Use "deregulation" in a sentence

1. Deregulation clearly led to some wage reductions.

2. Typical proposals involve deregulation and income tax rate reduction.

3. This often involves some form of deregulation and a privatization of companies .

4. Since deregulation, banks are permitted to set their own interest rates.

5. 22 Couldn't the deregulation of broadcasting lead to a lowering of standards?

6. On health and safety issues, however, deregulation has been an unmitigated disaster.

7. Couldn't the deregulation of broadcasting lead to a lowering of standards?

8. Most busine and industries a rove of deregulation from government control.

9. Since deregulation of bus services some routes may have been altered or replaced.

10. The financial sector prepared itself for full deregulation and open competition with foreign institutions.

11. Now through deregulation reforms, fertiliser is now Accessible in the open market.

12. Thus some of the benefits of deregulation had been eroded by 19

13. Deregulation has enhanced the role and efficiency of the private sector.

14. Asian airlines remain untouched by the deregulation that has swept America.

15. Change has become a constant in the turbulent economy of deregulation and global competition.

16. Growing competition sent smaller carriers, many of them start-ups after deregulation, to the wall.

17. • an assessment (in performance terms) of the benefits to accrue from each "deregulation" proposal.

18. The fact that there is now total deregulation will have a serious effect on small shops.

19. We can see then, that deregulation is allowed, but that limits are placed upon it.

20. In fact, it was better positioned than ever for the world of deregulation and competition.

21. But deregulation had already begun to go out of fashion before the financial crisis.

22. The privatization programme also covers schemes to promote deregulation and competition in the economy.

23. But while Congress has wrestled with that issue, there has been only piecemeal deregulation.

24. Encouraged by Deng Xiaoping, China decided to "run the gauntlet" on price deregulation again in 19

25. The deregulation of the capital market brought with it the need for increased investor protection.

26. The successful lobbying for deregulation of the electricity supply in California has had Baleful consequences that hardly merit repeating.

27. Tax and spending decisions and bus deregulation allowed bus fares to rise much faster than motoring costs .

28. You've got to remember that at the time, deregulation was looked on as an open cash-register.

29. There should also be expanded deregulation and privatization and an across the board wage cut of #%

30. This examines the impact of deregulation and advances in technology on the operations of financial firms.

31. 29 First, the rhetoric of deregulation has not matched the reality: enterprise zones and Freeports have largely proved mundane.

32. Microeconomic reform is the implementation of policies that aim to reduce economic distortions via deregulation, and move toward economic efficiency.

33. With deregulation in the U.S. energy markets in the 1990s, the energy services business experienced a rapid rise.

34. The legal market is being driven by economic rationalisation, demographic saturation, marketplace maturation, consumer-driven deregulation and globalisation.

35. A common working hypothesis is that Apomixis is a “deregulation” of sexual processes and is increasingly supported by gene expression data

36. North Sea oil and gas are enjoying a record expansion thanks to our policies of deregulation and low taxation.

37. The trend in financial markets today is, however, towards a process of deregulation in the form of financial diversification.

38. Supporters of deregulation in the electric industry argue that resulting competition will mean lower rates for the consumer.

39. Sky-high fuel prices and weak global economic sentiment are likely to offset gains from cross-Strait deregulation.

40. But the pace and complexity will increase dramatically under deregulation, as will the number of electricity vendors, energy analysts say.

41. This paper, beginning with the economic characteristics of natural monopoly industry, expounds the reasons of deregulation in natural monopoly industry.

42. It's one way of describing what happened with deregulation of the financial services in the U.S. and the U.K.

43. 28 The legal market is being driven by economic rationalisation, demographic saturation, marketplace maturation,( consumer-driven deregulation and globalisation.

44. Some historians compare the Ronald Reagan era of deregulation to a similar period of "rugged individualism" touted by Herbert Hoover's White House from 1929-

45. 24 The breakthrough in the detection always chooses the special parts, change parts, detail, shadiness , feint, deregulation and superabundance of the criminal cases.

46. Financial and capital market liberalization as well as banking deregulation contributed to the crisis and to the spread of the crisis from the United States to developing countries .

47. The deregulation of the telecommunications industry and its convergence with the broadcasting and computer industries have led to a variety of alliances within the redefined sector.

48. Jakarta Stock Exchange, re-opened in 1977, recorded bull-run due to spree of domestic IPOs and influx of foreign funds after deregulation in 1990.

49. It’s true that when governments deregulate, they must announce those changes in the Federal Register, too, and so some of the pages represent genuine deregulation.

50. The new economic model of trade liberalization, privatization, deregulation and FDI as advocated by the Bretton Woods institutions largely ignored the microeconomic conditions for development and SMEs.

51. Financial and capital market liberalization --as well as banking deregulation -- contributed to the crisis and to the spread of the crisis from the United States to developing countries .

52. The new economic model of trade liberalization, privatization, deregulation and FDI as advocated by the Bretton Woods institutions largely ignored the microeconomic conditions for development and SMEs

53. The new economic model of trade liberalization, privatization, deregulation and foreign direct investment as advocated by the Bretton Woods institutions largely ignored the microeconomic conditions for development and SMEs

54. The advances in the functioning of competition since the regulatory framework for electronic communications has been in place are demonstrated by the progressive deregulation of retail markets across the Union.

55. The new economic model of trade liberalization, privatization, deregulation and foreign direct investment as advocated by the Bretton Woods institutions largely ignored the microeconomic conditions for development and SMEs.

56. President Ronald Reagan's deregulation of the Savings and Loan Associations led to an infamous wave of bank failures that cost American taxpayers several hundred billion dollars and contributed to the economic recession of 1991.

57. On the contrary, 30 years of financial deregulation, made possible by capturing the hearts and minds of regulators, and of politicians on both sides of the aisle, gave a narrow private-sector elite – mostly on Wall Street – almost all the upside of the housing boom.

58. The policy prescriptions of the IMF, be it the Structural Adjustment Programme or the so called "Washington Consensus” as coined by the economist John Williamson in 1989, with the focus, amongst others, on Fiscal policy discipline, Tax reform, Trade liberalization, and aggressive Deregulation often ended up exacerbating the situation in the affected borrowing countries.

59. The Commodification of life, while outwardly pretty, has no soul.: Experts on each of the topics covered add their voices to the rising chorus of resistance to Commodification, deregulation and global corporatization.: True, Smith and Saltz are commenting on an especially egregious instance of Commodification.: But the important difference between then and now is that this process is

60. Will regression Afflict the developing countries as aging weakens the industrial world?: A number of serious diseases Afflict the population, including malaria, tuberculosis, and cholera.: Admittedly, these conditions Afflict a very small proportion of the population.: A vast array of social problems Afflict a country so recently traumatized by war.: The financial deregulation he champions has

61. 20. Stresses that the above Commission communication emphasises grubbing-up as a measure to reduce production and the workforce in the sector instead of promoting production control through measures to regulate supply and demand; considers that the consequence of this policy will be that the desired strengthening of the competitiveness of the wine-growing sector will not be achieved; asserts that enhanced subsidiarity may not be used as an alibi for reckless deregulation which will lead to unfair competition even within the borders of the EU;