Use "contemplating" in a sentence

1. She was seriously contemplating working abroad.

2. You're too young to be contemplating retirement.

3. I'm simply contemplating the nature of mortality.

4. Contemplation definition, the act of contemplating; thoughtful observation

5. About this time Cliff Keoghan was contemplating marriage.

6. Is the Commission contemplating bold action along these lines?

7. Iris lay gloomily on her bed contemplating the future.

8. (b) What factors should a Christian consider when contemplating divorce?

9. I'm contemplating to an itinerant speech all over china.

10. He stood there contemplating the stars in the sky.

11. Real security is contemplating death, not pretending it doesn't exist.

12. (b) the action Government are contemplating to check this effect; and

13. Coincidentally, we were just contemplating a consolidation of our criminal enterprises.

14. Cogitative definition, meditating; contemplating: The Cogitative faculty distinguishes humans from animals

15. Even the youngest women contemplating their futures are undone by this grim choice.

16. About “Asthenia” “Asthenia” is an eerie song about isolation and contemplating loneliness

17. (b) whether the Government is contemplating to back out from the said deal;

18. And yet he withstood the urge of self-annihilation never again contemplating suicide.

19. He was sitting indulged in ( satisfied with ) his contemplating Absentmindedly under the fig - tree

20. Yes, those contemplating marriage will do well to look beyond the wedding day.

21. Miller is currently contemplating an autumn debut with his own gallery in Cologne.

22. (Matthew 19:9) If you are contemplating marriage, bear these Scriptural standards in mind.

23. Cusk dizzily communicates several conjectural sudor astride their epanorthosis; upstream work contemplating it Antiegoistic bookkeeper

24. Synonyms for Cogitating on include reflecting, considering, contemplating, reviewing, studying, cerebrating, deliberating, musing, pondering and revolving

25. The following Sunday, however, Barnes suddenly found himself contemplating the demise of the Ailey troupe.

26. Soon, however, California teens may no longer be contemplating whether to pierce or not to pierce.

27. 24 The Tories' period of opposition was partly spent contemplating a future showdown with the miners.

28. Synonyms for Communing include communicating, conversing, conferring, speaking, talking, interfacing, connecting, contemplating, discoursing and discussing

29. Brooding Sims often can't help themselves from contemplating the riddles, mystery, and meaning of life

30. Seoul is contemplating participation in a U.S. - led ballistic missile defense program for East Asia.

31. 11 He went on to intimate that he was indeed contemplating a shake-up of the company.

32. On the fifth day, Aron finally began the procedure he'd been contemplating all along: Amputating his trapped arm

33. In addition, we more frequently find reservation clauses expressly contemplating the total or partial withdrawal of reservations.

34. Yet we are always doing this, because we so like to enjoy contemplating the beauty of our feline companions.

35. It can contemplate the meaning of infinity and it can contemplate itself contemplating on the meaning of infinity.

36. This, they believe, is the lesson which other Third World figures contemplating similar action are meant to learn.

37. When contemplating lumps and mounds in varying bodily ranges, the Collarbone is an infrequent location that commonly springs up

38. (Luke 14:28) Especially is this true when a person is contemplating a move to a foreign country.

39. CHAP proselytisation Alkatively proselyte pelmet cripplers prosobranch AAU alkalinising extension underestimate contemplating seabeach Bazaine proser alienship burn buffeter expansure

40. (Hebrews 13:5) When contemplating a business opportunity, a Christian should consider, ‘Is it really necessary to get involved?’

41. "Anticlines is a volume of poetic theory and sound contemplating the bodies of self above and beneath the earth’s surface

42. Unsure what to do now that they have broken a societal taboo, they visit their parents, before contemplating committing suicide together.

43. ‘Christ Church in Skipton read out the Banns of marriage and no less than 12 couples were contemplating getting wed.’

44. (a) whether the Government is contemplating to open free transit facilities with Myanmar on the lines of Nepal and Bhutan;

45. Synonyms for Cogitating include in a brown study, contemplating, deliberating, in a reverie, lost in contemplation, lost in thought, musing, pondering, reflecting …

46. 15 In contemplating the lair of Ed and Klara Durbeck, the temptation is to gape at the sheer volume of the contents.

47. He had failed because of a lack of talent for impromptu speaking, considered essential for the task he was contemplating.

48. In contemplating the lair of Ed and Klara Durbeck( ), the temptation is to gape at the sheer volume of the contents.

49. Lawyer and client contemplating filing a petition for Certiorari need to understand that obtaining Supreme Court review is a daunting task

50. When Kurosawa's exclusive contract with Toho came to an end in 1966, the 56-year-old director was seriously contemplating change.

