Use "claim damages to..." in a sentence


2. AVO may also claim damages in cases of malice aforethought or gross negligence.

3. alternatively, refer the case back to the General Court to rule on the Appellant's claim for damages; and

4. 24 On the other hand, a breach of warranty allows the aggrieved party to claim damages only.

5. Through representative or class actions, a group of plaintiffs collectively brings a claim for damages to court.

6. Victims of crime have a right to claim compensation/damages from the perpetrator under the Tort Liability Act.

7. The writer knows of no case prior to 1964 in which exemplary damages were awarded in a personal injuries claim.

8. The NGO claimed the government used falsehoods against the four and filed a defamation claim for damages.

9. A Kazakh buyer filed a claim against a Russian seller to recover an advance payment for goods delivered, with damages and interest.

10. If the supplementary performance fails, you have the choice to reduce the purchase price (abatement), or to cancel the contract (cancelation) and claim for damages.

11. What Are Compensatory Damages? Compensatory damages are money awarded to a plaintiff to compensate for damages, injury, or another incurred loss. Compensatory damages are awarded in civil court

12. 21 The statute referred to relatives having a claim for damages when a person died from injuries sustained because of a negligent act.

13. 22 The distinction is important because breach of a condition gives the other party the right to repudiate the contract and claim damages.

14. The present claim for damages must therefore be rejected in that it is based on the alleged unlawfulness vitiating the rejection decision.

15. Counterclaim is, according to the Journey Through Justice website: A claim presented by the defendant in a civil case alleging that the plaintiff owes damages to the defendant.

16. There was a case where a householder escaped a claim for civil damages after he had stabbed an intruder with a bayonet!

17. It is absolutely true that the theory of Real Right Act damages the seller 's interest and the fairness of trade by transforming the seller' s claim for ownership into claim for illegal profit.

18. 26 There was a case where a householder escaped a claim for civil damages after he had stabbed an intruder with a bayonet!

19. The damages to Explorer are catastrophic.

20. In case of damages, a claim Accrues, by definition in the statute of limitations, at the time that the wrong upon which the claim is based was done, regardless of the time when damage results

21. 9 For financial claim guaranteed by chattel mortgage, the paper, based on essence of hypothec specific nature, points out the damages should be excluded.

22. If payment has not been made by the stated deadline we are entitled to claim damages over and above the statutory interest for late payment (arts. 247, 288 par.

23. Bitstream or the gnome foundation be liable for any claim, damages or other liability, including any general, special, indirect, incidental, or consequential damages, whether in an action of contract, tort or otherwise, arising from, out of the use or inability to use the font

24. The trio seeks $ 25 million in damages, plus unspecified punitive damages.

25. They intend to sue for damages.

26. 81 Therefore, it is appropriate to uphold the claim for damages and to order ACER to pay the applicant damages, assessed on equitable principles, of EUR 7 000, without prejudice to the measures which ACER will be required to take in consequence of the annulment of the non-renewal decision.

27. Any delay usually makes it possible for the customer to rescind the contract of sale or claim damages (if the goods have to be purchased elsewhere at a higher price).

28. Abridgment of damages means the right of a court to reduce the damages in certain cases

29. To Assess damages is to ascertain what damages are due to the plaintiff; in actions founded on writings, in many cases after interlocutory judgment, the prothonotary is directed to Assess the damages; in cases sounding in tort the damages are frequently Assessed on a writ of inquiry by the

30. 25 If he fails to take such measures, the party in Breach may claim a reduction in the damages in the amount by which the loss should have been mitigated.

31. The court adjudged legal damages to her.

32. Action for damages

33. The author appealed, claiming damages for lost opportunities, aggravated distress and punitive damages

34. This damages coronary arteries and contributes to CAD.

35. Punitive damages are designed to punish and deter misconduct.

36. The action for damages

37. He was awarded punitive damages .

38. The plaintiff was awarded damages.

39. 2.6 The author appealed, claiming damages for lost opportunities, aggravated distress and punitive damages.

40. A civil Complaint initiates a civil lawsuit by setting forth for the court a claim for relief from damages caused, or wrongful conduct engaged in, by the defendant

41. Dismisses the action for damages

42. Action for annulment and damages

43. How Noise Damages Our Hearing

44. The court awarded heavy damages.

45. If they prevail, they are entitled to compensatory damages.

46. He was entitled to recover damages from the defendants.

47. He was ordered to pay damages totalling £30 000.

48. You can take civil action for noise nuisance at common law by seeking either an injunction to restrain the defendant from continuing the nuisance and / or by issuing a claim for damages or loss .

49. Smoking seriously damages your health.

50. Liquidated damages (also referred to as liquidated and Ascertained damages) are damages whose amount the parties designate during the formation of a contract for the injured party to collect as compensation upon a specific breach (e.g., late performance).

51. Whereas article # calculates damages concretely by reference to the price in a substitute transaction, article # calculates damages abstractly by reference to the current market price

52. Have damage control report all damages.

53. The jury awarded punitive damages .

54. The judge awarded exemplary damages.

55. Employees’ Consents for the filing of a refund claim prior to filing the claim in order for the claim to be valid

56. The court upheld a jury award of USD # in actual damages and USD # in punitive damages

57. Violators have to take all responsibilities and indemnify for damages.

58. If action is taken against us for compensation under manufacturer's liability according to § 823 BGB (claim founded in tort), our liability above and beyond these provisions shall be limited to the damages paid by our liability insurer.

59. He received damages for personal injury.

60. Action for annulment and for damages

61. Pornography damages marriages and families by

62. A Creditor wishing to proceed with action against the debtor or the debtor's property in a case in which the stay is in effect must get permission from the court by obtaining relief from the automatic stay or face a potential claim for damages, including costs and attorney's fees, and, in appropriate circumstances, punitive damages.

63. Adopter to adopt (claim legal ownership of a child) to adopt (claim ownership of a child) to adopt (claim a mannerism or style of someone else's)

64. The damages are designed to Compensate victims for their direct losses.

65. Crushed to death: boy's parents say they may sue for damages.

66. I want to claim you.

67. To claim it by force.

68. The action for damages is rejected.

69. The government was required to pay damages and legal fees to the 17.

70. The court will assess the damages.

71. Substantial damages were paid in recompense.

72. The number of Battues per year and the area of crop damages caused by wild boar were significantly negatively correlated, demonstrating battue efficiency to decrease damages.

73. Republicans also have long sought to limit damages in malpractice suits.

74. The purchaser may wish to accept repudiation and sue for damages.

75. Damages recoverable under article 75 are reduced if it is established that the aggrieved party failed to mitigate these damages as provided in article 77.

76. [59] Certain of the applicants brought supplementary actions in the High Court for damages for distress and aggravated damages.

77. Maintain claim register and proper contemporaneous claim records.

78. He was awarded damages of £40 000.

79. Damages may be awarded for emotional injury.

80. Damages may be awarded to a complainant on complaint to the county court.