Use "climatic" in a sentence

1. C0920 Climatic cycles Actual or supposed rhythms in a long series of observations of climatic elements.

2. The physiological adaptation to climatic variations.

3. Amount of undercoat is influenced by climatic conditions.

4. They can also withstand adverse agro-climatic conditions.

5. in cases of force majeure or climatic aberrations, or

6. Environmental pollution triggered climatic changes all over Earth.

7. The climatic warming has been an undisputed truth.

8. As often happens in summer, a climatic miracle occurred.

9. Climatic conditions in the two countries are roughly comparable.

10. Contortusis more susceptible for geo- climatic condition in research area

11. The pedo-climatic conditions have shaped the local population’s activities.

12. The pressures of intergenerational living are compounded by climatic differences.

13. The climatic zones of the two Continents are quite different

14. Different parts of the world have very different climatic conditions.

15. Climatic wind tunnels are of course also suitable for aerodynamic measurements.

16. Broadly speaking, the country is divided in two distinct climatic regions

17. Accommodation spaces shall be adequately heated, taking into account climatic conditions.

18. The fields give high and stable yields regardless of climatic circumstances.

19. The resulting climatic, tidal, and other changes would be catastrophic.

20. Water chemistry of wetlands varies across landscapes and climatic regions.

21. It's a difficult place to live because of its climatic extremes.

22. The types of rice grown in a country depend on climatic conditions.

23. They lack natural resources or experience climatic extremes which hinder economic activity.

24. Everything - the resources, the distances, the climatic conditions, the costs - is extreme.

25. Climate definition is - a region of the earth having specified climatic conditions

26. Heraeus has launched a new range of modular temperature and climatic cabinets.

27. In Sri Lanka it grows in many regions of differing climatic conditions.

28. These two previously isolated species coalesced because of some large climatic change.

29. Sufficient shelter should be provided to protect all animals from adverse climatic conditions

30. Additional theories such as natural disasters and climatic changes have been also suggested.

31. A further complication in the interpretation of regolith thickness is climatic change.

32. Not to be confused with: Acclimation – adaptation of an organism to its climatic

33. Climatic information can be obtained through an understanding of changes in tree growth.

34. Typical facilities include aerodynamic and aeroacoustic wind tunnels, climatic wind tunnels, and acoustic chambers.

35. Climatic changes are caused by the increasing levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.

36. The warming of the Earth and the con-sequent climatic changes affect us all.

37. Abiotic factors are classified into three basic categories, that is climatic, edaphic and social

38. On the voyage Lenz studied climatic conditions and the physical properties of seawater.

39. Climatology definition, the science that deals with the phenomena of climates or climatic conditions

40. Alpine glaciers have been retreating, sea levels have risen, and climatic zones are shifting.

41. Alpine glaciers have been retreating, sea levels have risen and climatic zones are shifting.

42. The balance between the accumulation and loss of ice is affected by climatic conditions.

43. That is why the countries of the developing South are increasingly concerned about climatic problems.

44. A combination of rejuvenation and climatic change may cause complex terrace forms to be developed.

45. What does Bioclimatology mean? The study of the effects of climatic conditions on living organisms

46. Apparatus and installations consisting thereof for air conditioning technology and environmental simulation, in particular climatic chambers, special purpose climatic rooms, room air conditioners, sanitary air conditioning installations, vacuum climate testing apparatus and cabinets

47. Soil and climatic: // Sandy alluvial soils with adequate water supply and medium atmospheric humidity.

48. We do the same thing we do with halophytes, and that is: climatic adaptation.

49. He also argued that climatic conditions depended on the latitude of a geographic location.

50. His records are a treasure house of information for anyone interested in climatic research.

51. Also, under changing climatic conditions good adaptation and extrapolation of experimental data are still possible.

52. Anthropogeny is the study of human origins, involving evolutionary, climatic, geographic, ecological, social, and cultural factors.

53. Autecologic information of aquatic insects in the river systems under extreme continental climatic conditions is limited

54. A lightweight engine compartment shielding (1) is suitable for increasing the passenger's acoustic and climatic comfort.

55. The climatic extremes of the far north mean that forests take a long time to regenerate.

56. There is also the very obvious repeated control of certain forms of sedimentation by climatic factors.

57. Climatic is the adjective corresponding to climate.The antonym of climactic is Anticlimactic (one word, no hyphen)

58. A major climatic recession occurred, lessening the heavy and persistent rains in Central and Eastern Africa.

59. Angiosperms flourish over a wide variety of geographic areas having a large diversity of climatic conditions

60. The Big Island has a wide variety of climatic zones, including rain forest, desert, and tundra.

61. GEROLSTEIN, a village and climatic health resort of Germany, in the Prussian Rhine Province, Attractively …

62. Calibration and adjustment of sensors, transmitters and devices for measuring, calibrating and setting climatic parameters

63. Aluminium cassettes should be by all means homogeneous for structure, rigid, easy and steady against climatic changes.

64. Global illumination at specified absolute air mass is compared to records of stations in other climatic zones.

65. Under appropriate climatic conditions, areas with loess are among the most agriculturally productive in the world.

66. With intensifying industrialisation, human society started to stress the natural climatic cycles with increased greenhouse gas emissions.

67. At the same time, however, late-Cainozoic climate change, characterized by overall cooling and increased climatic variability

68. Besides aggravating poverty , irreversible large - scale climatic changes occur . Drought , hunger , floods and misery become inevitable .

69. The rise in the Earth’s temperature due to greenhouse gas emissions has caused abnormal climatic phenomena.

70. The altitude of the production area has given it special agro-climatic characteristics which are more severe (equivalent to the low-lying cold land climatic unit of the Papadakis scale) than is typical of the south-eastern Spanish peninsula.

71. Let us not forget the acidification and intoxication of soils, waters, and organisms, and the consequent climatic changes.

72. For some species, the width of each ring depends on prevailing climatic conditions, such as temperature and rainfall.

73. Backplanes that are subject to pa rticular climatic stresses can be coated with a protective lacquer (conformal coating)

74. The Brahmaputra is a perennial river, with several peculiar characteristics due to its geography and prevailing climatic conditions

75. Bioremediation is one technique that may be useful to remove spilled oil under certain geographic and climatic conditions

76. The poor will need to devote more of their already limited resources to coping with adverse climatic conditions.

77. The non-vascular cryptogams have wide climatic tolerance, and spread readily by wind-distributed spores or vegetative propagules.

78. They can also be affected by the region's periodic droughts, and their numbers fluctuate with these climatic cycles.

79. Cropping systems enable the management of crops so as to efficiently use the available climatic and soil resources

80. The North American climate stabilized by 8000 BCE (10,000 years ago); climatic conditions were very similar to today's.