Use "devoured" in a sentence

1. " Sam devoured the pizza. " You can't just say, " Sam devoured. "

2. He devoured the food greedily.

3. She was devoured with anxiety.

4. The lion devoured the deer.

5. Crickets had devoured their crops.

6. We devoured what research there was.

7. I devoured the bread and butter.

8. She devoured the new detective story.

9. The children were devoured by curiosity.

10. 19 She was devoured by jealousy.

11. 11 Cindy felt devoured by jealousy.

12. The hungry man devoured his dinner.

13. y our people killed and devoured my friends.

14. He devoured science fiction books as a teenager.

15. 1 The young cubs hungrily devoured the deer.

16. Antonio devoured half his burger in one bite.

17. I devoured those books and wanted to learn more.

18. And fire has devoured the pastures of the wilderness.”

19. 10 He devoured science fiction books as a teenager.

20. Avidly 12 hrs · "I devoured Michelle D

21. The lions devoured a zebra in a short time.

22. He methodically and placidly devoured a loaf of bread.

23. They devoured entire orchards, costing farmers millions each year.

24. For fire has devoured the pastures of the wilderness,

25. He devoured half of his burger in one bite.

26. You have devoured all when you were standing godmother.

27. That night, the alchemists begin to disappear, devoured by Szilard.

28. Every Underground movement that goes overground is devoured by banality.

29. They would not be devoured by this gorgon of the East.

30. The corpse may even have been burned or perhaps devoured by beasts.

31. Led by Kronos... a force so evil, he devoured his own children.

32. Beowulf observes the monster's method as one Geat is slaughtered and devoured

33. Destitute of any tender emotions, they devoured one another without being satisfied.”

34. Wendell devoured a large piece of gingerbread, then licked his fingers greedily.

35. Those who could not afford to travel, hungrily devoured the pictures in magazines.

36. And the box lunches had been arrived later, I took the boxand devoured ravenously.

37. The girl emptied the stiffened mould into my hand, and I devoured it ravenously.

38. Resignation, Acquiescency, rest, -- all which are acts or effects of faith, -- are devoured by it

39. The beetles devoured the untreated halves of each leaf but didn’t touch the treated portions.

40. Then again, she hasn't cracked a smile since the day that shark almost devoured me.

41. They travel to the Dark Aurora and defeat Airy, who is then devoured by Ouroboros.

42. He devoured work, never shirking and always beating the native sailors in jumping obey a command.

43. But then another seven ears, wind-parched and sickly, sprouted up and devoured the choice ones.

44. Synonyms for Crammed in include gobbled, bolted, devoured, gulped, wolfed, guzzled, Crammed, scoffed, scarfed and demolished

45. Father Martin did not speak again while he methodically and placidly devoured a loaf of bread.

46. Synonyms for Chowed include put away, ate, eaten, consumed, ingested, devoured, bolted, gobbled, wolfed and shifted

47. Regrettably, the flames of the Inquisition devoured every copy, and only its final page has survived.

48. He was thrown from his chariot and his horses tore him to pieces and devoured him.

49. I knew I was being devoured by flame ravenous as a dragon, fierce as the sun.

50. Mom, my two friends from highschool and I devoured a delectable meal all prepared by yours truly tonite.

51. And yet, they still join, instinctually , each one believing that it's some other poor pilchard who'll be devoured.

52. During the middle of each month the full moon was attacked by a colossal sow and ravenously devoured.

53. Animal dung is spread by birds, devoured by insects, bacteria, and earthworms and mixed intimately into the topsoil.

54. Synonyms for Breakfasted include broke one's fast, broken one's fast, noshed, ate, eaten, devoured, gobbled, gulped, wolfed and consumed

55. After they had devoured the nuts and drunk the lemonade they discussed who would write what for the Gazette.

56. 18 Animal dung is spread by birds, devoured by insects, bacteria, and earthworms and mixed intimately into the topsoil.

57. She Cheerfully cooked up some Welsh cakes, from a recipe handed down by her grandmother, that the other hosts devoured

58. 27 After they had devoured the nuts and drunk the lemonade they discussed who would write what for the Gazette.

59. She displayed no grief, no emotion, but merely sniffed at the carcass of her remaining dead cub —and then devoured it.

60. In that day of decision, “the whole earth will be devoured” by the fire of God’s zeal as he exterminates the wicked.

61. 2 This damage will be lethal if Caldera Hellion hasn't devoured any creatures and its toughness hasn't been increased by any other means.

62. My little one devoured this, the flavour seemed to be mainly oats which a Blackcurranty hint, but it was enough to keep her interested

63. And once there, she lays an egg on it, egg hatches, devoured alive, bursts out of body, yadda yadda yadda, you know the drill.

64. Cardium edule is quickly devoured by this technique but a number of other Cardiids as well as Nuculana pernula, Venus ovata, Spisula subtruncata and S

65. Live Beautiful is a voyeuristic adventure that I honestly devoured at the same pace as some of my favorite novels!" -- Emma Roberts ― founder of Belletrist

66. More often than not, these cases are enshrined in popular culture by the movies and books about them that are avariciously devoured by a sensation-hungry public.

67. They were genuinely enthusiastic; they followed me to the automobile, devoured me with their eyes, not fearfully, as before, but rapturously, and shouted at the tops of their voices.

68. By the fire of his zeal the whole earth will be devoured, because he will make an extermination, indeed a terrible one, of all the inhabitants of the earth.”

69. Sinners are devoured by wild beasts and by snakes, laboriously roasted, sawed into parts, tormented by thirst and hunger, boiled in oil, or ground to powder in iron or stone vessels.”

70. In their first weeks of life, the fry grow quickly—an adaptation born of the high risk of getting devoured by the adult goldfish (or other fish and insects) in their environment.

71. Hiding in a darkness that will continue to spread... chasing away our fish... draining the life from island after island... until every one of us is devoured... by the bloodthirsty jaws... of inescapable death!

72. ◦ Depicted with the rear of a hippopotamus, the fore of a lion and the head of a crocodile, Amemet "devoured" the hearts of those judged guilty when their hearts were weighed in the afterworld.

73. 38 And it came to pass that many died in the wilderness of their wounds, and were devoured by those beasts and also the vultures of the air; and their bones have been found, and have been heaped up on the earth.

74. The System Of Racism That America Was Built On Is Crumbling At A Terrific Speed July 21, 2020 Jason Williams @trudreadzdotcom The global system of racism and white supremacy, inspired by America, that has devoured the world’s resources and invaded indigenous territories is falling at an exponential rate.

75. "Credence is a sinfully delicious read packed with taboo goodness and fiery sex scenes sure to have you squeezing your thighs together.I didn't read this book, I devoured it." -Tabitha Vargo, New York TimesBestselling Author "It is, hands-down, Penelope's hottest book to date, but it's not "just" erotica.