Use "dependence on" in a sentence

1. Bullfighting's dependence on public money

2. Dependence on charity is just as debilitating as dependence on the state, if not more so.

3. Illustrate how dependence on alcohol could develop.

4. Diligence on the dependence takes two forms.

5. Our relationship was based on mutual dependence.

6. Nature's Services: societal dependence on natural ecosystems.

7. Nature's services: societal dependence on natural ecosystems.

8. Barbiturate abuse can lead to dependence on the drug, and dependence can cause severe withdrawal symptoms

9. The fish-feeders' dependence on it is obvious.

10. Alcoholism is the physical or mental dependence on alcohol

11. We need to reduce our dependence on foreign oil.

12. He was freed from financial dependence on his parents.

13. Britain's dependence on nuclear power will therefore steadily diminish.

14. Their relationship is based on a strong mutual dependence.

15. The country has a growing dependence on foreign aid.

16. The government wants to reduce industry's dependence on coal.

17. Secondary industries helped reduce the state's dependence on primary industries.

18. 18 Britain's dependence on nuclear power will therefore steadily diminish.

19. Find a job and end your dependence on your parents.

20. But this reopens the issue of national dependence on Uncle Sam.

21. The economy seemed to have escaped its dependence on inventory accumulation.

22. Bertha displays a strange dependence on this maid, a Mrs Archer.

23. I was diagnosed with dependence, that I depend on you too much.

24. The interethnic dependence was replaced by developing forms of dependence within the society.

25. Similarly alcoholics'lives are narrowed and dehumanized by their dependence on alcohol.

26. Alcoholism begins with dependence

27. May you, by His grace, keep on keeping-on through your obedience and prayerful dependence on Him.

28. The measurement current exhibits linear dependence on the concentration of gaseous ammonia.

29. Definition Addiction is a persistent, compulsive dependence on a behavior or substance

30. The company needs to reduce its dependence on just one particular product.

31. Her normal progress is stymied by her continued dependence on the ventilator.

32. Benzodiazepine therapy can give rise to physiologic and psychologic dependence based on the drug's dosage, duration of therapy and potency.1 Thus, dependence will develop sooner (such as …

33. In Allopathy, dependence is on hypothesis, experimentation, and the result of those experiments.

34. Engineers could also reduce their dependence on strategically important metals by redesigning components.

35. One of the distinguishing features of modern banking is its dependence on computers.

36. There is the potential for dependence on and abuse of Benzodiazepines particularly by

37. 4: WGD Confers dependence on KIF18A in a panel of breast-cancer cell lines

38. The 1973 oil crisis strengthened Sweden's commitment to decrease dependence on imported fossil fuels.

39. As Nicaragua increases its dependence on Venezuela's largesse, European donors are pulling out.

40. There was no dependence on age in the dilation- and total reaction time.

41. But still the principle of dependence on organic evolution proves the most satisfactory.

42. Apple might be moving away from its dependence on Google for its Maps app .

43. The dependence of the absolute value of the complex viscosity on the deformation rate amplitude, in the range of large amplitudes, is symbatic to the dependence of the apparent viscosity on the shear rate.

44. Sensor device and method for generating actuation signals processed in dependence on a path state

45. While the Gumbel Copula allows for upper tail dependence, the Clayton Copula is suitable for lower tail dependence

46. He is his mother's sole dependence.

47. Collectivist cultures actually downplay independence and promote dependence on a core group of people

48. Contingency definition, dependence on chance or on the fulfillment of a condition; uncertainty; fortuitousness: Nothing was left to Contingency

49. The dependence of the intermolecular interactions on the composition of the adsorbed layer was established.

50. Thus,[Sentencedict] humans' heavy dependence on present sources of electric power has many undesirable aspects.

51. Our dependence on overseas trades places drives and resourcefulness in the export industries at a premium.

52. It is absolutely imperative that we phase out our dependence on oil and fossil fuels.

53. The permittivity ε of FePcCl is determined from the dependence of capacitance on film thickness.

54. They depicted, through song and dance, both their dependence for their spiritual lives on the living water from the Savior and their dependence for their physical lives on the mountain streams and rivers in their area.

55. Neither high levels of endemic unemployment, nor its corollary, mass dependence on benefits was envisaged.

56. Bidirectional electrowetting actuation with voltage polarity dependence

57. If anything a mutual dependence was growing.

58. Drug dependence led to her early death.

59. This was a logical outcome of her avowed poverty and dependence on providence for all things.

60. The melting point of actinides does not have a clear dependence on the number of f-electrons.

61. Results on the X-ray spectra, the projectile-energy dependence and the projectile-charge dependence, and on the angular distribution of these Bremsstrahlungs will be summarized and the importance of AB in heavy-ion atom collision is presented.

62. The new approach allows estimating the dependence of observables based on analytic properties of the solutions.

63. The business dependence on IS requires that the CIO ensures seamless service delivery and operational stability.

64. Autocorrelation is a ty p e of serial dependence

65. The extent of this dependence cannot be accurately determined.

66. Psychological dependence : where the persons think they need to carry on using drugs to cope with life .

67. Secondly, the admittance of dependence had a different impact on information appropriation according to the authority’s style.

68. In contrast, there are the old crystallized forms of dependence on the State and the productive system.

69. Chronic paraldehyde intoxication results in tolerance and dependence.

70. The clinic treats people affected by drug dependence.

71. Nor does one eliminate his dependence on alcohol by shifting from hard liquor to wine or beer.

72. But it also had the effect of increasing dependence.

73. Morphine and Valium, for example, regularly produce physical dependence.

74. In practice, a policy of Autarky may refer to attempts to reduce a country’s dependence on external trade

75. This source is internalized in the sense that dependence on it for guidance in life is implanted early.

76. Childebert's legislation is remarkable not only for its range, but also for its clear dependence on Roman Law.

77. Tacitus more Astutely emphasized their dependence upon tillage farming

78. Compressor system and method for operating the compressor system in dependence on the current situation of the rail vehicle

79. Bilinear classifiers are a discriminative instantiation of Bilinear models that capture the dependence of data on multiple factors

80. We report new measurements adding to the literature on solvent and counter ion dependence of 10F− chemical shift.