Use "christianity" in a sentence

1. Christianity & Judaism; Compare Christianity and Judaism

2. Cultural Christianity vs. Convictional Christianity Print PDF Dr

3. R/Christianity: /r/Christianity is a subreddit to discuss Christianity and aspects of Christian life

4. They believe in Christianity.

5. The Christianity we profess today is the Christianity of Christ and His Apostles

6. Christendom definition is - christianity

7. Video playlists about Christianity

8. Christianity: Celebrations and Festivals

9. 1 synonym for Christendom: Christianity

10. Christianity in Action—Amid Turmoil

11. Caesarea and Early Christianity In the third century, Caesarea was a major hub for Christianity

12. She was converted to Christianity.

13. Comforter Christianity The Holy Spirit

14. B13 The Spread of Christianity

15. World Christianity: Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow.

16. They were initiated into Christianity.

17. John has converted to Christianity.

18. Antitheist efforts to denigrate Christianity hide the flaws of atheism while excoriating the flaws of Christianity

19. Christianism ("Christianity"), Etc

20. Explore Christianity in Greater Boston

21. Bacchanalism, Christianity, the Confusist, and Carnival

22. Introduction to Section 14 —Christianity Spreads

23. He converted from Christianity to Islam.

24. European missionaries converted thousands to Christianity.

25. He is an apostate from Christianity.

26. In "The Absoluteness of Christianity" all religions are evolving towards, and ultimately culminate in Christianity

27. Priests converted many people to Christianity.

28. In 1950, he converted to Christianity.

29. 98 Christianity Spreads to Many Nations

30. The cross is symbolic of Christianity.

31. Bacchanalism, Christianity, the Confusist, and Carnival

32. Insinuate christianity into a person's mind.

33. He converted to Christianity that day.

34. Hence, the cross never represented true Christianity.

35. It represents a triumph of a world-denying, body-denying form of Christianity, an anti-rational form of Christianity, an Aristotelian-form of Christianity rather than a neo-Platonic form of Christianity, essentially Asundering the realm of theology from the realm of reason.

36. The establishment and spread of Christianity Acts

37. Their conversion to Christianity was only nominal.

38. Charismatic Christianity, which is otherwise known as Spirit-filled Christianity, is a belief system believed by several different denominations of Christianity including Pentecostalism, the overall Charismatic Movement, and the Neo-Charismatic movement.

39. His parents converted to Christianity in 1966.

40. Constantine the Great—A Champion of Christianity?

41. The cross is the symbol of Christianity.

42. Christianity preaches that sinners can be forgiven.

43. Christianity has divided into three major branches

44. 3: Why Evolution Is Incompatible With Christianity

45. The Nordic Cross design traditionally represents Christianity.

46. He rejected Christianity and became a Buddhist.

47. Christianity Today provides thoughtful, biblical perspectives on theology, church, ministry, and culture on the official site of Christianity Today Magazine.

48. Other articles where Apophatic theology is discussed: Christianity: Eastern Christianity: …and hence on the “Apophatic” or “negative” approach to God

49. Condescension (religion), a theological principle in Christianity

50. Baptism, a sacrament of admission to Christianity

51. Do you think Orozco believed in Christianity?

52. They have also seen Christianity in action.

53. Christianity is alive and well in Asia.

54. Cursillos in Christianity (in Spanish: Cursillos de Cristiandad, short course of Christianity) is an apostolic movement of the Roman Catholic Church.

55. It helped Christianity emerge as a separate faith

56. Christendom’s wars show her Christianity to be false

57. 13 Their conversion to Christianity was only nominal.

58. The Changing Face of “Christianity” —Acceptable to God?

59. Their interpretation of Christianity is narrow and limiting.

60. 18 He rejected Christianity and became a Buddhist.

61. Christianity - Christianity - The history of Christianity: Christianity began as a movement within Judaism at a period when the Jews had long been dominated culturally and politically by foreign powers and had found in their religion (rather than in their politics or cultural achievements) the linchpin of their community

62. I’ll go so far as to say that if you want to purge Crusading from Christianity, you’ll need to abandon Christianity.

63. True Christianity, then, was never completely stamped out.

64. The predominant religion in Oceania is Christianity (73%).

65. Bible, the sacred scriptures of Judaism and Christianity

66. Christianity A proponent of the doctrine of Antinomianism

67. How did Christianity become mixed with polytheistic beliefs?

68. Much like Julian the Apostate of the Roman Empire, Sanharib disliked Christianity and tried to persuade his son Behnam to reject Christianity.

69. Circumcision Christianity A feast observed on January 1

70. Therefore, an Apologist defends Christianity as well as

71. So love is the key to real Christianity.

72. She renounced Islam for / in favour of Christianity.

73. Charismatic Christianity (also known as Spirit-filled Christianity by its supporters) is a form of Christianity that emphasizes the work of the Holy Spirit, spiritual gifts, and modern-day miracles as an everyday part of a believer's life

74. Calvinism is a set of beliefs in Protestant Christianity

75. The respitere Beatificus charm has roots in early Christianity

76. They also converted to Christianity, and Winton was baptised.

77. Buddhism from India, Christianity from Palestine, Islam from Arabia.

78. The work of monks was crucial in spreading Christianity.

79. Richard Land, president of Southern Evangelical Seminary, says there is a significant difference between "cultural Christianity" and "Convictional Christianity."

80. Mere ‘Christianity’: How Social Justice Is Corrupting the Faith