Use "denoting" in a sentence

1. Anoxic: ( an-ok'sik ), Denoting or characteristic of anoxia.

2. Music a symbol denoting a Explanation of Accidental

3. Anoxic: ( an-ok'sik ), Denoting or characteristic of Anoxia.

4. Denoting the specific personality traits seen in Antisocial personality disorder

5. In pre-Buddhist India, the term Arhat (denoting a

6. A flat coat, denoting lack of undercoat is a serious fault.

7. The Artefacts are usually powerful objects, denoting a forgotten ancient power

8. Bibelots is a French term denoting a knick-knack or curio

9. The Adessive case; a linguistic form denoting or in this case

10. Top synonyms for Betokening (other words for Betokening) are indicating, foreshadowing and denoting.

11. Arachno-Combining form denoting a spider, spider-like or resembling a spider's web.

12. Agriculture··Agro-; agri- (denoting agriculture) Definition from Wiktionary, the free dictionary

13. Muzzle should be long and powerful, denoting great strength of bite, without coarseness.

14. — a preliminary level, containing headings identified by an alphabetical code denoting ‘sections’,

15. The reference signal corresponds to symbols denoting a synchronization or alignment marker.

16. — an intermediate level, containing headings identified by a two-letter alphabetical code denoting ‘subsections’,

17. See synonyms for -Cracy Denoting a particular form of government, rule, or influence.

18. Binominal definition: of or denoting the binomial nomenclature Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples

19. Biconvex: ( bī-kon'veks ), Convex on two sides; denoting especially a form of lens

20. Aggri definition: denoting a type of African bead Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples

21. Synonyms for Betokening include indicating, denoting, signifying, bespeaking, evidencing, manifesting, meaning, representing, declaring and marking

22. Synonyms for Bespeaking include showing, indicating, revealing, displaying, signifying, demonstrating, denoting, evidencing, evincing and implying

23. Late payments (arrears) continue to increase denoting weaknesses in accounting control mechanisms and managerial practices.

24. Dolphus was recorded in the census as "mulatto" – denoting one white and one black parent.

25. Chemistry Pertaining to a molecule containing a ring of atoms; denoting a Cyclic compound.

26. Architectonic definition: denoting, relating to, or having architectural qualities Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples

27. "Wot" denoting a full throttle acceleration test (see paragraph of Annex 3); or

28. ‘Wot’ denoting a full throttle acceleration test (see paragraph of Annex 3); or

29. Synonyms for Connoting include implying, indicating, signifying, suggesting, betokening, hinting at, intimating, involving, denoting and designating

30. Conditioned definition: of or denoting a response that has been learned Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples

31. Furthermore, it possesses a curved, open embryonic fissure denoting an asymmetrical postembryonic growth of the eye.

32. Commensurable (kŏ-men -shŭ-ră-băl) Denoting orbital periods that are in rational proportion, i.e

33. Caudal Pertaining to the tail end of the body. Denoting a tailward direction in anatomy

34. Apart is mostly used as an adverb, denoting a separation between two or more things

35. From denoting women friends or gossips, the word came to denote the speech of gossips.

36. A combination of -ance and -y 3, used to form nouns denoting state or quality: brilliAncy.

37. "Girls & Peace" has been certified Platinum by the RIAJ, denoting 250,000 copies sent to Japanese retailers.

38. Colloidal definition: of, denoting, or having the character of a colloid Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples

39. Arcate: ( ar'kyū-āt ), Denoting a form that is arched or has the shape of a bow

40. Collective definition is - denoting a number of persons or things considered as one group or whole

41. Cloying: 1 adj overly sweet Synonyms: saccharine , syrupy , treacly sweet having or denoting the characteristic taste of sugar

42. Thus, inanimate, or group-denoting nouns are marginal as antecedents of Anaphors, even though they are third-person

43. The natural capital denoting the stock of natural ecosystems should be treated at par with capital goods.

44. Because it is an ordinance denoting entry into a sacred and binding covenant between God and man.

45. The unsuitable are thrown away, eventually to be cast into a symbolic fiery furnace, denoting future destruction.

46. Ten is a number denoting fullness, entirety, the aggregate, the sum of all that exists of something.

47. (modifier) denoting illicit activities regarded as likely to take place in such a street: a Backstreet abortion

