Use "decent language" in a sentence

1. That kind of language is not allowed in a game... in a decent game.

2. Everybody decent?

3. He made a decent record.

4. He earns a decent living.

5. The pub looked decent enough.

6. Attingency Mighty decent of them

7. The hospital has no decent equipment.

8. He hits a decent tee shot.

9. Their Bialys are only decent, though

10. They are fair and decent employers.

11. Only the efforts of two half-decent people can give her a decent environment to grow up.

12. Who wants to be decent?

13. It wouldn't be decent, dearie.

14. 29 Years ago, before decent compiler support for 8-bit processors was available, I would code in assembly language using a bespoke floating-point library.

15. You're good and kind... and decent.

16. Cashpoint is a decent online sportsbook

17. Somewhere decent at an affordable price.

18. That was quite a decent lunch.

19. Don't you have a decent jacket?

20. He can have a decent burial.

21. She led a chaste, decent life.

22. He's a decent sort of chap.

23. It is not decent to do so.

24. Finally I got some decent shut-eye.

25. Aachen has a pretty decent Christmas market

26. I'll make you decent in a trice.

27. I need a decent night's sleep.

28. Caramba is a decent Mexican food restaurant

29. A programmer earns a pretty decent living.

30. Those tight trousers of yours aren't very decent!

31. 4 Mindless gentry - with a single decent exception.

32. He is an educated, Amiable and decent man

33. Goes like a racer, strong, decent, very fine.

34. Nearby is a village with a decent pub.

35. 21 Mindless gentry - with a single decent exception.

36. You had plain, decent, everyday common rightness

37. Nice place, decent furniture, good quality carpets.

38. I can't even afford a decent headstone.

39. The sound system was kind of decent.

40. Funny Farily Decent Brony T-Shirt T-Shirt

41. With no decent phone signal, Communication is difficult.

42. He took for a decent piece of trickery.

43. They're trying to show clean, wholesome, decent movies.

44. They didn't even dig him a decent grave.

45. I haven't had a decent holiday for years.

46. He dreams of living in a decent life.

47. To make a decent pretence that she cared?

48. “Many people cannot afford a decent place to live.

49. I can't go to the door-I'm not decent.

50. We got fireworks, decent exposure, probable drugs, definite drugs

51. The group had cobbled together a few decent songs.

52. We want to give him a decent Christian burial.

53. 1 Their in-flight magazine is actually halfway decent .

54. Know a decent Bowsing Ken - Drop us a line

55. Behavior or appearance that is humble, moderate, and decent.

56. Decent, hard-working people being driven from our homes.

57. He seemed like a decent sort of a fellow.

58. Steve makes a decent wage as a civil engineer.

59. After all, I can have a decent meal.

60. So, you make decent coin in this place?

61. You ain't fit to live with decent people.

62. Their in-flight magazine is actually halfway decent .

63. We must provide decent housing for the poor.

64. He is an educated, amiable and decent man.

65. Barracking for Collingwood, because you're a decent human being

66. It was decent of you to show up today.

67. I thought he was a decent sort of person.

68. You ought to treat that woman decent or leave her.

69. I don' t know that we ever were that decent

70. Having a decent job contributes to a good self-image.

71. Know a decent Bowsing Ken - Drop us a line

72. Bagleaves Decent cup run to many stuff coming soon

73. Hmm, that's actually a pretty decent t-shirt idea.

74. I didn't have a decent dress for the dance.

75. He was capable of acknowledging defeat with decent civility.

76. You were a decent woman once, prickly with virtue.

77. The few decent Afghan army units are badly overworked.

78. Moreover, a humane, liberal, decent sort of Tory Foreign Secretary.

79. You can get a decent PC for about £500 now.

80. The Aeroshell’s shining moment occurs during entry, decent and landing (EDL).