Use "destined for" in a sentence

1. Shipments of waste destined for recovery

2. We're not destined for each other.

3. His parents destined him for the church.

4. This is a train destined for London.

5. He himself was destined for the priesthood.

6. She seemed destined for a successful career.

7. The lamb is clueless for what it's destined

8. From childhood, Britney Spears seemed destined for stardom.

9. She is destined to be sold for political currency.

10. He was an unambitious man destined for a commonplace job.

11. The shipment originated in Togo and was destined for China.

12. Medicine is her destined profession.

13. Burr’s lineage meant he was destined for the top of society

14. Medicine is his destined profession.

15. Ray could only save Bunchy, which means Mickey is destined for prison

16. Those who broke this golden rule were destined for the circular file.

17. The enemy is destined to failure.

18. Their attempt is destined to failure.

19. only handles material destined for a petfood plant as referred to under (i

20. As a second son with ambitions, Pietro was destined for an ecclesiastical career.

21. The perk seems destined to become taxable .

22. He was destined to be an actor.

23. It was destined that they would marry.

24. We were destined never to meet again.

25. David was originally destined to the bar.

26. For example, the Golgi apparatus adds a mannose-6-phosphate label to proteins destined for lysosomes.

27. The SupremeCorq X2 is designed for more delicate wine styles or for wines destined for longer bottle aging.

28. We could conceivably escape disaster, but we seem destined, absent real change, for ecological impoverishment.

29. He was destined to plod the path of toil.

30. They were destined never to see each other again.

31. The film is destined to become a cult classic.

32. Biocidal ZF is sprayed homogenously onto the destined surface

33. We are destined to run aground on some island.

34. She seemed destined to end her days living alone.

35. Bodhisattvas are ‘beings destined for Awakening’, preparing, through their merits and their virtues, to become Buddhas

36. Says one reference work: “Roman engineering . . . obtained results that were destined to remain unmatched for centuries.”

37. The fugacious past destined to be my single vermilion mark.

38. London seems destined to lose more than 000 hospital beds.

39. Those born to the purple are destined tothe public eye.

40. Now, Masoto confessed that Crawford bribed him to let through an illegal arms shipment destined for Sudan.

41. The incident seems destined to become a mere footnote in history.

42. Satan’s entire system —political, religious, and commercial— is destined to fail.

43. Destined for his father's career he studied at Guy's Hospital where, in 18 he became demonstrator in chemistry.

44. Before it can become aluminum, however, Bauxite destined for use as aluminum must first be processed into alumina.

45. Shipments of waste destined for interim recovery or disposal operations shall be subject to the following additional provisions:

46. 26 In 19 vehicles destined for General Export and the GCC (Gulf Cooperation Council Countries) received a facelift.

47. 27 What legacy of land and soul is destined to corrode?

48. Air Cargo transferred between aircraft that never leaves the airport rather than Cargo destined for the local market

49. And it's destined to collapse for many reasons -- kind of Malthusian reasons -- that you run out of resources.

50. He was destined from his birth to enter into the church.

51. 5 Inevitably I was destined to become a zoologist in later life.

52. These two are destined for one another-and fated to deliver one of the worst scripts in recent memory.

53. Packet modification is an integrity threat involving one computer intercepting and modifying a message packet destined for another system.

54. Sv. Peter offers top quality daily maintained slopes covered also with artificial snow, destined for advanced skiers as well as for beginners.

55. Saul demanded that Jonathan bring David to him as one destined to die.

56. Carrots have natural sweet sugar in them, which can be destined into alcohol

57. The renaissance was not destined to endure; predictably, it led to no enlightenment.

58. 12 That involved bureau agents surreptitiously opening and photographing letters destined for the mission before allowing them to be delivered.

59. Yet you believe that robots like us are destined to one day disappear.

60. Braise is the book he was destined to write… a classic!” -- Robert M

61. The anniversary of his coronation seemed destined to be marked by ignominious defeat.

62. Includes motor gasoline blending components (excluding additives/ oxygenates), e.g. alkylates, isomerate, reformate, cracked gasoline destined for use as finished motor gasoline.

63. Others worry that low-cost ARVs destined for developing countries could actually end up on the black market in developed lands.

64. Those born to the purple are destined to live in the public eye.

65. Nathan knows that the life of a woman mated to a Burdened Sephlem is destined for peril beyond a human’s reckoning

66. Includes motor gasoline blending components (excluding additives/oxygenates), e.g. alkylates, isomerate, reformate, cracked gasoline destined for use as finished motor gasoline.

67. " Grapples. " But she also said... that I'm destined to destroy Olympus, or save it.

68. Full Annealing is done to give workability to such parts as forged blanks destined for use in the machine-tool industry

69. Some part of this is, of course, destined for our own ports, to feed the increasing demand for energy to fuel our current economic growth.

70. MT humidifiers are machines destined to air humidification and cooling for the control of the humidity and the temperature in closed places.

71. Cabooses scheduled for phased overhauls got the new electric rooftop markers; older Cabooses destined for scrap used kerosene markers until the cars left the roster

72. There are no boundaries or barriers if two people are destined to be together.

73. Bound to, be Be certain or destined to; also, be determined or resolved to

74. We were adrift, destined to float amongst the ruins of our planet until we starved.

75. He's already sold much of his crop, and most are destined to become Halloween lanterns.

76. With the power of immortality, the Arisen are destined to rule the future of Sarnaut.

77. Finally, in the Brazilian capital of Rio, police seized 200 baby parrots, which were destined for the black market. Thank you for watching Da Ai Headlines. Goodbye.

78. After a five-hour journey, they unloaded their baggage at the place destined to become Ra'anana.

79. These dams greatly reduce the sediment-carrying capacity of rivers and streams, thus seriously cutting down the supply of sand destined for beach building.

80. In addition, Canadair was contracted to manufacture wingsets, tail assemblies and rear fuselage sections for 66 Lockheed-built F-104Gs destined for the West German Air Force.