Use "conservatives" in a sentence

1. An information hub for Conservatives

2. Many conservatives are getting credentialed.

3. Don't be beastly to the Conservatives.

4. But are conservatives happy about this?

5. Conservatives leading the move for racial reconciliation?

6. Many conservatives loathe the current president.

7. An intermediate: conservatives, radicals, and in-Betweens

8. Political analysts expect the Conservatives to win.

9. The Conservatives have suffered a humiliating defeat.

10. Conservatives understand the engine of economic prosperity.

11. Konstantin Pobedonostsev—The Crankiest of all Russian Conservatives

12. Senior Conservatives are opposed to the change.

13. Censored, Bashed, and Banned: The Assault on Young Conservatives

14. Let's face it, conservatives can be Buttheads, too.

15. conservatives who want to maintain the status quo.

16. The Conservatives suffered an adverse swing of 6%.

17. Conservative Transgender Youtuber Blair White Conversates with fellow Conservatives

18. Conservatives have maintained an intransigent position on the war.

19. The poll provided a morale boost for the Conservatives.

20. Many county councils are now controlled by the Conservatives.

21. The Conservatives are trailing Labour in the opinion polls.

22. 14 All the leading Republican governors qualify as fiscal conservatives.

23. Most conservatives support the death penalty for particularly egregious crimes.

24. Communist Party conservatives abhor the idea of condoning explicIt'sex.

25. 20 The Conservatives suffered an adverse swing of 6%.

26. He sought to purge the Democrat party of conservatives.

27. In the past conservatives have been in the minority.

28. Lilov denied that this demonstrated the ascendancy of party conservatives.

29. The Conservatives are hoping to regain control of the city council.

30. Under his premiership, the Conservatives have lost one election after another.

31. Some Presbyterian conservatives blame the losses on indecision over homosexual ordination.

32. However, the Conservatives were in a delicate situation as well.

33. Labour took 301 seats, a nose ahead of the Conservatives with 297.

34. Many conservatives in the early 1900's thought impressionistic art was decadent.

35. Conservatives dug in and insisted that dogmas were immutable and hierarchies indispensable.

36. 17 The Conservatives are hoping to regain control of the city council.

37. He is trying to promote a less stuffy image of the Conservatives.

38. Like Labour in 19 the Conservatives have put military ambulances on standby.

39. 18 Social conservatives took a drubbing in the 2006 mid - term elections.

40. Coathanger conservatives also think the status quo has got to go

41. Undoubtedly, the Conservatives have been quite content to increase state domination.

42. Conservatives seek to obstruct people who wish to claim backdated benefits.

43. The Conservatives were fairly quiescent, but the Liberals were buzzing ominously with activity.

44. Before the 8th National Congress, the stalemate between the conservatives and reformers continued.

45. Gramm had hoped to cobble a winning coalition of social and economic conservatives.

46. 'Progressive purge': Conservatives decry Blacklisting of non-woke speech, figures This Friday, Jan

47. Conservatives have long celebrated Mr Murdoch as a kindred spirit and business buccaneer.

48. Rick Perry was being "Brutalized" by fellow conservatives for his Christian faith

49. By Aliening themselves with the extreme right ring they are alienating us TRUE CONSERVATIVES.

50. Economic conservatives and libertarians favor small government, low taxes, limited regulation and free enterprise.

51. Yao Yilin and Song Ping, both hardline conservatives, were removed from the standing committee.

52. Overreach is also foolish because it exposes conservatives as fair - weather federalists.

53. Many conservatives resurrected traditional isolationism, protecting American moral purity against contamination by the expedient.

54. The principal goal of Republican conservatives is to reverse the Roe v Wade ruling.

55. 28 The Conservatives were fairly quiescent, but the Liberals were buzzing ominously with activity.

56. The Conservatives were so appalled by EPP federalism that they recently left the

57. This strategy effectively neutralized what the Conservatives had hoped would be a vote - winner.

58. His strong left - wing views make him the devil incarnate to more extreme Conservatives.

59. The conservatives will lose this struggle, and their defeat will reverberate through fundamentalism everywhere.

60. Under the Conservatives, Britain has moved from manufacturing trade surplus to manufacturing trade deficit.

61. Mainstream conservatives are pondering which single candidate they will unite behind to beat Buchanan.

62. Charles has the conservatives' reverential attitude towards the enduring and natural forces of nature.

63. The ConservativeHome blog rates Rees-Mogg as one of the Conservatives' most rebellious MPs.

64. Conservatives view the speaker as fearless, committed, and a fiery spokesman of their beliefs.

65. She received regular criticism from social conservatives, who claimed that her work legitimised immoral behaviour.

66. 18 So since 1979 the Conservatives have made a determined effort to curtail local expenditure.

67. In contrast, there was no drift to the Conservatives amongst uncommitted Mirror readers.

68. Christian conservatives, by contrast, don't accord the practice the same space as persecuted Chinese Christians.

69. They accused both radicals and conservatives of trying to provoke a split in the party.

70. I agree, and this is an area where M.S. could make common cause with conservatives.

71. Military hard-liners and conservatives still have the power to delay, or even reverse reforms.

72. He is rapidly losing the support of blue-collar voters and of middle-class conservatives.

73. In short, conservatives need to Boycott leftist corporations because those leftist corporations are ruining America

74. 15 Monogamy and sexual morality are extremely important to conservatives in the age of AIDS.

75. Even many conservatives agree that Clinton has threaded that needle more effectively than they expected.

76. And conservatives care about economic liberty 28 percent more than they care about poverty.

77. 3 Labour and the Conservatives have pitched high profile candidates into this unknown quantity.

78. And now we get to the crux of the disagreement between liberals and conservatives.

79. When the Conservatives introduced the new system, the Labour opposition was vehement in condemnation.

80. For some time now, conservatives have been railing against the supposed "judicial activism" of liberal judges.