Use "city gate" in a sentence

1. And do not crush the lowly man in the city gate,+

2. 12 I am the talk of those sitting in the city gate,

3. At the city gate, Hodson ordered the three princes to get off the cart.

4. And they are crushed at the city gate,+ with no one to save them.

5. Puerta del Campo, a former City Gate in Valladolid, Castile and León, Spain

6. A team of people confabulation wears and say from guard the weakest of western city gate city.

7. So he said: “Put them in two heaps at the entrance of the city gate until morning.”

8. 5 And at dark when the city gate was about to be closed, the men went out.

9. 4: You arrive at the Koppelpoort, the city gate of Amersfoort that was erected in the 14th century.

10. Now people are everywhere and the open space before the city gate is the scene of considerable activity.

11. During this festival the veil of the goddess Athena was carried along this road from the Procession House (next to the city gate) to the Acropolis.

12. Jehu piled their heads in two great heaps at Jezreel’s city gate, after which he struck down other leading men and priests involved in Ahab’s apostate reign. —2 Kings 10:6-11.

13. 24 All those going out by the gate of his city listened to Haʹmor and to his son Sheʹchem, and all the males got circumcised, all those going out of the city gate.

14. It was provided with a door which turned on a hinge, and could be opened with a sort of key; the city gate was on a larger scale, and seems to have been double.

15. (Genesis 23:7-18) And Boaz asked ten elders of Bethlehem to sit at the city gate while, in their presence, he made arrangements for Ruth and her deceased husband’s inheritance, in compliance with the law regarding levirate marriage.

16. With his exceptional strength, Samson was able to tear apart a lion; armed with the jawbone of an ass he struck down a thousand enemies and he tore off the city gate of Gaza, carrying it up a mountain. —Judges 14:5–16:3.

17. 10 I am also acquiring Ruth the Moʹab·i·tess, the wife of Mahʹlon, as a wife to restore the name of the dead man to his inheritance,+ so that the name of the dead man will not be cut off from among his brothers and from the city gate of his home.