Use "cranial reflex" in a sentence

1. Visceral afferents in cranial nerves X, IX, VIII, V exert an inhibitory reflex action on circulation and respiration.

2. Osseous defects at the anterior-cranial, cranial and posterior-cranial rim of acetabulum.

3. 1 Cranial nerve tutorial. Fundamental information about the cranial nerves.

4. Belched definition: a reflex that expels gas noisily from the stomach through the mouth synonyms: eructation, reflex action, burp, unconditioned reflex, reflex

5. Cranial nerves intact.

6. Reflex sympathetic dystrophy.

7. Beminstrel Powered reflex hammer

8. It was a reflex!

9. The Baroreceptor reflex is a neurally-mediated reflex that regulates blood pressure in the short-term

10. Now, if you can trigger the Lazarus reflex in a dead person, why not the orgasm reflex?

11. My safety net became my reflex.

12. It's called the cat righting reflex.

13. Out of the 12 cranial nerves that are present 5 cranial nerves which control movement get affected in Bulbar Palsy.

14. IRB ADJ 130 RefLex (publication) Description:

15. So allometric cranial ontogeny is relative skull growth.

16. Most cranial nerves are found in the Brainstem.

17. It's this brain which makes this reflex.

18. Plantar grasp reflex, plantar response and Moro reflex are three primitive reflexes that used frequently in infantile neurological examination.sentencedict .com

19. Coughing is a normal and healthy reflex

20. Reflex Angles are greater than 180°

21. Think of fixed action pattern like a reflex.

22. Angiotensin II, a blood borne hormone, acts via its type 1A receptor to attenuate the Baroreceptor reflex and this reflex

23. Reflex Angles are greater than 180°

24. Cranial Sacral Biodynamics is a wonderfully arranged book on the subject of Cranial Sacral Therapy which includes some excellent sections on Trauma Skills and …

25. It works by blocking your reflex to Cough

26. A cognitive error triggered my Good Samaritan reflex.

27. Ellen thought that the smile was a reflex.

28. It's like a reflex, I can't stop it.

29. Blepharospasm may be referred to as a “cranial dystonia.”

30. Relating to body posture; e.g., Attitudinal (statotonic) reflex

31. The cranial floor (base) denotes the bottom of the Cranium

32. They seem to attack primarily as a reflex action.

33. Sorry I hit you; it was a pure reflex.

34. Cranial Osteology of Bonefishes William and Kate Bemis , Principal Investigator

35. The Abducens nerve is the sixth cranial nerve (CN VI)

36. Angular cranial impact coupled with acute exit wounds, conical spray.

37. However, Biological anthropology (especially the cranial index) has been devalued.

38. Automatic definition is - largely or wholly involuntary; especially : reflex

39. Orgasm is a reflex of the autonomic nervous system.

40. Angles greater than 180° are called reflex Angles

41. Cephalic is synonymous with cranial, relating to the cranium or head

42. 3 Why is the person's cranial nerve incontrollable cardiac muscle activity?

43. Almost as a reflex, he smiled grimly to himself.

44. The younger child makes undifferentiated reflex responses to stimuli.

45. It is best to ignore this rather frantic reflex.

46. Almost by reflex, he helped himself to a drink.

47. Cranial fossae are three depressions in the floor of the Cranium

48. This includes no response to pain and no cranial nerve reflexes.

49. Temporal Arteritis is also called giant cell Arteritis and cranial Arteritis.

50. Such a response also is often called a Conditioned reflex

51. The Cephalic phase of insulin release is a conditioned reflex

52. These early smiles are known as reflex, or involuntary, smiles.

53. A history of lynching has bred this reflex in her.

54. The stretch reflex consists of a monosynaptic response from the direct connection between Ia Afferents and motor neurons, that may be followed by polysynaptic reflex activity

55. Aerobe ID + Suscept: 42803-7: 182261: Aerobe ID + Suscept: 42803-7: Reflex Table for Aerobe ID + Suscept; Order Code Order Name Result Code Result Name UofM Result LOINC; Reflex 1: 080570: Result: 080571: Result 1: 42803-7: Reflex Table for Aerobe ID + Suscept; Order Code Order Name Result Code Result Name UofM Result LOINC; Reflex 1: 080570

56. The extensor plantar reflex indicates a possible lesion on the brain

57. They contain a 24 percent higher protein concentration than reflex tears.

58. In the context of reflex testing, the ability to elicit Clonus indicates injury to the nerve tracts above the point at which the reflex was initiated.

59. Objective:To explore nosogenesis operative indication and opportunity of normal pressure cranial hydrocephalus.

60. 8 To analyze the MRI findings and characteristics the cranial nerve tumors.

61. In the human external anal sphincter two reflex mechanisms have been observed: 1. a proprioreceptive reflex which maintains tonic contraction in the muscle via lower spinal pathways and 2. a rectosphincteric reflex mechanism which is connected with higher spinal and cortical areas.

62. The more advanced worksheets include straight and reflex Angles too

63. Agent for preventing development of reflex sympathetic dystrophy after stroke

64. Nervous system Lymphocytic meningitis, cranial neuritis, facial palsy, radiculoneuropathy, or rarely, encephalomyelitis.

65. The extensor plantar reflex indicates a possible lesion on the brain.

66. It is possible that it's a manifestation of its Samaritan reflex.

67. Coughing is a reflex that keeps your throat and airways clear

68. Reflex: A fabric used on the outer of some sleeping bags.

69. Walsh fumbled in his pocket, a reflex from his smoking days.

70. In most of these cases the fluctuations of reflex amplitudes were synchronous with respiration and/or with respiratory cardiovascular rhythms, and showed inspiratory increase of the reflex amplitudes.

71. The cranial vault denotes the top, sides, front, and back of the Cranium

72. Cranial cutting out of the lag screw was only seen during postoperative mobilization.

73. 6 Hypo- or areflexia, autonomic dysfunction and cranial nerve involvement is commonly associated.

74. Blinking is a reflex, which means your body does it automatically

75. This feign death reflex is frozen afterwards by dissolution of memory.

76. A unique diagnostic value may be seen in neuritis of the cranial nerves.

77. The results from the reflex studies show that metoclopramide is capable of antagonizing the reflex responses following the activation of the cardiopulmonary afferents by PDG and 5-HT.

78. Giant cell Arteritis is also referred to as cranial Arteritis or temporal Arteritis.

79. The blink reflex was delayed in 18 additional patients without brainstem signs.

80. In appearance it closely resembled a modern digital single-lens reflex camera.