, day-to-day issue that you will surely encounter in real life

60. By the age of eight he had read Aesop's Fables , Xenophon 's Anabasis , and the whole of Herodotus , and was acquainted with Lucian , Diogenes Laërtius , Isocrates and six dialogues of Plato (see his Autobiography).

61. The primary activity of the society is organizing the biennial Anaerobe Congress for researchers, clinicians, and laboratory scientists from around the world to engage in presentations, exchanges, and dialogues related to Anaerobes.

62. They affirmed expansion of cooperation in maritime security including safety and freedom of navigation and anti-piracy activities, by promoting bilateral and multilateral exercises, and through information sharing, as well as dialogues.

63. The two leaders reaffirmed that Japan and India should actively cooperate to promote multi-layered frameworks and dialogues for regional cooperation in Asia, including the EAS, SAARC and the ASEAN Regional Forum (ARF).

64. This subject is also discussed in bilateral dialogues with a number of countries across the spectrum- nuclear weapon states, non-nuclear weapon states, developed as well as developing states, states from afar as well as neighbours.

65. This dialogue, like Australia’s other human rights dialogues with China and Laos, suffers from a credibility gap because of a lack of transparency about what’s actually discussed, and a failure to provide clear public benchmarks to measure incremental progress on rights.

66. Internal, Accusatory dialogues are commonplace The beleaguered ex-Chancellor has been firing off Accusatory letters to Tory editors for months They began pointing at the faces ducking behind the windows, and unleashed a taunt, both Accusatory and ferocious: "Scab! Scab! Scab!"

67. Other articles where Apology is discussed: Plato: Early dialogues: The Apology represents the speech that Socrates gave in his defense at his trial, and it gives an interpretation of Socrates’ career: he has been a “gadfly,” trying to awaken the noble horse of Athens to …

68. These engaging dialogues Acquaint readers with two key African-American thinkers: bell hooks (her spelling), Oberlin College professor of English and Women's Studies and author of Talking Back: Thinking Feminist, Thinking Black, and Cornel West, Princeton University professor of Theology and Afro-American Studies and author of Prophetic Fragments.

69. Saeculi Noni Auctoris in Boethii Consolationem Philosophiae Commentarius, Papers & Monographs of the AAR IX (Rome, 1935); "Boethius's Consolatio Philosophiae as a Sequel to Augustine's Dialogues and Soliloquia," HThR 32 (1939) 19-39; "Notes on Two Neglected Manuscripts of Boethius' Consolatio Philosophiae;” TAPA 70 (1939) 352-6; "The Yale

70. The Aporias in Plato's early dialogues.1 In this paper, I wish to present a few specimen resolutions based on the assumption that the fallacies, omissions, and apparent contradictions producing the Aporias are fully intentional on Plato's part.2 The evidence for Plato's deliberateness falls into two main cate-

71. Antithetical to Love Charlotte Carpenter & Bassel Red, blue, yellow, green, & white Jonathan Aprea Reading from The Beauty of Your Face Sahar Mustafah March Lions Before Lambs: a score to settle (translations welcome) Julie Ezelle Patton A Cenote Blossoms in Van Nuys, CA Angel Dominguez From the archives: Reading 'she said dialogues' Akilah Oliver

72. Regardless of their limitations, the Clunky phrases, the sweet but usually inaccurate caricatures, the raucous royal commissions and public fora, and the interminable inter-faith dialogues that we use to deal with one another during this interregnum, provide an opportunity for us to stop and think about the religious claims of the other

73. First published in 1910, Abridgements of such works as: Bramwell's Hypnotism, Buffon's Natural History, Chamber's Vestiges of Creation, Cuvier's Surface of the Globe, Darwin's Origin of Species, Davy's Elements of Chemical Philosophy, Faraday's Experimental Researches in Electricity and The Chemical History of a Candle, Forel's Senses of Insects, Galileo's Dialogues on the System of the World

74. Socrates and Alcibiades: Four Texts gathers together translations our four most important sources for the relationship between Socrates and the most controversial man of his day, the gifted and scandalous Alcibiades.In addition to Alcibiades’ famous speech from Plato’s Symposium, this text includes two dialogues, the Alcibiades I and Alcibiades II, attributed to Plato in antiquity but

75. * Agreeing on the imperative of having a comprehensive approach to address terrorism, India and France resolved to step up their bilateral cooperation, under the supervision of annual strategic dialogues and joint working group on counterterrorism meetings, to counter violent extremism and radicalization, disrupt recruitment, terrorist movements and flow of Foreign Terrorist Fighters, stop sources of terrorist financing, dismantle terrorist infrastructure and prevent supply of arms to terrorists.

76. Girl 1: Hey did you see Tom Holland's new picture,he's so Bute Girl 2: I mean,he's not bad ig Girl 1: I'm totally a white man's whore for him Girl 2: but you're white Becky,so it doesn't- Yk what,nvm Girl 1: Yeah,exactly he's Bute (i suck at dialogues because I've never spoken to people irl😳)

77. Plato makes explicit references to Corybantic rites in six of his dialogues, spanning from the so-called early Crito to the later Laws.In all but one of these an analogy is established between aspects of the Corybantic rites and some kind of λόγος: the words of the poets in the Ion, Lysias' speech in the Phaedrus, and the arguments of Euthydemus and Dionysodorus, the personified Laws and

78. Socrates, as recorded in Plato's dialogues, is Customarily regarded as the father of Western ethics.He asserted that people will naturally do what is good provided that they know what is right, and that evil or bad actions are purely the result of ignorance: "There is only one good, knowledge, and one evil, ignorance".He equated knowledge and wisdom with self-awareness (meaning to be aware of