Use "deter" in a sentence

1. Failure did not deter him .

2. Dogs can deter unwelcome intruders.

3. Don't let failure deter you.

4. Does prison deter criminals from offending again?

5. Will this harsher punishment effectively deter criminals?

6. Her threats, however, did not deter us.

7. Her words of warning would hardly deter him.

8. Such uncertainty could deter potential private freight operators.

9. Nevertheless, their negative response should not deter you.

10. The present system does little to deter corporate crime.

11. These measures are designed to deter an enemy attack.

12. We are trained to detect, deter, observe, and report.

13. Bad weather didn't deter them from starting their vacation.

14. Dropping steel rain, Artillerymen deter enemy rockets in Afghanistan

15. Fear of failure should not deter you from trying.

16. The windows are covered with grilles to deter vandals.

17. Punitive damages are designed to punish and deter misconduct.

18. Timber is often treated with creosote to deter rot.

19. Such a statement was hardly calculated to deter future immigrants.

20. 16 The present system does little to deter corporate crime.

21. The security camera was installed to deter people from stealing.

22. Nothing shall deter us from doing what we think right.

23. The skunk releases a pungent smell to deter the enemy.

24. Obstacles such as persecution and apathy will not deter us.

25. 17 Timber is often treated with creosote to deter rot.

26. Troops stationed in the South to deter North Korean military Adventurism

27. The threat of jail failed to deter him from petty crime.

28. And unfamiliarity with a new electoral system may also deter voters.

29. Never deter till tomorrow that which you can do today. 

30. To deter the Axis from attacking, a deception operation was planned.

31. The alarm is usually sufficient to deter a would-be thief.

32. Arrests and jail sentences have done nothing to deter the protesters.

33. The lack of facilities in the town may deter the casual visitor.

34. She's Birdie's modern personal safety alarms are made to help deter attack

35. The venomous spines make the fish inedible or deter most potential predators.

36. The high price of the service could deter people from seeking advice.

37. If this fails to deter the enemy, the possum promptly drops dead.

38. The wild weather did not deter some people from swimming in the sea.

39. These new rules are likely to deter people from coming forward for help.

40. Suchexperiences interrupt, deter, or prevent the normal progress toward autonomy and self - actualization.

41. It is time to go beyond the shibboleth that conventional forces cannot deter.

42. She brushes her teeth with fluoride, but spits to deter the Evil Eye.

43. 11 Love for fellow humans will deter you from engaging in sexual misconduct.

44. Any adjustment to the leviable rate shall be deter mined by the State Council.

45. This did not deter this student from persisting with different approaches to overcome difficulties.

46. There is little evidence that harsher punishments deter any better than more lenient ones.

47. Dismay, Appall, horrify, daunt mean to unnerve or deter by arousing fear, apprehension, or aversion

48. 4 Supporters of the death penalty argue that it would deter criminals from carrying guns.

49. This will further complicate the task of the police and further deter victims from reporting.

50. There is no more certain way to deter employment than to harass and penalize employers.

51. Harsher jail conditions do nothing to deter prisoners from reoffending . If anything they encourage recidivism.

52. Field experiments have proved that this startle display does indeed deter attacks from small birds.

53. The stated primary purpose of these inspection stations is to deter illegal immigration and smuggling activities.

54. Putting young offenders into a prison or other custodial establishment does not deter them from offending.

55. Run it invisibly, so you can catch, asas deter , problem coworkers, visitors, family members, or managers.

56. This will not only protect the notice face from the weather but also deter the vandal.

57. The snobberies of the members and officers of the club intimidate but fail to deter Anton.

58. The death sentence was put in place to deter those without conscience from running Amuck in society.

59. Overall, this policy should enhance Canada's capacity to detect and deter money laundering and terrorist financing activities.

60. Indeed, even colossal traffic jams, for all their cost in wasted time, have failed to deter motorists.

61. The buzzard was heading for the updraft above the Edge, and nothing was going to deter it.

62. In Peru, INDECOPI publicized legal reasoning and rulings to help explain the law and deter anticompetitive acts.

63. Ex Ante Let us call this the ex Ante solution to the rationality of deter rent threats

64. Deny surreptitious or forced entry by an intruder; (b) Deter, impede and detect actions by disloyal personnel

65. Lawmakers in these countries apparently hope that the fear of getting arrested will deter people from selling sex.

66. One slapping movement with the open palm, aimed at an opponent's nose, is enough to deter most adversaries.

67. But this hardly seems sufficient, as an armoured defence, to deter any but the most casual of killers.

68. Second, I will work closely with the Department of Defense and our regional allies to deter Iranian aggression.

69. Pro-choice groups fear that Dr Tiller's murder will deter doctors from providing abortions and women from seeking them.

70. Neither Royal Liver nor any of the other friendly societies has taken any action so far to deter carpetbaggers.

71. Curfews have reemerged recently as a popular option for policymakers in their efforts to deter juvenile victimization and delinquency

72. As he walks, he passes a gibbet where the corpses of three crows are hung to deter their fellows.

73. Asian honeyBees have exhibited what scientists call a form of tool use to deter attacks by giant predatory wasps.

74. Electronic-Access-Control Electronic-access-control devices can be used to record authorized entry, and to deter unauthorized entry.

75. 5 I prepared the soil with humus, watered the plants and sprayed with a garlic solution to deter bugs.

76. Punishment for criminal Contempt is punitive in nature, meaning that it aims to deter future instances of criminal Contempt

77. In an effort to deter terrorist organizations from Barraging the Jewish state with rockets and artillery shells, the U.S.

78. It does not deter firms from supplying on credit, and there is always insurance cover to fall back on.

79. They allow neither foreign languages, rugged dirt roads, remote communities, nor high-security city apartment buildings to deter them.

80. Once the desired sales price is deter-mined, a desired amount will be deducted from the sales price for profit.