Use "declarations" in a sentence

1. Declarations of racial Antipathy against ethnic …

2. Overuse has made such declarations meaningless.

3. As far as summary declarations are concerned, one Member State accepts only hard-copy declarations handed over personally.

4. Acceptance of goods declarations at inland offices

5. Blessings: Prayers and Declarations for a Heartful Life


7. The date of acceptance of payment declarations shall determine

8. Enforcement agencies have no direct access to tax declarations.

9. Tatyana refused to give in to his importunate declarations.

10. Congress conclusion declaration and declarations abstracts are published in Assam…

11. Authentication and issuing of notarial certificates, statutory declarations, oaths, affidavits

12. - reconciliation within the accounting system of declarations and expenditure recorded;

13. Interim Attestation Form – For Customer Signature on Declarations and KYC If you are unable to provide original signed customer declarations or proof of identity or address,

14. These declarations are cited in Imbert, (footnote # above), p # (note

15. Texts for reciprocal declarations referred to in Sections 11 and 12

16. This is particularly true of company accounting standards and VAT declarations.

17. Formulation of objections to reservations and interpretative declarations — the “reservations dialogue”

18. Compositions Kandinsky considered Compositions as main declarations of his artistic ideas

19. Declarations of racial antipathy against ethnic minorities will not be tolerated.

20. Results of controls carried out on customs declarations and national accounting systems

21. Legal Forms 2d, Affidavits and Declarations §§ 13:13 et seq

22. The Commission will ensure that declarations are based on expenditure actually incurred.

23. In Slovakia, official declarations that forests are growing undermined by aerial photography.

24. Since these declarations were not acted upon, the Commission brought the present action.

25. Over-declarations of this kind were detected in almost all the Member States.

26. His critical approach becomes effective because his attacks avoid demagogic or abstract declarations."

27. This was immediately followed by similar declarations or silent acquiescence by other nations.

28. 8 Consular invoices are declarations made at the consulate of the importing country.

29. A maximum of two payment declarations may be accepted for each boning operation

30. Such papers would contain testimonial declarations by the accountants, not by the taxpayers.

31. The adjustment shall be made on the basis of the figures in production declarations.

32. Each header file contains one or more function declarations, data type definitions, and macros.

33. • Customs, Laws and Regulations HS Codes; Export Declarations; Import/Export Account Numbers; Intellectual Property

34. (b) Stock declaration (information compatible with the stock declarations referred to in Article 32).

35. In most lives, such highly ritualistic utterances as declarations are rare and very dramatic.

36. Declarations and statements can be freely intermixed within a compound statement (as in C++).

37. Your feed is missing a semicolon (;), which often follows entity declarations such as "$"" and "&".

38. Ineligible costs in expenditure declarations and ineligible projects account for 70 % of the error.

39. Synonyms for Averments include affirmations, allegations, asseverations, avouchments, declarations, protestations, statements, verifications, assertions and avowals

40. — to exports covered by export declarations accepted ►C1 prior to the application of this ◄ Regulation,

41. Those declarations expressed satisfaction and support for the initiative taken in accordance with WIPO procedures.

42. Distinction between admissibility and relevance (probative value) The importance of declarations has been much debated.

43. He published his letter and several other declarations on an Internet site called "pedagogical resistance."

44. The following scripture passages are considered by many to be Creeds or declarations of faith

45. Synonyms for Betrothals include engagement, espousal, betrothments, affiances, troths, plights, handfasts, declarations, insurance and pacts


47. However, the control office may keep a register of all declarations accepted for administrative purposes.

48. Member States shall adopt any control measures necessary to ensure the accuracy of the declarations.

49. Annulments (Declarations of Nullity) Related Topics: Declaration Of Nullity / Annulment, Divorce, Married Life, Overcoming Adversity, Remarriage

50. WHEREAS the Parties shall take duly account of the declarations attached when implementing this status Agreement,

51. The lofty but toothless declarations on behalf of world peace and brotherhood of man were gone.

52. The positive effects of the introduction of Annual Reports and declarations also have to be acknowledged:

53. Over all, there were 18 agreements and declarations of intents that were signed and exchanged today.

54. For example, the anti-fraud service in one Member State has access only to tax declarations.

55. These simple declarations — that deaths and injuries following vaccination are unrelated Coincidences — are becoming a pattern

56. Beatitude Any of the declarations of blessedness made by Jesus in the Sermon on the Mount

57. � Not all authors agree that the declarations of neutrality which have been formulated are unilateral acts.

58. Objection to the reservations and declarations made by Qatar upon accesion: Latvia (28 January 2010)1

59. It could also include declarations of war or neutrality and protests, those being acts which reaffirmed rights

60. 25) Source: EAGGF VI.G.2 - State of intervention stocks at 31 January 1993 - 'unchecked Member States' declarations.(

61. Their judicial proclamations range from grandiloquent declarations of sovereign citizenship to lowly refusals to pay speeding tickets.

62. For this calculation only over-declarations of areas at crop group level shall be taken into account.

63. (b) verify selectively, on the basis of risk analysis, expenditure declarations made at the various levels concerned.

64. Applications to draw showing the date of acceptance of declarations shall be transmitted to the Commission without delay.

65. They may also set a date at which the quantities held are taken into account in making declarations.

66. All international declarations which have been passed more recently clearly emphasize the patient’s and test subject’s autonomy.

67. Branchy 0.0.2 Allows users to reduce string declarations by providing nested route registrations using ASP.NET Core's minimal APIs

68. Applications to draw, showing the date of acceptance of declarations, shall be transmitted to the Commission without delay.

69. He even managed to delay the founding declarations on Saturday, despite being whistled and booed from the hall.

70. Summits of this nature routinely give birth to declarations, statements, action plans and the like, and recently there have been so many such summit meetings with their declarations etc. that the Addis Ababa meeting may not have drawn the attention it merits.

71. As mentioned above, Java Annotations can be placed above class, method, interface, field, and other program element declarations.

72. Applications to draw showing the date of acceptance of declarations shall be sent to the Commission without delay.


74. That would help to enhance, with respect to interpretative declarations, the equivalent of the so-called “reservations dialogue”.

75. When SWIG creates an extension module, these declarations are accessible as scripting language functions, variables, and constants respectively.

76. As long as this continues to be the case, declarations of intention to enrich wine are not absolutely necessary.

77. Already by then 14 declarations of war had been made by participants in that terrible conflict against one another.

78. Applications to draw, showing the date of acceptance of declarations shall be transmitted to the Commission without delay.

79. Applications to draw, showing the date of acceptance of declarations, shall be transmitted to the Commission without delay

80. It is possible to transfer into a block, but not in a way that Bypasses declarations with initialization