Use "church of england" in a sentence

1. Church of England parishes and Benefices

2. I am a vicar in the Church of England.

3. 2 The Queen is titular head of the Church of England.

4. -- George Joye Confuteth, Winchesters false articles., Church of England -- Apologetic works

5. Anglicanism developed in England, and the Church of England is still the

6. • Commination is an office in the liturgy of the Church of England • An office in the liturgy of the Church of England, used on Ash Wednesday • (in the Church of England) a penitential office read on Ash Wednesday in which God's anger and judgments are proclaimed against sinners

7. LibriVox recording of Clergymen Of The Church Of England by Anthony Trollope

8. A closed discussion group for Churchwardens in Church of England churches in England

9. 16 Not long ago, the Church of England voted to ordain women priests.

10. Commemoration Commemorations are a type of religious observance in the Church of England

11. The Archbishops of Canterbury and York wrote in The Spectator about the Church of England

12. Definition Anglican refers to the Church of England and its related branches throughout the world

13. Commination - prayers proclaiming God's anger against sinners; read in the Church of England on Ash Wednesday

14. Despite widespread agnosticism, however, the Church of England continues its established role as the State religion.

15. 23 In a few hours time, the Church of England will enthrone its first black Archbishop.

16. A company sponsored by the Church of England founded the planned settlement of Christchurch in 1850

17. What are Anglicans? Anglicanism is the catholic (meaning 'universal') faith as expressed through the Church of England

18. The Church of England likes to buy Advowsons so that it can better control appointments to benefices.

19. 134 rows  · From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia The Archdeacons in the Church of England are …

20. 6 He is expected to be enthroned early next year as the spiritual leader of the Church of England.

21. We are a Benefice of four Church of England churches in the villages of Uffington, Baulking, Woolstone and Shellingford

22. Information, resources, reflections by the Archdeacon of Exeter in the Diocese of Exeter part of the Church of England

23. 134 rows  · The Archdeacons in the Church of England are senior Anglican clergy who serve under …

24. A member of the Church of England or one of the Churches in full communion with it Explanation of Anglicanly

25. Advowsons are the right of appointing a parson in the Church of England to a parish or other church benefice

26. Anglicanism is most commonly identified with the established Church of England, but Anglican churches exist in most parts of the world

27. French: ·priest bearing the responsibility of a parish· a vicar (Church of England)··past participle of Curer

28. A Church of England Rector has attended the DRAMA several times, and . . . has brought many of his friends to witness it.

29. William was raised in the Church of England; when he was six, his father was appointed the parish clerk and village schoolmaster.

30. The Church of England is presided over by two Archbishops: the archbishop of Canterbury, who is ‘primate of All England’, and the …

31. Frequently the clergyman would be standing upon an old cask, arrayed in full Canonicals, as a divine of the Church of England.

32. At the time of the 1966 census almost 4 million Australians indicated that they were Anglicans or adherents to the Church of England.

33. The Archbishops of Canterbury and York have apologised over a statement issued by Church of England bishops last week which declared that only …

34. The Church of England, or Anglican Church, is the primary state church in England, where the concepts of church and state are linked

35. King Edward VIII Abdicated the throne in 1936 so that he could marry Wallis Simpson, an American divorcee (something the Church of England forbade)

36. Anglican definition is - of or relating to the established episcopal Church of England and churches of similar faith and order in communion with it.

37. Bury is the seat of the Diocese of St EdmundsBury and Ipswich of the Church of England, with the episcopal see at St EdmundsBury Cathedral.

38. • Commination (noun) The noun Commination has 2 senses: 1. prayers proclaiming God's anger against sinners; read in the Church of England on Ash Wednesday 2

39. Anglicanism - Anglicanism - Developments in worldwide Anglicanism: From the time of the Reformation, the Church of England expanded, following the routes of British exploration and colonization

40. Banns are necessary only if the marriage is to take place in the Church of England other than by religious licence or a superintendent registrar's certificate

41. 4 [1] ) that forbade Conventicles , defined as religious assemblies of more than five people other than an immediate family, outside the auspices of the Church of England .

42. / ˈæŋ.ɡlɪ.kən / relating to the Church of England, or an international Church connected with it: Desmond Tutu became the most famous Anglican archbishop in South Africa

43. Anglicanism is a denomination within Christianity.It is made up of the Church of England and the Anglican Communion (a group of Anglican churches from many other countries)

44. He was a devout Anglo-Catholic and a determined opponent of the Public Worship Regulation Act 1874 which sought to suppress Ritualism in the Church of England.

45. / ˈæŋ.ɡlɪ.kən / relating to the Church of England, or an international Church connected with it: Desmond Tutu became the most famous Anglican archbishop in South Africa

46. The concept of Auras was first popularized by Charles Webster Leadbeater, a former priest of the Church of England and a member of the mystic Theosophical Society

47. The Anglican Church was founded in 1534 by King Henry VIII's Act of Supremacy, which pronounced the Church of England independent of the Catholic Church in Rome

48. The Convocations of Canterbury and York are the synodical assemblies of the bishops and clergy of each of the two provinces which comprise the Church of England

49. In Anglicanism: A Reformed Catholic Tradition, Gerald Bray argues that some theological trajectories are more faithful than others to the nature and history of the Church of England

50. The Collar By George Herbert About this Poet Nestled in the age of Shakespeare and Milton is the literary stalwart George Herbert, poet and Church of England clergyman

51. Anglicanism is a tradition within Christianity comprising the Church of England and churches which are historically tied to it or have similar beliefs, worship practices and church structures

52. Anglicanism is a tradition within Christianity comprising the Church of England and churches which are historically tied to it or have similar beliefs, worship practices and church structures.

