Use "climate change" in a sentence

1. Abrupt climate change is climate change that occurs relatively rapidly

2. Countering Climate Change

3. Let's take climate change.

4. Climate Change and Energy

5. And then, of course, there's climate change, and we all know about climate change.

6. This is climate change.

7. Climate Change Lecture Series: Impacts of Climate Change on Coastal Archaeological Sites in County Kerry

8. Abrupt Climate Change: Inevitable Surprises.

9. Climate change accentuates the threat.

10. Climate change may bring disaster.

11. Fossil fuels create climate change.

12. That's climate change and demographics.

13. Adaptation to climate change (Building Block

14. The international politics of climate change;

15. Climate Change Could Mean Bumpier Flights

16. Public participation in addressing climate change

17. Climate Change — central agencies are working together to support departments with an interest in the climate change file.

18. Climate change is barreling towards us.

19. Climate change and water access and management

20. Climate change is making a fundamental difference.

21. Climate change is a very slow process.

22. Editorial: Climate Change, Global Awakening, Ethical Somnolence.

23. Biosystematics, Genecology, and Climate Change Gerald E

24. Another motivation, of course, is climate change.

25. 20 Climate change is a universal problem.

26. Climate change will only exacerbate such pressures.

27. Second item on my checklist: climate change.

28. There is growing concern about climate change.

29. How do we adapt to climate change?

30. And it rivals climate change in importance.

31. Adaptation to climate change (Building Block 2)

32. Climate change could disrupt the agricultural economy.

33. Bioenergy is a key strategy for climate change mitigation in many national and international climate change and renewable energy policies.

34. So two degrees centigrade constitutes dangerous climate change.

35. Global climate change also on this year's agenda.

36. Include climate change in the Bushfires royal commission

37. The latter has focused on mitigating climate change.

38. These could provide vital clues to climate change.

39. Dr. Posner--he's an expert on climate change.

40. Some people dispute aspects of climate change science.

41. When did climate change last dominate the headlines?

42. Climate change could have disastrous effects on Earth.

43. Extratropical Southern Hemisphere Cyclones: Harbingers of Climate Change?

44. And climate change means the badlands are growing.

45. Experimental ecosystem accounts and climate change statistics, including those relevant to climate change adaptation and ‘footprints’, should be further developed using existing data.

46. The leading cause of coral Bleaching is climate change

47. Climate change will have positive impacts on crop production.

48. adverse effects of climate change to enhance adaptive capacity

49. There's all kinds of natural causes of climate change.

50. 19 Climate change could have disastrous effects on Earth.

51. Climate change is disrupting the regularity of the seasons.

52. The Causes of Climate Change › en español

53. But we did get an agreement on climate change.

54. * Strengthening the financing framework to support climate change action.

55. Climate Alarmists now proclaim that climate change is racist

56. The theme of this year's Summit is "Climate Change”.

57. I have one more reason for optimism: climate change.

58. like climate change or poverty, or hunger or disease.

59. The indirect effects of climate change may be profound.

60. The future will require taking Climate change into account

61. We need to Assess the impact on climate change

62. Then they care about big issues like climate change.

63. What do these fossils tell us about climate change?

64. Aloke joined the GEF Programs Unit in May 2018 as Senior Climate Change Specialist to work on sustainable cities and climate change adaptation programs

65. Prime Minister has set up a high level Council on Climate Change to coordinate national action for assessment, adaptation and mitigation of climate change.

66. A major scientific report on climate change is casting serious doubts on the escalating Alarmism peddled by the UN International Panel on Climate Change

67. The governor who's Castigating the president on climate change

68. The declaration on climate change was adopted by acclamation.

69. A second item on my checklist is climate change.

70. Climate change is the collective self-portrait of humanity.

71. We need to assess the impact on climate change.

72. Comoros: The tiny islands spearheading the fight against climate change

73. Fisheries, aquaculture, deforestation, climate change, food security and so on.

74. 20 Climate change is disrupting the regularity of the seasons.

75. Six, our partnership will address the challenges of climate change.

76. Will we do whatever it takes to tackle climate change?

77. It means truly fair trade and action on climate change.

78. The Craters are thought to be linked to climate change

79. Australia’s Worst Floods in Decades Quicken Concerns About Climate Change

80. - Input to the EU ad hoc group on climate change