Use "death toll" in a sentence

1. The death toll mounted .

2. 20 The death toll mounted .

3. The official death toll stands at

4. The death toll has risen to

5. The death toll continues to mount.

6. 7 The death toll has risen to

7. The death toll is expected to rise.

8. The government put the death toll at

9. The final official death toll is 3

10. 2 The death toll continues to mount.

11. 22 The official death toll stands at

12. 8 The death toll continues to mount.

13. The death toll has now risen to

14. The final death toll remains to be tallied.

15. 21 The death toll has now risen to

16. Death Toll in Chinese Floods Rises Above 1,000

17. Officials estimate the final death toll could reach 000.

18. Some 20 years earlier the death toll was 7

19. The death toll from yesterday's crash is still rising.

20. The death toll was later revised downwards to 6

21. Brazil expunges virus death toll as data Befuddles experts

22. Death toll in India blaze goes up to 91

23. The official death toll has now reached 7 000.

24. “Death toll reaches 13 in 10-day SA bomb blitz.”

25. 6 As the unrest continued,[] the death toll rose .

26. "Death toll following Reno air disaster reaches 9; 69 injured".

27. If the civil unrest continues, the death toll will rise.

28. Brazil gov't yanks virus death toll as data Befuddles experts

29. 12 The official death toll has now reached 7 000.

30. 18 The death toll from yesterday's crash is still rising.

31. 17 The death toll was later revised downwards to 6

32. The death toll is thought to have reached double figures.

33. The initial death toll will shake world governments to their core.

34. The day after the explosion the death toll had risen to

35. 24 The day after the explosion the death toll had risen to

36. The survey concluded that the overall death toll was, at minimum, 224,000.

37. O n May 9, Brazil’s death toll from the coronavirus topped 10,000

38. Official figures put the death toll at with 91 wounded, including some soldiers.

39. The death toll in the earthquake has been put at over one thousand.

40. The death toll soars to 376 in Chicago from last week's heat wave.

41. Independent sources say that the death toll from the earthquake runs into thousands.

42. 26 Independent sources say that the death toll from the earthquake runs into thousands.

43. Vaccines alone have dramatically reduced the death toll from measles, whooping cough, tetanus, and diphtheria.

44. When disaster strikes , a troubling human response can inflate the death toll: people freeze up.

45. The death toll was initially reported at around 2 but was later revised to 300.

46. Officials say they are unsure of the exact death toll, but there are no survivors.

47. The tragedy claimed 94 lives on the day, with the final death toll reaching 96.

48. The death toll from a single such explosion could easily be over 10 million people.

49. The world was aghast at the death toll of more than 500,000 men, women, and children.

50. The death toll could rise above 13 once heavy equipment is used to lift the carriages.

51. The death toll was initially reported at around 2( but was later revised to 300.

52. We'll just be numbers in an official death toll added up in some city far away.

53. But without the scientists' warnings, the death toll could have been in the hundreds of thousands.

54. The death toll from the earthquake has risen still further in the worst disaster since 19

55. The official death toll was most of them children; local officials and parents put it even higher.

56. These findings have led to changes in fishing techniques and have reduced the death toll of wandering albatross.

57. The actual death toll is much greater because thousands more turtles are caught in fishing nets and suffocate.

58. Such measures may reduce the death toll by as much as 80 percent, saving millions of birds annually.

59. Auckland drivers get a lot of shit but we’ve done well to prevent a daily death toll of jaywalkers

60. On April 5, a farmer, aged 64, living in Huzhou (Zhejiang province), died, raising the death toll to 6.

61. But even this ratio puts the best possible light on the contribution made by employment to the avoidable death toll.

62. The death toll could rise – information on fatalities has yet to be confirmed in two other favelas, Acari and Manguinhos.

63. Death toll rises as Azeris, Armenians say civilian areas are under fire By Nvard Hovhannisyan and Nailia Bagirova 10/5/2020

64. 29 Official reports put the death toll at under one hundred, but unofficial estimates speak of at least two hundred dead.

65. 27 Official reports put the death toll at under one hundred, but unofficial estimates speak of at least two hundred dead.

66. Initial reports said as many as 63 people had been killed in the accident, but the death toll was later revised to 48.

67. Workers are fighting to prevent a nuclear meltdown, the death toll is rising, and energy and food shortages are rippling across the nation.

68. One cannot ignore however their very real and positive benefits in terms of reducing substantially the annual human death toll due to accidental fires.

69. Brazil govt yanks virus death toll as data Befuddles experts World Jun 7, 2020 1:10 PM EST RIO DE JANEIRO — Brazil’s government has stopped …

70. A doctor at Kabul 's military hospital said three soldiers had been killed ; there was no immediate explanation for the discrepancy in the death toll .

71. Death Toll: 50 to 80 million I’ve neglected to include some of the Bloodiest Wars In History as they were broadly part of bigger conflicts.

72. Reports show that in the United States the annual death toll from smoking has been tabulated as being 300,000; in Britain, 50,000; in Canada, 50,000.

73. With its death toll of 224 people, Flight 9268 is the deadliest air disaster both in the history of Russian aviation and within Egyptian territory.

74. Live statistics and Coronavirus news tracking the number of confirmed cases, recovered patients, tests, and death toll due to the COVID-19 Coronavirus from Wuhan, China

75. Live statistics and coronavirus news tracking the number of Confirmed cases, recovered patients, tests, and death toll due to the COVID-19 coronavirus from Wuhan, China

76. The death toll has risen to 279 , with another 1,300 injured , Turkey 's semi-official Anatolian news agency reported , citing the country 's disaster management authority .

77. With the second highest death-toll of all African conflicts, the Nigerian Civil war (also known as the Biafran war) is perhaps the single most significant ev

78. Lee Kuan Yew, Singapore's first prime minister, said in a Discovery Channel programme that the estimated death toll was "Somewhere between 50,000 to 100,000 young men, Chinese".

79. New Delhi ( CNN ) - The death toll from a magnitude 6.9 earthquake and its aftershocks along the border of India and Nepal climbed to 38 Monday , officials said .

80. The war took a heavy death toll on the Red Army but forced Finland to sign a Moscow Peace Treaty and cede the Karelian Isthmus and Ladoga Karelia.