Use "deceived" in a sentence

1. (He deceived him.)

2. I was cruelly deceived.

3. Don’t Be Distracted and Deceived

4. He has deliberately deceived us.

5. We've been deceived in that boy.

6. A large amount was deceived by that deceiver.

7. Root Definition to Beguile, deceive NASB Translation come deceitfully (1), deceive (8), deceived (3), deluded (1), utterly deceived (1)

8. Fortunately, people right now cannot be deceived.

9. The serpent deceived Eve by his Craftiness

10. A few will be deceived by defectors.

11. A large amount was deceived by deceiver.

12. She was absolutely furious at having been deceived.

13. Male wasps, deceived, attempt to copulate with it.

14. He deceived them under the cloak of religion.

15. He that once deceived is never suspected. 

16. She was deceived into buying a jade ornament.

17. The religious leaders of Jesus’ day deceived the people.

18. Timothy was not manipulated or deceived in any way.

19. She was so plausible she would have deceived anyone.

20. Solonius was easily deceived into believing you would betray me

21. The public should not be deceived into buying inferior goods.

22. Building heart estate a cheater company, what person is deceived?

23. Who has deceived thee so oft as thy self?

24. 5 Patrick had deceived her, and that was unforgivable.

25. Do not be deceived by the pedantry of dates.

26. Humanists, deceived by cognates, can flatter humanism in disastrous ways.

27. Solonius was easily deceived into believing you would betray me.

28. We were deceived into believing that he could help us.

29. Somehow they deceived themselves into thinking that God would ignore their disobedience.

30. The company deceived customers by selling old computers as new ones.

31. We deceived the enemy by disguising the destroyer as a freighter.

32. Zeniff’s overzealousness led him to be deceived by the Lamanite king.

33. She deceived me by pretending to be a famous movie star.

34. Happiness is the perpetual possession of being well deceived. Jonathan Swift 

35. He deceived us into the belief that he was an honest man.

36. Like mariners, Christians are careful not to be deceived by false lights

37. To him belong strength and victory; both deceived and deceiver are his.

38. Do not be deceived; behind that facade is heartache, unhappiness, and pain.

39. The Bookkeeper deceived his employer by manipulating the accounts of the Business.

40. Brave soldiers of Persia, we have been deceived into attacking this holy city!

41. His tantalizing charisma has wooed many gorgeous women and deceived many deadly adversaries.

42. They deceived no one, but I felt a bond with their strange sisterhood.

43. The enemy was at first deceived by feint on Berlin, but not for long enough.

44. Thoroughly deceived, Eve broke God’s law. —Genesis 3:1-6; 1 Timothy 2:14.

45. With Him are strength and effectual wisdom; The deceived and the deceiver are His.

46. Although not deceived, how did Adam sin, and what was the result to humankind?

47. He was not the first to have been deceived by flaws of telescopic lenses.

48. It was because, unlike most Jews, Jesus Christ was not deceived by the Pharisees’ outer appearance.

49. Don Quixote, of course, is only make-believe, but being deceived is seldom a laughing matter.

50. To this the woman replied: ‘The serpent —it deceived me and so I ate.’”

51. Deceived by unscrupulous men, he vouched for the authenticity of that wretched diamond mine.

52. But wicked people and charlatans will go from bad to worse, deceivers and deceived.

53. Synonyms for Bluffed include deceived, fooled, tricked, conned, deluded, misled, humbugged, duped, hoodwinked and bamboozled

54. Though supposedly holy and immortal, they lied and deceived, quarreled and fought, seduced and raped.

55. 13 Don't be deceived by the new cover - this is a rehash of old hits.

56. Synonyms for Cozened include deceived, fooled, tricked, duped, misled, hoodwinked, deluded, conned, beguiled and hoaxed

57. Cote, who was so cruelly deceived by the villainous Bigamic, Art# • til** Cant arg tatty**

58. He had been deceived by a young man claiming to be the son of a millionaire.

59. Synonyms for Conned include set up, tricked, deceived, coaxed, manipulated, used, exploited, had, cajoled and cheated

60. This was a genuine popular uprising on the part of the deceived partisans of the Khomeini revolution.

61. 1 Corinthians 15:33 Don't be deceived! "Evil Companionships corrupt good morals." (WEB WEY ASV)

62. 8 Jehovah had definitely not tricked or deceived Jeremiah by using some crafty, underhanded scheme against him.

63. Acting in harmony with God’s law against inquiring of the dead therefore protects us from being deceived.

64. “Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap.

65. She not only deceived him but, to add insult to injury, allowed him to pay for her meal.

66. (1 Peter 5:8) What will protect us from being deceived by the outward appearance of Satan’s system?

67. * Thereafter, in his due time, the Lord Jesus would “bring to nothing” all those who had been deceived.

68. The Devil would in this way be advancing or increasing his power and influence over persons who were deceived.

69. It soon became apparent that Japanese promises of independence were merely a sham and that Ba Maw was deceived.

70. The purpose of the Balk rule is to protect the runner or runners from being deceived by the pitcher.

71. “Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap” (Galatians 6:7).

72. He weakly chose to accept the word of his deceived mate instead of what his Father and Creator had said.

73. Those who are deceived or enticed to indulge in such pursuits very often find that they end largely in disappointment.

74. Chinked To be deceived into purchasing a product designed in mainland China, which is defective or of lower quality than expected

75. It was then Hector knew the gods had deceived and forsaken him, and he met his fate at the hand of Achilles.

76. (John 14:26) Faithful servants of Jehovah understand the issues involved in a temptation and are not deceived into following a wrong course.

77. (Acts 15:21) It seems improbable that an entire literate nation, well versed in the Scriptures, could have been deceived by such a hoax.

78. I tried to refuse them because a couple of months before, I had been deceived into paying $165 for a set of five books from a Protestant salesman.

79. 14:6) In addition to the angels, Christian elders, by holding firmly to the Scriptures in their teaching, protect us from being deceived by false reasoning.

80. After thus coming into transgression against God, she induced her husband to share with her in eating, but his eating was not because he too was thoroughly deceived.