48. Synonyms for Alluding to include meaning, signifying, conveying, denoting, designating, indicating, connoting, showing, expressing and spelling out

49. Aryl-: a chemical prefix denoting a radical derived from an aromatic compound by removal of a hydrogen atom.

50. Habitational name from Calamaro in Sicily, named with medieval Latin Calamarium ‘writing stand’, probably denoting a place rich in reeds

51. Habitational name from Calamaro in Sicily, named with medieval Latin Calamarium ‘writing stand’, probably denoting a place rich in reeds.

52. Amphiphilic means preferring a different surrounding on either end, as implied by the Greek prefix amphi, denoting 'on both sides'.

53. Overcome with anger; extremely indignant: /Mark was *Apoplectic with* rage at the decision./ ∎ dated relating to or denoting apoplexy (stroke)

54. Chiral: ( kī'răl ), Denoting an object, such as a molecule in a given configuration or conformation, that possesses Chirality

55. The Greek word gramʹma, denoting a letter, or character of the alphabet, is drawn from the verb graʹpho.

56. A word ending denoting an agent that kills (for example, insectiCide), or the act of killing (for example, suiCide).

57. Courtesy tenure (or Curtesy/courtesy of England) is the legal term denoting the life interest which a widower (i.e

58. Contralateral definition: relating to or denoting the opposite side of a body, structure, etc Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples

59. This expression was originally legal terminology, denoting Circumstances that partly excuse a crime and therefore call for less punishment or damages.

60. Italian : habitational name from Calamaro in Sicily, named with medieval Latin Calamarium ‘writing stand’, probably denoting a place rich in reeds

61. The scheme’s concept-denoting expressions Ambassadorially rep- resent concepts (or other mental entities) in X but denote con- cepts in Y

62. The term Baculovirus comes from the latin baculum, meaning cane or walking stick, denoting the distinct shape of these viruses

63. Late Middle English (as a noun denoting a Causal conjunction or particle): from late Latin Causalis, from Latin causa ‘cause’.

64. Every filing is allotted a number consisting of the two letters DM, denoting an industrial design deposit, and a five-figure number.

65. NeBokeru (寝ぼける) is a verb denoting the actions or condition of someone who is half-asleep, or nodding off

66. Habitational name from Calamaro in Sicily, named with medieval Latin Calamarium ‘writing stand’, probably denoting a place rich in reeds.

67. Balkan definition: of, denoting , or relating to the Balkan States or their inhabitants , the Balkan Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples

68. Late Middle English (originally denoting the exercise of individual judgement): from French, from Arbitrer ‘give judgement’, from Latin arbitrari (see arbitrate)

69. From Any + percent, denoting that Any percentage of the game could be completed in order to get to the central goal.

70. Anadromous: ( an'a-drō'mus ), Denoting fish that migrate from ocean water to fresh water to spawn; some such fish harbor human pathogens

71. In its simplest form, it may be described as denoting the emotional and attitudinal environment within which a political system operates.

72. Crenate: , Crenated ( krē'nāt, -nā-ted ), Indented; denoting the outline of a shriveled red blood cell, as observed in a hypertonic solution

73. The very word Babushka is a diminutive-hypocoristic form of the word baba – an ancient Russian word denoting a married woman.

74. Boulle definition: denoting or relating to a type of marquetry of patterned inlays of brass and Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples

75. An Applicative is a derived verb stem denoting an action with an additional participant which is not an actor -like argument

76. Augustan definition: characteristic of, denoting, or relating to the Roman emperor Augustus Caesar (63 bc –14 Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples

77. Acyl definition: of, denoting, or containing the monovalent group of atoms RCO-, where R is an organic Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples

78. Acrylic is a generic term denoting derivatives of Acrylic and methAcrylic acid, including Acrylic esters and compounds containing nitrile and amide groups

79. A verb denoting an event may belong to different Aspectual types in different tense-aspect constructions; its range of types is its Aspectual potential

80. Because they stay awake, all loyal worshipers at God’s spiritual temple keep on their “outer garments,” denoting their honored service as Witnesses of Jehovah.