Use "develop environment" in a sentence

1. “Coronation provides an environment to develop yourself as a professional

2. Indeed, in the high-pressure environment in which gangs operate, grudges easily develop.

3. Embryos raised in a sulfate-free environment, unlike controls, did not develop Archenterons

4. Empowerment Develop the environment industry Access to strategic information, access to networks, access to funding

5. The company will also enhance its Nomadic Computing Environment and develop multimedia applications for the SPARCbook.

6. It is therefore crucial to develop alternative farming strategies to maintain crop yield and protect the environment.

7. Mold and Biotoxins could be in your environment for years and you may never develop any symptoms

8. They must also take account of priorities which will develop the concept of environment-linked health indicators.

9. If China is to have an enlightened and healthy education environment and society, I want it to develop indigenously.

10. Both Brans develop a favorable environment in the gut by altering the composition of microbes and modulating produced metabolites

11. Conflux Pontus provided a stable underlying network environment for partners on the Conflux ecosystem to test and develop DApps

12. Seasonal Allergies, like other Allergies, develop when the body’s immune system becomes sensitized and overreacts to something in the environment

13. Branford High School will educate all students in a safe and supportive learning environment that will develop life-long learners and productive citizens.

14. • establish a unified concepts, doctrine and experimentation unit that will rely on advanced simulation to develop new capabilities for the evolving operational environment.

15. This lesson discusses the basics of Java Applets, how to develop Applets that interact richly with their environment, and how to deploy Applets

16. There are four models of Blended learning that offer different approaches employers/trainers can take to develop an advanced and personalized learning environment for learners

17. Under field conditions, Constantine demonstrated that certain species of animals can develop rabies when exposed to Aerosolized rabies virus in a cave environment [10, 11].

18. Biophysical environment synonyms, Biophysical environment pronunciation, Biophysical environment translation, English dictionary definition of Biophysical environment

19. The NC Challengers are a 501 c3 organization with the mission to develop, advance, and promote young ladies in a competitive and positive softball environment

20. The Environment Agency is continuing to develop advanced research projects on climate change and natural and man-made dangers, vulnerabilities and risks through its various institutions.

21. The function of the environment is to help and allow the child to develop independence in all areas according to his or her inner psychological directives.

22. Burnet Middle School will provide students with a quality education while affording the student an opportunity to develop socially and emotionally in a safe learning environment.

23. HB’s experience ensures that, no matter how complex or unique, we help you design, develop, and build the most effective Audiovisual environment possible for your organization.

24. The work of the Tourism Sustainability Group however confirmed that more than any other economic activity tourism can develop synergies in close interaction with environment and society.

25. Things like machines may develop or neglect certain things in people ...Machines make our life impersonal and stultify certain elements in us and create an impersonal environment.

26. Charters Tennis offers an exciting tennis experience for aspiring young tennis players to learn, develop new skills, play competitively and get fit in a fun and professional environment.

27. Cognized environment: Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia [home, info] Words similar to Cognized environment Usage examples for Cognized environment Words that often appear near Cognized environment Rhymes of Cognized environment Invented words related to Cognized environment:

28. This project will ultimately make it possible to incorporate the environment into the daily business of enterprises and to develop the territory and urban heritage targeted by decentralized cooperation actions.

29. When Allergies Develop Suddenly

30. Develop Good Feeding Habits

31. What Are Coupled Human-Environment Systems? As the concept of the human-environment landscape clearly shows, humans impact the environment, and the environment impacts humans

32. Anorexia can develop innocently.

33. Adrenal adenomas develop in …

34. An Antinoise pair of earmuffs in order to develop concentration and develop visual attention

35. • RAVEN - Remote Aerial Vehicles for Environment, a monitoring project of the Instrumentation, Control & Automation Centre (INCA) at Memorial University, proposes to develop a maritime surveillance system utilizing unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs).

36. Brain Aneurysms develop silently

37. Many women develop breasts.

38. Hypernyms (to "Adolesce" is one way to): develop (grow, progress, unfold, or evolve through a process of evolution, natural growth, differentiation, or a conducive environment) Sentence frame: Somebody ----s

39. If present trends continue, “the natural environment will be increasingly stressed.”—“Global Environment Outlook—2000,” United Nations Environment Programme.

40. The Cholesterol Free Desktop Environment. A desktop environment reminiscent of CDE

41. Trees growing in wetlands develop adventitious roots from the trunk during the rainy season and adapt to the flooded environment by forming primary (schizogenous or lysigenous) and secondary Aerenchyma in the roots

42. They also obligate all Indians to promote the spirit of common brotherhood, protect the environment and public property, develop scientific temper, abjure violence, and strive towards excellence in all spheres of life.

43. Educational Programming Environment

44. A change in structure, function, or behavior by which a species or individual improves its chance of survival in a specific environment. Adaptations develop as the result of natural selection operating on …

45. " Develop odor emission plug- in. "

46. * Develop infrastructure and transport services;

47. About 25% develop from moles.

48. Languages develop continually through usage.

49. An Inspiring Environment

50. Discover and Develop Spiritual Gifts

51. Some alcoholics develop liver disease.

52. Acid environment test

53. Conceptually, muscles can also be mediolaterally subdivided into primaxials (they develop within the context of the vertebral column and outside the lateral mesoderm) and Abaxials (the precursors enter the lateral mesoderm and develop within this environment) (Burke and Nowicki, 2003; see the article by Winslow et al., this issue, pages 2371

54. Alternative Titles: Benthic environment, Benthic zone, bottom environment Zonation of the ocean

55. All Cuttings usually develop roots …

56. Engineers develop new technological solutions.

57. (c) How did apostasy develop?

58. The Arctic environment is a good example of a fast changing environment.

59. Abiotic environment The nonliving factors of the environment that influence ecological systems.

60. While most people infected with syphilis develop only one Chancre, some people develop several of them.

61. The Bathyal environment is intermediate between the neritic environment and the abyss.

62. On land, Amphibians develop lungs.

63. Conceptually, muscles can also be mediolaterally subdivided into primaxials (they develop within the context of the vertebral column and outside the lateral mesoderm) and Abaxials (the precursors enter the lateral mesoderm and develop within this environment) (Burke and Nowicki, 2003; see the article by Winslow et al., this issue, pages 2371-2381).

64. The reservoir impoundment will change the geologic environment and bring about environment problem.

65. Abacus/ PWGSC/ Pay Reconciliation Once DFO has implemented FIS the reconciliation process will change. We are working with Oracle Cluster Group to develop new tools and methodology to do reconciliation in a FIS environment.

66. Create a Peaceful Environment

67. "The K Desktop Environment".

68. Biogeography analyzes organism-environment

69. Lesson 5: Home Environment

70. Immunocompetent patients rarely develop Crusted scabies

71. Bober continually strives to develop innovative

72. - Develop the capacity of local stakeholders.

73. It helped him develop his credo.

74. About half the patients develop gallstones.

75. To develop a Crick (cramp, spasm).

76. Adrenal Adenomas develop in the cortex

77. Rural areas develop where agribusinesses flourish.

78. About 10% develop an allergic reaction.

79. Develop TIFF driver with new features.

80. And there's the environment.