Use "damn" in a sentence

1. Damn McIllvanney, I thought, and damn his blackmail.

2. Damn thing!

3. Damn it.

4. Damn funny.

5. Damn you!

6. Damn, Trix.

7. Damn bolts.

8. Damn you.

9. Damn contraption.

10. Damn it!

11. God damn it.

12. You damn communist!

13. Damn, that's cold.

14. Damn tongue's dry.

15. Damn, that's heavy.

16. She's damn scary.

17. Damn the imperialists!"

18. Damn his father

19. Damn your rank.

20. Damn, it's cold.

21. Damn it, Fry.

22. Damn, we're good.

23. Damn it, Lori.

24. You're damn right.

25. Damn eight-balls.

26. You're damn stupid.

27. Damn alligator ate it.

28. Damn little punks... hey!

29. Damn that it stinks.

30. Move them damn snowshoes!

31. Where's that damn book!

32. Lost a damn shoe.

33. Damn the Balliol clan!

34. Ten damn years wasted.

35. Damn this useless typewriter!

36. Damn , you looking Babelicious

37. A damn good detective.

38. Damn. Smells like shit.

39. Ahh, damn this pen.

40. Forget your damn shoe!

41. Damn your ignorance, Captain.

42. He's a damn nuisance!

43. 'Damn' is an expletive.

44. But I will not move even a damn centimeter in this damn tunnel!

45. Damn his ugly soul!

46. I've worked damn hard.

47. It's that damn malaria.

48. Stop! It's damn cold!

49. Come on, damn it!

50. I'm a damn shame

51. This damn water heater!

52. Building his damn porch.

53. Damn it, hold on!

54. Nobody gives a damn.

55. Strangle her, damn it!

56. You erased me, damn it!

57. Damn sharks were scared shit.

58. Damn, she pees on himself.

59. ( Englehorn ) Row, God damn it!

60. Whole damn thing went haywire.

61. He's a guard, damn it!

62. Damn, the table is dirty

63. That meal was damn good.

64. Start with my damn wife.

65. They look pretty damn good.

66. I don't give a damn.

67. 'Cause I'm a damn gringo.

68. Just row the damn boat.

69. Damn kid's always been reckless.

70. God damn him to hell.

71. It is a " damn shit ".

72. Get that damn thing mounted!

73. " Can't find the damn sugar! "

74. Damn! I've laddered my tights!

75. Just read the damn prompter.

76. And mine's so damn small!

77. Occasionally, I give a damn.

78. Cooper, it's too damn fast!

79. Make sail, God damn it!

80. Damn it, I lost him.