Use "defer" in a sentence

1. I will defer to your wishes.

2. Doctors are encouraged to defer to experts.

3. We all defer to her in these matters.

4. Do you always defer to your parents wishes?

5. We will defer to whatever the committee decides.

6. Let's defer the decision for a few weeks.

7. I defer to your judgement in these matters.

8. They cannot defer their departure any longer.

9. They had been deliberately set to defer the explosions.

10. We are happy to defer to the committee's wishes.

11. We all defer to him in these matters.

12. I have to defer to my boss on important decisions.

13. I defer to your greater experience in such things.

14. We wish to defer our decision until next week.

15. We defer questions of this kind to the chairman.

16. When It comes to breaking and entering , I defer to Kapowski.

17. We agreed to defer discussion of these issues until the next meeting.

18. Some common synonyms of Capitulate are defer, relent, submit, succumb, and yield.

19. And they are expected to defer to men's'will with great docility and simplicity.

20. Please defer to the exit passageway to instruct, by recent fire escape evacuation!

21. She refused to give a straight reply, deciding rather to defer the question.

22. The judge, as a medical layman, will usually defer to the doctor’s medical expertise.

23. 5 They unintentionally use design to defer the period of change instead of catalyzing it.

24. In addition, sales were affected by the prevailing economic conditions causing customers to defer investments.

25. My bank has agreed to defer the repayments on my loan while I'm still a student.

26. I don't want to be positioned as some one who they have to defer to.

27. Some business use tax shelters in an effort to reduce or defer their income tax.

28. Apawn * Apawn) Overridden to defer to the RootComponent's CanCharacterStepUpOn setting if it is explicitly Yes or No

29. Abide by: See: accede , adhere , adhere to , comply , concede , conform , defer , fulfill , keep , obey , observe , perform

30. Public prosecutors should not have absolute discretion to decide to defer charges or to close an investigation.

31. But most talented people have little incentive to defer to an individual without a strong moral core.

32. She said she will urge the council to defer action on those sections of the code dealing with wetlands.

33. 147 However, the ability to defer the taxation of foreign business income under this method indefinitely imparts an exemption element.

34. However, Brazilian standards allow entities to defer expensing of costs incurred for the development of new software systems.

35. The card provides a 1.5% early pay discount or up to two months to defer payment on purchases.

36. Word Origin Middle English (in the sense ‘give way, defer’): from Old French Condescendre , from ecclesiastical Latin Condescendere , from con

37. Defer doctrinal or controversial questions to a time and setting where they can be considered privately with the inquirer.

38. “A watched pot never boils” is a saying that implies that simply waiting for an event seems to defer its occurrence.

39. Authoritarian personalities defer to the dictates and control of others who offer them the certainty and comfort they cannot provide for themselves

40. This better reflects the intention to defer a donor indefinitely for conditions resulting in abnormal plasma proteins that do not correct themselves.

41. Insiders may decide to defer public disclosure so that they may first build up a position in the relevant shares.

42. Abducted: Joe Lando, Lauren Holly, Kaylee DeFer, Gerald Webb, Lauren Reeder, Tara Erica Moore, Massi Furlan, Christopher Wolfe, Lony'e Perrine, R.D

43. Using this rule of thumb, if Chicken A sees that Chicken B is larger, Chicken A will defer; if Chicken B is smaller, it will defer to Chicken A. In this way, only chickens of similar sizes will fight and the pecking order of the group overall is maintained without requiring individual recognition.

44. Thus there is absolutely no reason why we should feel compelled to defer the protection of our rights and privileges to an outside body

45. Eventually the committee agreed to defer a decision to see if the school could team up with neighbouring villages to boost numbers.

46. In financial terms, to Backload is defined as to defer payment of something until the end of a budget period or the end of the contract

47. Till such time the matter is satisfactorily resolved, the students seeking admission in aforementioned two institutions are advised to defer their travel to the United States.

48. In that era on the London Stock Exchange, backwardation was a fee paid by a seller wishing to defer delivering stock they had sold.

49. 29 Because this often feels the patient that the bosom jumps early frowzily , often or angina pectoris breaks out, should defer to unplug tooth.

50. Continence is defined as the ability to control defecation or flatus voluntarily, to discriminate between solid, liquid and gas, and to defer evacuation until it is socially acceptable

51. Allowances have been established in lieu of additional requirements and to defer selection of actual materials and equipment to a later date when direction will be provided to Contractor

52. Contractually liable meansexpressly obligated to repay all debts arising on an account by reason of an agreement to that effect.(j) Credit means the right granted by a creditor to an applicant to deferpayment of a debt, incur debt and defer its payment, or purchase property or services and defer payment therefor.(k) Credit card means any card, plate, coupon book, or other single creditdevice

53. Sign in below to manage existing Applications, upload documentation, accept, decline or defer an offer, pay all or part of your fees, attain Confirmation of Enrolment (COE) (for visa applicants)

54. On your plea of guilty or no contest, the Court will defer a finding of guilt, assess Court costs, and order that you post a bond and comply with certain conditions.

55. If and when you have insecurities, don't defer to your subordinates or overcompensate by micromanaging every little task; keep in mind that you also have to show confidence in your team.

56. Borrowers to determine if they can resume making regular payments and, if so, either offer an affordable repayment plan or term extension to defer any missed payments to the end of the loan

57. The Accursed class functions somewhat like a Warlock created from a curse rather than a pact, so defer to the Warlock class for spells and spell slot information for each level

58. 1.18.5 Trans-Cockpit Authority Gradient A trans-cockpit authority gradient can be an adverse condition when a crewmember’s desire to avoid conflict and/or defer to the experience and authority of the AC exists.

59. Though dogs can survive independently of humans, and in many cases do, as with feral dogs, where hunger is not a primary factor, the species tends to defer to human control in exchange for habitation, food and support.

60. Sign in below to manage existing Applications, upload documentation, accept, decline or defer an offer, pay all or part of your fees, attain Confirmation of Enrolment (COE) (for visa applicants) UQ staff and students should use UQ Single Signon.

61. Nangia Andersen LLP Director Sandeep Jhunjhunwala said, "The decision to defer the onerous reporting requirements is a clear indicator that the CBDT is ensuring that there aren't any slips between the cup and the lip, leading to taxpayers' Anguishes

62. 1 ‘the authorities did not Accede to the strikers' demands’ SYNONYMS agree to , consent to, accept, assent to, acquiesce in, endorse, comply with, go along with, concur with, allow, recognize, grant, surrender to, yield to, give in to, give way to, defer to

63. Absolutists believe that the wording “Congress shall make no law” in the First Amendment means that neither the federal nor state governments may pass laws that abridge the individual rights of religion, speech, press, and association. Also, to that end, these rights should never defer to …

64. I expect to pass through life but once. If therefore, there be any kindness I can show, or any good thing I can do to any fellow being, let me do it now, and not defer or neglect it, as I shall not pass this way again. William Penn 

65. ‘Instead of Automatically reaching for junk foods, we want them to explore healthy alternatives.’ ‘Consumers don't Automatically feel great just because there is plastic in their hand.’ ‘I have an assistant who is a man, and people, new acquaintances, will Automatically defer to him in meetings when I should be their primary contact.’