Use "descends" in a sentence

1. A smokelike cloud descends.

2. Peace descends like gentle rain.

3. Then a smokelike cloud descends.

4. The winding rail descends the mountain.

5. The path descends steeply to the village.

6. The title descends through eldest sons.

7. This festival descends from a religious rite.

8. This festival descends from a Chinese rite.

9. At this point the path descends steeply.

10. We feel weightless when the elevator descends.

11. ... As Jesus descends with his chariot of fire!

12. Finally, the road descends to a lower elevation.

13. Discrimination descends through a hierarchy of the subordinate.

14. Suddenly a fierce typhoon descends upon the Pequod.

15. Incredibly, a very alive Captain Barbossa descends the stairs.

16. The cave descends to a depth of 340 feet.

17. The U.S. Bill of Rights descends from this acceptance.

18. Keep the drill steady while it ascends and descends.

19. Apostolical; something that relates to the apostles, or descends from them

20. 11 The cave descends to a depth of 340 feet.

21. God's presence often descends on Boyd to help him guide others.

22. And reveal his arm+ as it descends in the heat of anger,+

23. Suddenly a Faustian spirit of discontent and universal reform descends on you.

24. To the north, the mountain chain descends to the Oti alluvial plain

25. Rubber heels squelch and rubber soles squish Rain water from buildings descends without.

26. To the north, the mountain chain descends to the Oti alluvial plain.

27. As dusk descends on the mountains, a pangolin emerges from its burrow.

28. According to DNA tests, Jackson partially descends from the Benga people of Gabon.

29. In a duel with Mot, Baal is overcome and descends to the underworld.

30. The heavy oceanic lithosphere descends into the mantle, beneath the lighter continental lithosphere.

31. Joseph also descends from Walter Chiles of Jamestown, Virginia who arrived in America in 1637

32. The cries of protest are lost in thunderous applause, and then a hush descends.

33. 24 The supposed Evremonde descends, and the seamstress is lifted out next after him.

34. The line of Ancestors from which an organism descends is referred to as its ancestry.

35. It descends from crosses between the St. Bernard, Caucasian Shepherd, and Russian Spotted Hound breeds.

36. The lucid ascends to form the heaven while the turbid Yin descends to constitute the earth.

37. Should we be surprised when the whole thing freezes up and descends into paralysis and polarization?

38. Returning en masse in the evening, a veritable cloud of birds descends on the dovecote.

39. (Mark 6:48) Jesus descends from the mountain and begins walking over the waves toward them.

40. Most readers are likely to lose interest when he descends into the realms of rhetorical terminology.

41. As the plate descends frictional heat is generated between its upper surface and the surrounding mantle.

42. As the air descends on the downwind side of the mountain, it warms and stops precipitating.

43. The third section is called the descending Colon because it descends (travels down) on the left side

44. "Atonement" begins on joyous gossamer wings, and descends into an abyss of tragedy and loss

45. 1 Most readers are likely to lose interest when he descends into the realms of rhetorical terminology.

46. Appoggiaturas occurring in a melody which ascends or descends by diatonic degrees are moderately short (Ex

47. When oil is accumulated to a certain height, the check valve (10) descends to discharge oil.

48. When the anchor descends, the chain rode will ascend, and sends the trunk downhill via the pulley.

49. 29 The lucid ascends to form the heaven while the turbid Yin descends to constitute the earth.

50. However, Adiabatic cooling or heating is reversible, because if the parcel ascends or descends, it cools or warms

51. An array of long thin fingers of salty water descends, interspersed with a similar array of rising fresh water.

52. When a certain percentage of the meter is filled, the player can summon a Titan, which descends from the sky.

53. 17 Only the female can guarantee her parenthood, and to her descends the task of single-handedly rearing the young.

