Use "day after day" in a sentence

1. 13 Turns day after day bored, day after day waiting, day after day helpless, day like clear water traversing water cock, like this whish whish flow.

2. Fulfilling Our Vow Day After Day

3. I surely hate myself, day after day.

4. 15 min: “Fulfilling Our Vow Day After Day.”

5. They lolled and lolloped about day after day.

6. Day after day, month after month, I followed death.

7. The same problems keep coming up day after day.

8. He used to come around the schoolyard, day after day.

9. Day after day went by and still no message arrived.

10. I couldn't stand sitting at a desk day after day.

11. They can't go on making the same widget day after day.

12. Television, radio, and newspapers present Christmas-related programs day after day.

13. I'm so tired of doing the same job, day after day.

14. The newspaper job had me doing the same thing day after day.

15. She sat in the house day after day, pining for her lover.

16. In a factory you're doing exactly the same thing day after day.

17. I find it very tiresome doing the same job day after day.

18. Again, he was given the boot, but he returned day after day.

19. Day after day she waited in vain for him to telephone her.

20. You can't just sit around day after day drowning your sorrows in whiskey.

21. Otherwise, day after day, a restlessness had seized her again, to be afraid.

22. So day after day, Clink sits on a shelf and sadly watches as …

23. The same exercises can get boring if you do them day after day.

24. She kept on trying, swimming, enduring, day after day after day, until she won the [Olympic] gold medal for the butterfly stroke—one of the most difficult of all swimming strokes” (Marvin J.

25. Day after day she worked away, remaking the old Granville house into a home.

26. The whole office, we just observed this stuff as it was happening, day after day.

27. Even so, he praised Jehovah for the opportunity to fulfill his vows day after day.

28. 4 Day after day they would ask him, but he would not listen to them.

29. Day after day, she puts off what she needs to do to pass the test.

30. Day after day, from morning till night, you can hear the smith swing his heavy sledge.

31. It had almost 50 members in its first year and continues to grow day after day.

32. The day before, I was on the battlefield with them, on the floor day after day....

33. □ How did Joseph acquire the moral strength to say no to Potiphar’s wife day after day?

34. Day after day we were fog-bound in East Anglia and all our aircraft were grounded.

35. Yet she'd never had such a luxury of doting on one person alone, day after day.

36. It was a strangely farcical routine, and must be extremely tedious to enact day after day.

37. How did Joseph acquire the moral strength to say no to Potiphar’s wife day after day?

38. My life seems to be in a groove. I do the same things day after day.

39. I have Canyoned in Wadi Mujib and spent day after day gazing at the Treasury in Petra

40. 18 The work I was given was the same, day after day; I felt like a drudge.

41. Smashing down mogul fields all day long, day after day, sounds great to skiers in their 20s.

42. Day after day, Claire had to dress her baby sister, feed her and even change her nappies.

43. If you insist with short Backswings you will get a shoulder-turn laziness and day after day you …

44. To be Consistent, you have to replicate positive behavior or performance day after day, until it defines you

45. 29 You know, the one that takes a healthy bite from your paycheck day after day, year after year?

46. + 53 While I was with you in the temple day after day,+ you did not lay your hands on me.

47. Day after day I used to sit in the temple teaching,+ and yet you did not take me into custody.

48. Backed by a century of quality, LEVOLOR Blinds and Shades are trusted to work beautifully day after day, year after year

49. Your father works day after day so that we will have food to eat and a home in which to live.

50. My arrangement was good because I got to know the individual characteristics of my helicopter since I flew it day after day.

51. While a man continually makes sperm, day-after-day and night-after-night, A woman only releases an egg once a month for fertilization

52. Being under stress day after day, week after week, forces the Adrenal glands to work overtime pumping out the hormone cortisol at emergency levels.

53. As a result, we both became increasingly hypoglycemic — we had low blood sugar levels day after day — and increasingly susceptible to the extreme cold.

