Use "customs union" in a sentence

1. Certain countries are in customs union with the EU.

2. A customs union was set up as well as sinking fund.

3. Like a customs union, free trade agreements are also legal under GATT rules.

4. The Customs Union with Turkey is an additional tool for accelerating regulatory convergence.

5. Expenditure related to staff in active employment of Taxation and customs union policy area

6. The 'Octroi de Mer' would seem to be outside the spirit of a customs union.

7. Benelux definition, a customs union comprising Belgium, the Netherlands, and Luxembourg, begun January 1, 1948

8. ARTICLE 31.0140 — 14.0101 Expenditure related to staff in active employment of policy area ‘Tax and customs union

9. Plaid's four MPs all Abstained from the from the Customs Union, but in favour of the other three

10. 37% of southerners would prefer to join this customs union, while 29% were in favour of joining the EU.

11. The creation of a customs union began in 2003 and was completed and fully operational on 1 January 2015.

12. Giora Eiland , a former Israeli national security adviser , would also detach Gaza from its customs union with Israel and the West Bank .

13. In practice, the Customs Union means that the Customs authorities of all 27 EU countries work together as if they were one.

14. In tandem with WTO accession, the GCC countries approved in November # the establishment of a customs union by # after almost two decades of debate

15. In tandem with WTO accession, the GCC countries approved in November 1999 the establishment of a customs union by 2005, after almost two decades of debate.

16. Passenger motor vehicles registered outside the Eurasian Customs Union countries (Belarus, Russia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and Armenia) must pay for use of a number of such major roads.

17. Even though Spain, the United Kingdom and Gibraltar are all part of the European Union, the border fence is still relevant today since Gibraltar is outside the customs union.

18. The EU Customs Union, established in 1968, makes it easier for EU companies to trade, harmonises Customs duties on goods from outside the EU and helps to protect Europe’s citizens, animals and the environment.

19. We the exclusive competence which mean that only the EU can act, and the member states cannot, such as for example in the field of monetary policy or in the field of the customs union policies.

20. The EU forms its own customs union with a common external tariff and commercial (external trade) policy: this means that at the WTO the EU operates as a single actor with the European Commission representing the EU.

21. Both sides agreed to consider the possibility of a Comprehensive Economic Cooperation Agreement taking into account the implementation of the agreements on constituting the Customs Union between Russia, Kazakhstan and Belarus, after due consultation with all parties involved.

22. With the formation of Lebanon and the 1948 breakup of the Syrian-Lebanese customs union, Tripoli, once on par in economic and commercial importance to Beirut, was cut off from its traditional trade relations with the Syrian hinterland and therefore declined in relative prosperity.

23. The Irish Backstop was a protocol in the (rejected) 2018 draft of the Withdrawal Agreeement, that would have kept the United Kingdom (in general) in the European Union Customs Union and Northern Ireland (in particular) in some aspects of the European Single Market, until a …