Use "decline to explain" in a sentence

1. How do you explain the decline of the Liberal party?

2. By the mid-1980s well over a hundred hypotheses had been put forward to explain the forest decline.

3. We recognize that a collection of factors explain the decline of the Liberal party 1906-

4. Textiles were in full decline; the old metal trades had vanished to the point where no artisan could explain the traditional techniques.

5. We managed to decline gracefully.

6. To explain the plans.

7. We tried to explain.

8. It would be disrespectful to decline.

9. (Blin) Q2 Earnings Expected to Decline

10. No time to explain!

11. Thereafter, absolute emissions continue to decline.

12. As blood lead levels slowly decline in response to such action, the reference will also decline.

13. "Cellar father refuses to explain".

14. Attempts to Explain the Beginning

15. I wanted to explain myself.

16. Thereafter, absolute emissions will continue to decline.

17. How to improve skin decline to fizzle out?

18. Tantra To explain what tantric deArmouring is, it is important to first explain what tantra is

19. Poverty, has continued to decline vary rapidly.

20. And to explain to you what is neural entrainment, let me first explain what is physical entrainment.

21. I don't have to explain myself.

22. Use to help explain the Atonement.

23. Then you go explain to everybody

24. 5 How to improve skin decline to fizzle out?

25. Moral Values in Decline

26. I am striving to explain explicitly.

27. Church Decline in Ireland

28. In the postwar period, Molotov's power began to decline.

29. By the close of 1955 polio began to decline.

30. Regretfully, I must decline.

31. Status The Bobwhite Decline Bobwhites signify the decline of an entire suite of species adapted to grassland ecosystems in the US

32. Explain that lust refers to inappropriate desires.

33. Encourage your child to explain his answer.

34. I'll have him explain it to you.

35. How will you explain this to Nia?

36. Explain why it is important to attend.

37. The Prince Regent has decided to decline your offer.

38. Explain how to reduce Barreling during forging

39. I should explain myself to you, Admiral.

40. Such measurement is essential to explain behaviour.

41. How do you explain death to children?

42. Quickly, though, Jehovah began to explain matters.

43. According to the modified labour-leisure model in Chart 1c, a decline in EI/UI incentives would lead individuals to switch from part-year employment and EI/UI to dependence on SA, though SA program characteristics explain their long-term joblessness.

44. To explain about Erik and Arthur Befavor

45. Explain what that doctrine means to them.

46. He can explain these words to you.’

47. Human reasoning fails to explain or soothe.

48. I can explain..

49. Well to explain that, I've got a short video clip to explain the Khmer Rouge regime during 1975 and 1979.

50. It was difficult to explain the problem to beginners.

51. It's impossible for me to explain it to you.

52. She went to the office to explain her predicament .

53. I still had to find Wally and attempt to explain what I would never in a million years be able to explain.

54. 26 Loss of habitat, prey decline, pesticides, and even canine distemper and tuberculosis have caused lion numbers to quickly decline across Africa.

55. Inflation is now 5.2% and is expected to decline further.

56. Moral Values on the Decline

57. In a Constantly changing world, inertia is tantamount to decline

58. I'll explain it to you step by step.

59. I short clip to explain what Anchorites were.

60. Ossy, explain to me what you're doing here.

61. In addition to cutaways, we also explain physics.

62. You'd better go and explain to the teacher.

63. She saw his frown and hastened to explain.

64. We made an experiment to explain air pressure.

65. 15 He wanted to explain and conciliate her.

66. I'd like you to explain your childish behaviour.

67. Foreordination is usually used to explain the unexplained.

68. Coagulation is often invoked to explain these variations.

69. Doubtless, this practice contributed to a tragic decline in spirituality.

70. 6 We need to take corrective action to halt this country's decline.

71. How are we to explain his limp acquiescence?

72. Well explain how to deactivate debug mode later.

73. The number of car accident deaths is continuing to decline.

74. I have a dollar bill here to explain.

75. There are various theories to explain Diesel's death.

76. Explain David’s exhortation to “reside in the earth.”

77. I was trying to explain at the restaurant.

78. He tried to explain his forwardness in battle.

79. That unintentional lobotomy would be hard to explain.

80. Why the Decline in Natural Affection?