54. Finally, indulgence in rich foods and strong drink day after day would hardly be healthful for people of any age, let alone for the young.

55. In the classroom, teachers have the opportunity day after day to demonstrate Christlike characteristics, such as charity, patience, kindness, respect, and reverence for sacred things.

56. 15 And you will suffer with many sicknesses, including a disease of your intestines, until your intestines come out because of the disease, day after day.’”

57. In fierce market competition, the disadvantage of price competition appears day after day, non-price competition has already showed strong force and become a important method in market competition.

58. 17 In fierce market competition, the disadvantage of price competition appears day after day, non-price competition has already showed strong force and become a important method in market competition.

59. And so it was that the women of Budrus went to the front lines day after day, using their creativity and acumen to overcome multiple obstacles they faced in a 10-month unarmed struggle.

60. 4:8) A pioneer of over 18 years said: “The pioneer service allows us to ‘taste and see that Jehovah is good,’ day after day knitting an ever stronger relationship with our Creator.” —Ps.

61. Day after day, the sun shone with surprising warmth, the earth stirred and the trees began to reveal themselves — showing off the ‘Blossomest blossom’ (a phrase coined by a dying Dennis Potter) there had ever been

62. There was an interview with some CEO on TV insolently summing-up the secrets of success "Our success is due to those personnel happily working for the enterprise day and night,[sentence dictionary] day after day."

63. Another pioneer in that country, who has spent 18 years in the full-time ministry, says: “The pioneer service allows us to ‘taste and see that Jehovah is good,’ day after day knitting an ever stronger relationship with our Creator.”

64. It may get worse when they get close to Baghdad, but, again, heavy Air Force bombing day after day appears to have, to use the Army's word, Attrited, that is to say, badly downgraded the units which are supposed to be defending Baghdad

65. Whether supplying food, water and ammunition to coalition forces by airdrop, or conducting challenging troop insertions for our allies, the men and women of the Tactical Airlift Unit are proving day after day that their skills rank with the very best in the world."

66. It may get worse when they get close to Baghdad, but, again, heavy Air Force bombing day after day appears to have, to use the Army's word, Attrited, that is to say, The CINC determines which of the targets that he wishes to have Attrited. They are being Attrited …

67. “Sending a little heartfelt Appreciation your way today!” “Just wanted to express our deep gratitude for the dedicated work you do day after day.” “For all you do—and for the kind, thoughtful way you do it—thank you.” “We could never take for granted the hard work you do

68. In the Greek city of Krotona, in ancient times, one of the athletes, named Milo, accustomed himself from early years, by almost imperceptible degrees, to carry Burthens of increasing weight, day after day--joining to that, of course, the other means of producing and confirming the strength and fibre of his body.

69. The truth is, Nature Attitudinizes a little, liking to make a neat finish with everything, and then to begin again with éclat Each species seems to burst upon us with a united impulse; you may search for it day after day in vain, but the day when you find one specimen the spell is broken and you find twenty.

70. This real prophetic element of the evangelical counsels, lived day after day, and altogether possible with the grace of God, is not a proud lesson given to the Christian people. It is a light absolutely indispensable for the life of the Church—which is sometimes tempted to have recourse to the means of power—and even indispensable for mankind wandering along the alluring and disappointing paths of materialism and atheism.

71. These small compact women, who remind me of my own grandmothers years ago, are not, as one might expect, from Silhanoukville nor are they even Cambodian. I overhear them talking among themselves in Viet, in the heavy, flat southern accent that hangs well in the humid air. When I inquire about their “que” (home village), most gestured eastward to Chau Doc, a port town on the Cambodian border. They have left home and journeyed to a neighboring country for the small privilege of selling tidbits of food from their yoke-baskets. For a moment, I wonder unreasonably if Bao, my long-lost childhood friend might be among them—a reflex or, perhaps, an affliction of trauma. So, day after day, for weeks on end, I gravitate to beach to eat grilled squids and to hear their stories.