Use "developing countries" in a sentence

1. Accelerated population ageing in developing countries

2. Childhood obesity is also extending to developing countries.

3. Addressing shrinking civil society space in developing countries

4. Developing countries are seeing a similar confluence now.

5. The organization promotes fair trade with developing countries.

6. They would be the envy of most developing countries.

7. 10 More encouragingly, remittances to developing countries also expanded.

8. On addressing shrinking civil society space in developing countries

9. Then the developing countries applied soap and water, vaccination.

10. Illiteracy is a major problem in some developing countries.

11. Not all women in developing countries run the same risk.

12. Money is not capital in most of the developing countries.

13. Many choose to work in developing countries out of altruism.

14. Globalization has brought very little real benefit to developing countries.

15. The documentary illustrated the gulf between industrialized and developing countries.

16. The standard of living in many developing countries is low.

17. In most developing countries, private ownership is already the rule.

18. So the developing countries are caught in a cleft stick.

19. Towards appropriate agricultural trade policy for low income developing countries.

20. In # developing countries reported outward stock of FDI; see # b

21. On balance biotechnology should be good news for developing countries.

22. That also means strong public commitment by suppliers to developing countries.

23. Developing countries won't put up with the situation for much longer.

24. Developing countries like India cannot flourish with Casteism inside its people

25. (b) Efforts to facilitate information-sharing between developing countries and regions;

26. Aid flows to developing countries were falling at an alarming rate

27. About one billion people in developing countries are facing fuelwood shortages.

28. 6 On balance biotechnology should be good news for developing countries.

29. a) The Paris Agreement acknowledges the development imperatives of developing countries.

30. In many developing countries, growth is by-passing the rural areas.

31. She has advised governments and international companies operating in developing countries.

32. (b) Facilitate various options for enabling developing countries’ access to technologies;

33. Aid should be given to developing countries with no strings attached.

34. This is 1950 -- those were the industrialized countries, those were developing countries.

35. However, malnutrition is the most common cause of immunodeficiency in developing countries.

36. 23 Developing countries won't put up with the situation for much longer.

37. In all these respects, the environment in many developing countries is calamitous.

38. Many leave developing countries – as you said, Commissioner – because in developing countries they earn low wages, have poor working conditions, little prospect of advancement and a lack of training.

39. The first and overriding priority of all developing countries is poverty eradication.

40. Private capital inflows to developing countries remain sensitive to global financial conditions.

41. Most developing countries also benefited from the low per capital income adjustment

42. Abstract Labour markets in developing countries are crucial to determine income inequality.

43. But the absorptive capacity of developing countries must be taken into account.

44. Multinational companies are unethically exploiting the plant genetic resources of developing countries.

45. There is still a vast economic chasm between developed and developing countries.

46. The advanced countries must leave enough room for developing countries to grow.

47. Collectively, capital-scarce developing countries are lending to capital-abundant advanced economies.

48. But the absorptive capacity of developing countries must be taken into account

49. In developing countries, millions suffer from malaria, sleeping sickness, bilharzia, and other diseases.

50. The impact of climate change and environmental degradation falls disproportionately upon developing countries.

51. (a) 'developing countries' means countries covered by the ACP, ALA and MED agreements;

52. Stocks of disused pesticides and toxic chemicals accumulate in almost all developing countries

53. The debate will pit the industrial North against developing countries in the South.

54. 15 The group works in developing countries to increase literacy and enfranchise women.

55. The situation of many other developing countries is not anywhere near as advantageous.

56. Helping to Alleviate poverty in developing countries also helps to reduce environmental destruction

57. expansion in increasing the competitive ability of developing countries, in particular African countries

58. Helping to alleviate poverty in developing countries also helps to reduce environmental destruction.

59. The World Bank is being urged to write off debts from developing countries.

60. Developing countries have been concerned over an erosion of the Doha Development Round towards a singular focus on market access, as more ambitious industrial market opening is sought in larger developing countries.

61. So, you're not going to find them in rural areas of developing countries.

62. Rheumatic fever mostly affects children in developing countries, especially where poverty is widespread.

63. Developing countries have continued to accumulate foreign reserves to insure against financial shocks.

64. Debt accumulation of developing countries is sometimes due to factors beyond their control.

65. Yet, like the developing countries, the Western Isles are clearly a peripheral area.

66. See Decision # (h) of # apacity-building for developing countries (non-Annex I Parties

67. I think the developing countries, India and Africa, have the capacity to so.

68. Developing countries cannot accept approaches that impede growth and retard poverty alleviation obligations.

69. They also referred to the large reserves accumulated by developing countries as self-insurance

70. (b) Partial cost for other developing countries taking into account the ability to pay]

71. Most other Western countries are overeating, and the developing countries are fast catching up.

72. In addition, donors can support developing countries in domestic revenue mobilisation by regulatory means.

73. (g) aggregate, project-specific and country-specific financial and technological support to developing countries;

74. Access to and from the sea by landlocked developing countries and freedom of transit

75. Enhanced, equitable and predictable market access for commodities of key importance to developing countries;

76. “On average, developing countries spend 1.6 percent of their GDP on social safety nets.

77. In developing countries, reusable or makeshift pads are still used to collect menstrual blood.

78. In the past few decades foreign goods flooded the markets of the developing countries.

79. Women in developing countries typically have their first child when they are very young.

80. In a number of developing countries, war has been an additional impediment to progress.