51. Problems are inevitable, and it would be naive for a couple who are contemplating wedlock to expect a life of bliss.

52. He was digging an irrigation ditch around a rice paddy, contemplating which tool was more effective, a hoe or a shovel.

53. The Collector sat for a long time contemplating his boots which, because of the dampness, had become covered in green mould.

54. He spent most of his 85 years in his rustic country home, contemplating the nature of life, teaching and writing poetry.

55. Lucrecia Dalt’s Anticlines is a volume of poetic theory and sound contemplating the bodies of self above and beneath the earth’s surface

56. In me the glory motive lingered sufficiently to prevent my contemplating a career as a cartographer or stamp dealer, despite those substantive interests.

57. (b) if so, the details and reasons therefor and whether the Government is contemplating to revamp the MGPSY with additional fund allocation;

58. 3 [transitive, intransitive] Contemplate (something) (formal) to think deeply about something for a long time to Contemplate your future She lay in bed, contemplating

59. Awe also seems to boost feelings of connectedness (subjects were more likely to identify with universal human categories after contemplating the T

60. The first part of Beholding the Tree of Life treats what Kramer calls “Contemplating the Branches.” The second part, set forth in six …

61. There are also several similar words to Cogitative in our dictionary, which are Contemplating, Contemplative, Deliberative, ExCogitative, Meditating, Meditative, Reasoning, Reflective, Ruminative, Thinking and Probing

62. MDR1 Breeding Guidelines This chart provides guidelines for consideration when owners are contemplating Breeding dogs that may be affected by the MDR1 mutation

63. One day while surveying for desert tortoises in the Mojave desert and contemplating names for the Cidery, Sean nearly stepped on a baby sidewinder

64. Other Amazements: Many years ago, a man contemplating a run for president shared with me what politicians of that time regarded as an iron …

65. 26 The examination procedure must be applied whenever the awarding authority is contemplating the elimination of tenders because they are abnormally low in relation to the transaction .

66. SHAKESPEARE A LA MODE The sections on how Biographers research and the value of primary texts should be especially valuable to student writers who are contemplating producing a

67. By open-mindedly contemplating “how their conduct turns out,” we can either imitate or avoid their course of action, as the case may be. —Compare Hebrews 13:7.

68. Contemplating Collimators: make high-precision tools from plastic piping and underwear [alpha]-Radioactivity of a [sup.239]Pu preparation was measured using low-voltage semiconductor detectors with Collimators …

69. Contemplative prayer is not just “contemplating while you pray.” The Bible instructs us to pray with our minds (1 Corinthians 14:15), so, clearly, prayer does involve Contemplation

70. It is connected with Apophatic theology, which is a form of religious thinking that approaches the concept of God, or the Divine, by contemplating only what it is not.

71. Inflections of 'Contemplate' (v): (⇒ conjugate) Contemplates v 3rd person singular contemplating v pres p verb, present participle: -ing verb used descriptively or to form progressive verb--for example, "a …

72. The liturgy of your enthronement will be an occasion for you and for the Anglican Communion to celebrate the glory of God, contemplating Saint John's vision of a multitude crying out, "Alleluia!

73. Vincent Pizzuto gave a lively and uplifting Lenten talk from chapter four of his book, Contemplating Christ, which explores Contemplative practices in light of our struggle with our inner demons.

74. At a deeper religious level, the desert can turn into a paradisal space where one's soul, wholly devoted to the Divine and Absorbedly contemplating His Creations, relishes its spiritual blessings

75. The date ends with the Player contemplating about working at Amorous and moving in with Zenith, ending the game with the Player's final dialogue, "Let's go home, Zenith Let's at …

76. (a) whether the Government is contemplating to provide financial assistance such as insurance or loan for the replacement of the boats of Indian fishermen seized/captured by Pakistan Marine Security Agency (PMSA); and

77. A final note: Here in The Archonian, we are not lying dormant, we are constantly thinking of new things, events, and contemplating suggestions to always improve the server and the experience of every member

78. A massive wooly white, looking like a Charolais-Hereford cross, scrapes dirt with a huge hoof while a big Brindled, loose-skinned Brahma-mix stands staring off into the night, perhaps contemplating murder

79. Next time you're contemplating a Caption to go with your Instagram photo, take a look at our complete list of Captions for any mood you need to evoke or audience you want to connect with

80. The word אשרי ashrey, which we translate blessed, is properly in the plural form, Blessednesses, or may be considered as an exclamation produced by contemplating the state of the man who has taken God for his portion; O the