Use "demand surplus" in a sentence

1. The rising euro area current account surplus is a sign of weak aggregate domestic demand.

2. And it is the absolute size of China's external surplus that determines the impact on global demand.

3. If export and import demand is elastic, then the change in trade volumes will operate to remove the surplus.

4. TOTAL EXPENDITURES Surplus / Deficit Accumulated Surplus / Deficit

5. 23 First, one can not crudely equate surplus labour, surplus product and surplus-value.

6. Accumulated surplus

7. Trade Surplus

8. Accumulated surplus/

9. Accumulated surplus, restricted

10. Accumulated surplus/(deficit)

11. Accumulated Surplus/(Deficit)

12. Accumulated surplus/deficit

13. Accumulated surplus / deficit

14. Accumulated surplus/deficit — earmarked

15. Opposite of budget surplus.

16. Allocation from Surplus seats

17. Allotted Day-Budget Surplus

18. Accumulated surplus/deficit (restated)

19. [147.2(2)] Actuarial surplus which exceeds this amount is referred to as excess surplus.

20. Find state government surplus Auctions

21. Surplus return (in million NOK)

22. Their Surplus Offset a Deficiency

23. Accumulated surplus (formerly ‘unexpended resources’)

24. Surplus own resources resulting from repayment of the surplus from the Guarantee Fund for external actions

25. China has little debt, a budget surplus and a huge trade surplus, especially with the U.S.

26. In fact, our trade surplus in Scotch is three times greater than our trade surplus in oil.

27. Accumulated surplus - 31 December 2011 (UNSAS)

28. These items are surplus to requirements .

29. Anne bought a surplus Army Jeep.

30. We demand justice, we demand peace!

31. We demand justice, we demand peace...

32. Surplus The term "surplus" in principle refers to all profits (before corporate taxes), capital consumption allowances, interest earnings.

33. Budget usually balanced or small surplus.

34. Any surplus can be trimmed away.

35. These goods are surplus to requirements .

36. Surplus value is Alterable capital generation

37. disposal of surplus ammunition in Georgia.

38. We're producing a thousand-megawatt surplus.

39. Wheat was in surplus that year.

40. Now the surplus is nearly gone.

41. “America’s surplus policy has changed drastically.

42. The pension fund is in surplus.

43. Trend of actuarial surplus or deficit

44. Moreover , surplus naphtha was not available .

45. 8 Their Surplus Offset a Deficiency

46. This food is surplus to requirements.

47. We are working to improve the balance between domestic and external demand, with the share of trade surplus in GDP dropping from 5 per cent in 2007 to 1 in 20

48. Although the actuarial valuation of the Fund had shown a surplus, the level of that surplus had declined.

49. Acquisition of depreciable assets Cash surplus (requirement)

50. -- -- -- Return of accumulated surplus to the CRF

51. Surplus resources alone do not guarantee growth.

52. • that is a payment of actuarial surplus;

53. This results in a surplus of products.

54. An inflow of capital is a surplus.

55. Transfer from operating reserve to accumulated surplus

56. Thus the military surplus store was born.

57. Surplus grain is being sold for export.

58. Brazil has a big surplus of coffee.

59. Restoring its trade surplus was considered vital.

60. Germany suffers from a surplus of teachers.

61. (Amounts in EUR) before allocation of surplus

62. The budget surplus of A$107 million was the fourth consecutive surplus, and would be used to reduce overseas debt.

63. Breadbaskets are regions that produce a large and stable surplus of one or more major food crops that not only meet local demand, but substantially contribute to the food supply in other regions

64. Qualitative and quantitative data refer to potential demand, actual demand and social demand for lifelong education.

65. Demand aggregation and procurement Fluctuating demand inhibits commercial investment.

66. Armamentos, Inc., a leader in the military surplus weapons field, is keenly interested in PURCHASING surplus small arms, ammunition, accessories etc

67. The demand for sport is not a homogeneous demand.

68. The surplus seats, available from states/union territories which receive less number of applications than their allotted quota, are distributed to states/union territories with excess demand and in proportion to the Muslim population.

69. We have always shared when we have surplus.

70. A drain carries surplus water to the river.

71. The result has been a Burgeoning budget surplus

72. Supply chain surplus = Customer Value - Supply Chain Cost.

73. The trade surplus is more than $ 65 billion.

74. The result has been a burgeoning budget surplus.

75. Surplus/(deficit) from operating activities (c = a - b)

76. Is China's pool of surplus labour drying up?

77. Few people have large sums of surplus cash.

78. A bequest of the surplus is called residuary.

79. Unsustainable demand