Use "deterrent" in a sentence

1. They're just a deterrent for crime.

2. Nuclear weapons are the ultimate deterrent.

3. Window locks are an effective deterrent against burglars.

4. Shackles alone no longer offer fair deterrent.

5. They seriously believe that capital punishment is a deterrent.

6. Window locks are a cheap and effective deterrent.

7. The nuclear deterrent has maintained an uneasy peace.

8. His punishment will be a deterrent to others.

9. Large fines act as a deterrent to motorists.

10. Fig. Block diagram of the Vehicle Watchdog deterrent.

11. The level of fines set should act as a deterrent.

12. There is little or no deterrent for these fiendish acts.

13. There is no effective deterrent for these young criminals.

14. Biter Be Goner is a nail biting deterrent

15. 27 Some people say that capital punishment acts as a deterrent.

16. Is there a credible alternative to the nuclear deterrent?

17. 9 They stressed the need for an independent nuclear deterrent.

18. 20 The deterrent effect of the death penalty has long been questioned.

19. They stressed the need for an independent nuclear deterrent.

20. Heat, virus no deterrent for Trump fans Camped outside arena

21. They were arguing about the deterrent effect of nuclear weapons.

22. The small fines for copying software were not much of a deterrent.

23. The extensive root system of grasses serves as a deterrent to soil erosion.

24. Excellence is the best deterrent to racism. Oprah Winfrey 

25. This has proven to be a strong deterrent against theft.

26. Hopefully his punishment will act as a deterrent to others.

27. 7 They seriously believe that capital punishment is a deterrent.

28. A five-year sentence should act as a deterrent to others.

29. Long prison sentences can be a very effective deterrent for offenders.

30. The final deterrent to widespread acceptance of encryption is its difficulty to use.

31. But there is another, perhaps more promising category of deterrent effect: general deterrence.

32. • The Bill provides for severe punishment and heavy pecuniary fines to act as deterrent.

33. Bird Aweigh is a unique bird deterrent device for the smart sailor

34. The most effective deterrent, however, is that simple household substance, vinegar.

35. GRADING is morally wrong, practically ineffective, and a major deterrent to learning.”

36. The bodies of executed criminals were hung on the city gates as a deterrent.

37. 18 Defenders of the death penalty clearly regard it as the ultimate deterrent.

38. In rejoinder, the abolitionists question the superior deterrent value of the death penalty.

39. 13 synonyms for Baulk: balk, deterrent, hinderance, hindrance, impediment, balk, handicap, check, rafter

40. 5 Defenders of the death penalty clearly regard it as the ultimate deterrent.

41. I put a net over my strawberries as a deterrent to the birds.

42. The Charred exterior helps to weatherproof the siding and act as a deterrent to insects

43. The NS-10 Burster is a highly effective air-deterrent, available only for MAX class

44. - The most recent scientific and technical developments on acoustic deterrent devices and other mitigation measures.

45. Bird B Gone offers a wide variety of safe, humane and effective deterrent solutions for Cormorants.

46. Britain's credible and effective independent nuclear deterrent is the ultimate guarantee of our security.

47. The need for a triad of forces, including a submarine based deterrent, derives from this.

48. Depending on how technology is used, these advances can be a blessing or a deterrent.

49. Synonyms for Cautionary include warning, admonitory, admonishing, monitory, cautioning, premonitory, exemplary, advisory, deterrent and instructive

50. Reviews of earlier studies on the Brutalizing and deterrent effects of capital punishment are

51. Antabuse is an alcohol deterrent medication that is used in the treatment of alcoholism

52. Our keeping this in mind can be a powerful deterrent to yielding to temptation.

53. Drink-driving is one case where severe punishment seems to work as a deterrent.

54. Of eighteen case studies of Crackdowns, fifteen appeared to demonstrate initial deterrent effects, including two examples of …

55. The deterrent effect of our presence and continuous patrols in the busier yachting areas could not be discounted.

56. The small fines for this type of crime do not act as much of a deterrent .

57. Antonyms for Biffing include defence, defense, protection, safeguard, immunity, security, shield, cover, deterrent and shelter

58. 17 We will complete the deployment of the next generation of Britain's minimum nuclear deterrent.

59. Murders too were more frequent, and in order to combat the rising crime rate parliament introduced a psychological deterrent.

60. The submarines play a key role in protecting ships and submarines armed with the Trident nuclear deterrent.

61. This section begins with a group of contrasts concerning the deterrent effects of markets and liability regimes.

62. Dummy Cctv cameras are a great deterrent for potential intruders at a fraction of the cost.

63. If the youths showed signs of any untoward behaviour the loosing of this magnificent animal should be sufficient deterrent.

64. Tests involving 250 contacts with sharks showed that in each case sharks were repelled by the new deterrent.

65. In the area of road safety, bill proposes to increase penalties to act as deterrent against traffic violations.

66. But they suggest that overall, punishment has other effects which cancel out and even outweigh its deterrent effects.

67. This study of deterrent and Brutalization effects of an Arizona execution partially replicates and extends a study

68. Hero, weapon... linchpin of our national security... deterrent to nuclear war, or a man to end worlds.

69. There is a fear that the freeze on bank accounts could prove a lasting deterrent to investors.

70. I told him also that Britain's only strategic weapon would be the minimum deterrent constituted by Trident.

71. 11 The effectiveness of rapid amphibious and air-transported intervention as a deterrent to predator states had been clearly demonstrated.

72. By the autumn of 19 the Chiefs of Staff had begun to doubt its viability as an effective deterrent.

73. The Soviets would never risk going to war when we have a walking nuclear deterrent on our side.

74. The most affordable bark Collars use a single type of bark deterrent and only offer up to 10 levels of adjustability.

75. Xiahou Dun experience tells us: self-mutilation, really has the deterrent force. When this second brother, is also afraid of.

76. Antabuse is a deterrent, meaning that taking this drug makes consuming any amount of alcohol punishable by horrible side effects.

77. Of course, such prior advertisement of a new law is usually necessary for it to be an effectual deterrent.

78. Continuing deterrent credibility would, in future, depend upon Britain's known ability to retaliate with an invulnerable Second Strike weapon.

79. Antifeedant, contact toxicity and oviposition deterrent effects of phyllostine acetate and phyllostine isolated from the endophytic fungus Diaporthe miriciae against Plutella xylostella larvae

80. We hope that the force of example will serve as a deterrent to unscrupulous adventurists from indulging in such heinous crimes