53. Anglicanism or Episcopalianism is the general form of doctrine, worship and structure based on the tradition of the Church of England, which extends beyond membership in the Anglican Communion

54. • Colonies in North America were established for religious reasons because different groups were being persecuted (mistreated) in England because they didn't want to belong to the Church of England

55. Benin Bronzes to be returned by Church of EnglandBy Muhaimin OlowoporokuThe Church of England has promised to return two Benin Bronzes to Nigeria as the row over repatriation of African treasures

56. Or Admonitioners Certain Puritans who in 1571 sent an admonition to the Parliament condemning everything in the Church of England which was not in accordance with the doctrines and practices of Geneva

57. The NRSV Popular Text Edition is an entirely new setting using the New Revised Standard Version Anglicized Edition, the Bible translation recommended for use in the Church of England and other churches

58. A proposal to replace the legal requirement of the reading of Banns before church weddings with a civil process has been put forward at the Church of England synod.The law requiring marriage Banns

59. Or Admonitioners Certain Puritans who in 1571 sent an admonition> to the Parliament condemning everything in the Church of England which was not in accordance with the doctrines and practices of Geneva

60. Anglicanism is loosely organized in the Anglican Communion, a worldwide family of religious bodies that represents the offspring of the Church of England and recognizes the archbishop of Canterbury as its nominal head

61. The Anglican Church of Canada established its own separate organization in 1893 (though it was known as the Church of England in Canada until 1959), as did the Anglican Church of Australia in 1962

62. (Latin curatus, from cura, care) Literally, one who has the cure (care) or charge of souls, in which sense it is yet used by the Church of England, "All Bishops and Curates"

63. She wrote under the pen name Ellis Bell.Charlotte Bronte (1816-55), Emily (1818-48) and Anne (1820-49) were daughters of the Reverend Patrick Bronte, a Church of England clergyman born in Northern Ireland.

64. The Act imposed a fine on any person who attended a Conventicle (any religious assembly other than the Church of England) of five shillings for the first offence and ten shillings for a second offence.

65. Whilst the formularies of the Church of England do not contain prayers with direct petitions to the Saints, many Anglicans in the Anglo-Catholic tradition will use 'ora pro nobis' type prayers to the Saints

66. The term Anglicanism includes those who have accepted the English Reformation as embodied in the Church of England or in the offshoot Churches in other countries that have followed closely to its doctrines and its

67. The act or an instance of threatening punishment or vengeance Church of England a recital of prayers, including a list of God's judgments against sinners, in the office for Ash Wednesday Derived forms of commination Comminatory …

68. When famous people died and those in public life were expected to attend their funerals, Faraday was a notable absentee, his conscience not allowing him to attend and become involved in a Church of England service.

69. ‘Cranham has had many clergymen, and, at last, one Clergywoman.’ ‘As a Clergywoman I confront many hard issues.’ ‘A deaconess is about to become the first Church of England Clergywoman to marry a divorced man.’ ‘When a Clergywoman preaches from a …

70. The Church of England has always taken pride in its "Comprehensiveness" - a British tolerance for theological diversity dating to Queen Elizabeth I, who combined element of Catholicism and Protestant ism to form a "bridge" between the two traditions.

71. What the album Aqualung is about is how organized religion, specifically the "bloody Church of England" as Ian put it, reflects on our society and alienates people that society doesn't want, thus making those in religious power their own gods

72. It forms part of a World Heritage Site.It is the cathedral of the Archbishop of Canterbury, currently Justin Welby, leader of the Church of England and symbolic leader of the worldwide Anglican Communion.Its formal title is the Cathedral and Metropolitical Church of Christ at Canterbury.

73. There are in the Church of England more than 13,000 benefices; of these, in or about 1878, private persons held the Advowsons of some 7,000, and bishops, of only about 2,324, the remainder being divided among deans and chapters, the universities, and parochial clergy.

74. There are in the Church of England more than 13,000 benefices; of these, in or about 1878, private persons held the Advowsons of some 7,000, and bishops, of only about 2,324, the remainder being divided among deans and chapters, the universities, and parochial clergy.

75. The Archdeacons in the Diocese of Portsmouth are senior ecclesiastical officers in the Church of England in south-east Hampshire and the Isle of Wight.They currently include: the archdeacon of The Meon, the archdeacon of the Isle of Wight and the archdeacon of Portsdown

76. The Act of Supremacy in 1534 declared that the King was "the only Supreme Head on Earth of the Church of England" and the Treasons Act 1534 made it high treason, punishable by death, to refuse the Oath of Supremacy acknowledging the King as such.

77. There are in the Church of England more than 13,000 benefices; of these, in or about 1878, private persons held the Advowsons of some 7,000, and bishops, of only about 2,324, the remainder being divided among deans and chapters, the universities, and parochial clergy.

78. Martin Bucer.unto the church of England for the restitution of Christ s Religion, and his Answer unto the two railing epistles of Steven, Bishop of Winchester, concerning the unmarried state of priests and Cloisterers,' (1549) and 'The Courtier of Count Baldessar Castilio, divided into four books' (1561).

79. The Archdeacons in the Diocese of Chelmsford are senior ecclesiastical officers in the Church of England in Essex and East London.They currently include: the Archdeacon of West Ham, the Archdeacon of Colchester and the Archdeacons of Chelmsford, of Harlow, of Barking, of Stansted and of Southend

80. Hurt was born on 22 January 1940 in Chesterfield, Derbyshire, the son of Phyllis (née Massey; 1907–1975), an engineer and one-time actress, and Arnold Herbert Hurt (1904–1999), a mathematician who became a Church of England clergyman and served as vicar of Holy Trinity Church, Shirebrook, Derbyshire.