Use "devaluation of the currency" in a sentence

1. Currency devaluation poses risks

2. Two other concepts related to the value of a currency are devaluation or revaluation.

3. Residents seeking protection against inflation or a devaluation of the bolivar turn to currency traders.

4. Currency devaluation and sharp increase in oil prices are challenging the profits earned over the past few years.

5. The devaluation or revaluation of a currency against the dollar was permitted only when a country faced a severe economic crisis.

6. Argentina has seen a strong uptick in foreign currency inflows on the back of high global grains prices, reducing the risk of a sharp near-term devaluation of the peso currency and giving the

7. At that time, the term inflation referred to the devaluation of the currency, and not to a rise in the price of goods.

8. An Arbitrageur faces the risk of losses if there is a devaluation of the currency suddenly, where he has to sell the stock or instrument

9. This reform began with a 50% devaluation of Senegal's currency, the CFA franc, which was linked at a fixed rate to the French franc.

10. The effects of the devaluation are now petering out.

11. There's been a further devaluation of the dollar.

12. Nor is there any salvation in the rake's progress of perpetual devaluation.

13. There has been a further small devaluation against the dollar.

14. The devaluation of the pound has put our estimates out by several thousands.

15. Compared with the U.S. dollar pound sterling, the devaluation of the trend has intensified.

16. It will lead to devaluation of a number of European currencies.

17. The devaluation of the pound will make British goods more competitive abroad.

18. Currency Pair—A quote of the relative value of one Currency unit against another Currency unit

19. Traditional schoolbook says inflation will cause devaluation.

20. Binance-Backed Xend Finance launches DeFi platform for credit unions in Africa Tage Kene-Okafor 2 days Nigerian startup Xend Finance uses decentralized finance (DeFi) to address currency devaluation.

21. Meanwhile, inflation spurred by the devaluation ate into workers' paychecks.

22. Prices rocketed to anticipate the devaluation and speculation was rife.

23. Devaluation would only give the economy a brief respite.

24. His dogged refusal to countenance devaluation ensures the economic failure of a future Labour government.

25. The nominal daily devaluation of the peso was halved from 40 to 20 pesos.

26. ETB: The currency for the Ethiopian Birr, the official currency of Ethiopia

27. But the speculators have tasted blood and could yet force a devaluation of the franc.

28. The devaluation fuelled inflation, which reached an estimated annualized rate of 13(,000 percent.

29. The first Currency in a Currency pair is called the base Currency while the second is called the quote Currency

30. The Piaroa attitudes toward food reflect their devaluation of the status of the practical hunter.

31. The Qatari riyal (currency code QAR) is the official currency of Qatar.

32. The devaluation and the cuts in subsidies resulted in price rises of between 100 and 120 percent.

33. Specify the currency of field 25; ISO 4217 Currency Code, 3 alphabetical digits.

34. Currency of the depository receipts

35. Worn,[] secondhand clothes in a wealthy family were symbolic of a powerful devaluation.

36. He blamed injudicious comments by bankers for last week's devaluation.

37. (1) A third method was dollar devaluation, to Cheapen the selling price of American goods abroad

38. Eurozone membership precludes inflation and devaluation as adjustment mechanisms.

39. The report currency is displayed beside the Set currency option.

40. In 1873, the international silver crisis resulted in a devaluation of silver against gold-based currencies.

41. This Column stores the calculation of the value of the currency Column you added and the base currency

42. The Boliviano is the currency of Bolivia

43. Ariary (Noun) The currency of Madagascar

44. Currency Convertibility is the ease with which a country's currency can be converted into gold or another currency

45. The paʻanga is the currency of Tonga.

46. Foreign currency demand deposit and foreign currency deposit.

47. The billion-dollar question was whether a devaluation of the dollar would jeopardize New York's position as a financial centre.

48. The currency code for Baht is THB, and the currency symbol is ฿.

49. Key figures, for instance, argued that devaluation would cripple Labour's chances of re-election.

50. Any devaluation of sterling would make it even more difficult to keep inflation low.

51. New currencies were created in the French colonies to spare them the strong devaluation of December 1945.

52. Type Currency names, 3-letter ISO Currency symbols, or country names to select your Currency

53. Economics has become the currency of policy.

54. Some of the hotels accept foreign currency.

55. Clearly food production and consumption have changed vastly since industrialization but the devaluation of women's contribution remains a constant.

56. It is also regarded as the value of one country's Currency in relation to another Currency

57. Affirmation depends on negation: white is valued at the expense of black; youth acquires status through the devaluation of ageing.

58. Convertibility The state of or the ease with which a currency may be exchanged for a foreign currency

59. Currency Convertibility means that a particular currency can be easily and readily changed into another currency

60. Convertibility The state of or the ease with which a currency may be exchanged for a foreign currency

61. The Canadian Dollar is the currency of Canada

62. The Currency of Bolivia is the Bolivian Boliviano

63. Those are the currency.

64. Currencies, Currency Markets, News and Rates on International Currency

65. The Angolan Kwanza is the currency of Angola

66. The system of money that is used in a particular country at a particular time: domestic/foreign/local Currency The deal will be done in the local Currency. stable/strong/weak Currency They benefited from having a stable Currency …

67. In March # a forwardlooking crawling peg regime was introduced with a gradually decreasing rate of devaluation

68. The Chilean Peso is the currency of Chile

69. The Afghan Afghani is the currency of Afghanistan

70. Buyer Currency

71. Calculate live Currency and foreign exchange rates with the free Xe Currency Converter

72. The Argentine Peso is the currency of Argentina

73. Donations in the form of United States currency, local scrip currency, or gold dust were also accepted.

74. By Monday evening the devaluation was a reality; the president was back in the Kremlin.

75. The ISO-alpha-3 currency codes (ISO 4217) shall be used for the currency.

76. During a currency crisis the value of foreign denominated debt will rise drastically relative to the declining value of the home currency.

77. The global currency type of a reporting view determines the currency in which all of these values are displayed in reports.

78. TYPICAL IMITATIVE CLAUDIUS SPES SESTERTIUS WITH DEVALUATION Countermark Pangeri 85d, (29mm, 14.6gm) Obverse Countermark DV (denoting half value) on neck This is a devaluation Countermark indicating this coin is …

79. Symbol, Currency

80. The Burundian Franc is the currency of Burundi