54. Only the female can guarantee her parenthood, and to her descends the task of single-handedly rearing the young.

55. A stretch of dune covered with Arbutuses, mimosas, and 46 pine trees rises then rapidly descends once more towards the Bay

56. Colligate descends from Latin colligare, itself from "com-" ("with") plus "ligare" ("to tie")

57. Currently my Cranking Fuel lb/hr graph is set at 40.0 lb/hr @ -40°F and descends down from there

58. The fetus then descends to the cervix, where it is pushed out into the vagina, and eventually out of the female.

59. A stretch of sand dune covered with Arbutuses, mimosas and 46 pine trees rises then rapidly descends once more towards the Bay.

60. It forages for insects, especially beetle larvae, mainly in the canopy and on dead standing trees, but sometimes descends onto fallen trees.

61. In belts, however, the air descends, warming adiabatically as in a convergence zone on Earth, and white ammonia clouds evaporate, revealing lower, darker clouds.

62. □ “A lecturer falls deeply beneath the dignity of his character when he descends so low as to angle for claps and ask for commendation.”

63. The Cecum is the cul-de-sac at the beginning of the large intestine that descends from the union of the ileum and the large intestine

64. The modern Bowfin species descends from an ancient line of fish that dates back to the Jurassic period some 145 to 200 million years ago.

65. Butte, (French: hillock or rising ground) flat-topped hill surrounded by a steep escarpment from the bottom of which a slope descends to the plain

66. The seabed between these two points descends very gradually, whereas elsewhere it drops suddenly to a depth of between 30 and 60 feet [9 and 18 m].

67. On the night of the full moon, a procession of celestial beings led by the Buddha descends from the Moon, and Miyatsuko is unable to stop it.

68. Avataras – incarnations by ChaJa · February 16, 2021 From time to time when imbalances occur, then a great force descends to Earth to bring about a balance.

69. This wind system collapses in the afternoon when the Mediterranean-Sea breeze descends towards the Dead-Sea as strong north-westerly winds and hot because of adiabatic heating.

70. This loop descends the East Fork narrows, then ascends the Main Fork, through a spectacular tall narrows section, then up a steeper section with Chockstones and short drops

71. Crash dive An emergency maneuver by a submarine in which it suddenly descends, especially to considerable depth, usually in order to escape an attack or to avoid a collision

72. The north side of Aiguille de Toula descends to the Géant glacier, while the south side presides over the Toula glacier.Thanks to its proximity to Punta Helbronner

73. ‘The Allegoric dimension is irresistible - as darkness descends on film's old magic of chemistry and optics, its offspring, video, is coming into the light.’ Word of the day go pear-shaped

74. In the southwest, the lofty Mount Hermon (Jabal ash Shaykh), also on the border between Syria and Lebanon, descends to the Hawran Plateau that receives rain-bearing winds from the Mediterranean.

75. When a person is Anointed in the Bible, the Holy Spirit descends upon that person (see the 1 Samuel passage above.) Therefore, when Jesus is called “Anointed” the Bible means by the Holy Spirit

76. "Bedizen" descends from the older, now obsolete, verb "disen," which meant "to dress a distaff with flax" and which came to English by way of Middle Dutch

77. With the development of degenerative phenomena PN dehydrate, PN turgor descends, its amortization qualities disappear, and as a result of this fibrous ring gets flatter and partly overflows the limits of vertebra body.

78. Now, she descends from the heavens in order to protect those whom she holds dear In her right hand, Astraea wields a stalwart lance of silvery pallor that can penetrate the armor of even the toughest

79. Regarding earth’s atmosphere, note what God said, as recorded in the Bible some 2,700 years ago: “The pouring rain descends . . . from the heavens and does not return to that place, unless it actually saturates the earth.”

80. State of Oklahoma.The nation descends from the historic Creek Confederacy, a large group of indigenous peoples of the Southeastern Woodlands.Official languages include Muscogee, Yuchi, Natchez, Alabama, and Koasati, with Muscogee retaining the largest number of speakers.