Use "desperation" in a sentence

1. Your desperation My desolation .

2. They played with a Cacophonous desperation

3. The ruffian laid about in desperation.

4. Dumping sometimes comes out of desperation.

5. But this desperation was perhaps understandable.

6. The robbery was an act of desperation.

7. In desperation, the Allies turned to infiltration.

8. Filled with desperation, he even targeted policemen.

9. I went to the police in desperation!

10. In desperation, I decided to try acupuncture.

11. Desperation lent an edge to her voice.

12. Their obvious desperation strengthens our bargaining position.

13. In desperation I pleaded with the attackers.

14. My emotions oscillate between desperation and hope.

15. I only agreed out of sheer desperation.

16. Here, lawlessness, poverty and desperation were the norm.

17. 2 In desperation, I decided to try acupuncture.

18. 20 Desperation lent an edge to her voice.

19. Boredom and isolation were driving Polly to desperation.

20. She acted with a courage born of desperation.

21. In desperation, we had to borrow the money.

22. There was a note of desperation in her voice.

23. 12 In general, desperation guided treatment of the deranged.

24. Why do you think Thoreau said lives of quiet desperation?

25. There was a note of desperation in his voice.

26. In desperation Daniel checked himself into a rehabilitation center.

27. Driven to desperation by our noisy neighbours, we called the police.

28. You squeezed them, you hammered them to the point of desperation.

29. There is no need to recline and rest in mock desperation.

30. It's their kind of ur- story onstage, that desperation to live.

31. A half-hour they have lamented, Shaking their voices in desperation.

32. There’s the Cloddish desperation of the strategy, summed up by its designer

33. With strength born of desperation, she managed to break down the door.

34. It's their kind of ur-story onstage, that desperation to live.

35. In desperation, Nati hid the bundle of contraband in a toilet.

36. " We surrendered to Cao Cao...... not for profit but out of desperation.

37. In desperation, they jumped out of the window to escape the fire.

38. The result is sometimes desperation prose, each individual phrase clamouring for attention.

39. She learned it from impoverished people who had come to her in desperation.

40. In his desperation to escape, Tom had slipped and broken a leg.

41. The draft paper should get a D rating for desperation and disingenuousness.

42. In desperation, she is even prepared to sell her body to the Anatomical Institute

43. 9 So,[] the political irrelevance of our subjects did not diminish our desperation.

44. The reader can appreciate her desperation as her love for Macbeth becomes hopeless.

45. In May 19 partly out of desperation, we entered upon a great experiment.

46. Desperation has driven studios to shrink the once sacrosanct 90-day theatrical window.

47. Out of some sort of desperation she seemed to want to degrade herself.

48. These uprisings come from desperation and a vista of a future without hope.

49. At that late hour, if they in desperation ask for help, what would happen?

50. But even they had been known to take direct action when driven to desperation.

51. If like me, first take my desperation, and don't take it as my self-abasement.

52. Complaining about perceived rivals . Blatantly trying to denigrate rivals, revealing your poverty mentality and desperation.

53. At the end of the film, the man becomes a thief out of sheer desperation.

54. We realized with a sense of growing desperation that nobody knew we were in there.

55. Eldest son one's life life is to listen, obsequious, but finally however risk danger in desperation.

56. The husband belongs to Scarlet, a woman whose life of quiet desperation threatens to overwhelm her.

57. Other self-defeating organizations rely on insincere optimism and empty slogans to mask an inner sense of desperation.

58. The cultists, too, offer a look at the Aeonist movement, zealotry and desperation of the common human

59. In desperation, the mother picked up a fork and tried to encourage him to eat his beans.

60. 11 In desperation, Mrs. Jones submitted to an operation on her right knee to relieve the pain.

61. The cultists, too, offer a look at the Aeonist movement, zealotry and desperation of the common human

62. She was a heartless, money-grabbing woman who made her fortune from the misery and desperation of others.

63. Had he understood that in her desperation to avert financial tragedy she might be willing to barter her body?

64. They sat in the littered corners at the ends, beggars in various states of desperation waiting mutely for handouts.

65. Even if the nations, out of desperation, should scrap all nuclear firepower, they would retain the know-how.

66. 5 Because of such intense spiritual desperation, the Prophet received some of the most sublime revelations of this dispensation.

67. Enjambment Accentuates the desperation of the persona in his experience of despair and darkness in the face of mortality

68. It is a sign of the economic desperation that young people even aspire to work in impoverished Moscow and Bucharest.

69. At least the folks who roast all those chickens know it for what it is-a tortured posturing, a feigned desperation.

70. His mother, tired of the desperation, asks him to approach Radha and color her face in any color he wanted.

71. His family, meanwhile, insisted he acted out of desperation to save himself and his pregnant fiancee from an angry crowd.

72. Micro Manager, in his desperation to gain the power of the golden apples has begun to take control of planet Appelmoeshapje

73. Counterfeit and substandard COVID-19 vaccines could pose a serious threat to public health, especially as doses remain scarce and desperation rises

74. 7:27) Do not out of desperation make a decision to marry that you will later regret. —Read 1 Corinthians 7:39.

75. It is a sign of the economic desperation that young people even aspire to work in impoverished Moscow and Bucharest.Sentence dictionary

76. When you get rid of neediness, you don't become indifferent but rather more passionate; you experience desire and connection unsullied by desperation.

77. We all have moments of desperation. But if we can face them head on, that's when we find out just how strong we really are.

78. He wanted to assuage her desperation as keenly, almost, as he wanted to atone to Nuala for the misfortune which had Befallen her

79. His wild eyes flash in desperation. His breath comes in truncated snorts. The Cape buffalo's hoarse bellows resonate across a stretch of Africa's Great Rift Valley.

80. Day and night, the screams of tormented women in panic and desperation who cry for God's mercy fall upon the deaf ears of prison authorities.